god of reasoning

Chapter 16 "Corpse Finder"

Chapter 16 "The Corpse Man" ([-])
Akun's city is located in the north, and the river will freeze in winter. At that time, his business will enter the "off-season". The proportion is not very large, and Akun has been busy for a year, so he just took advantage of this winter to rest.

In the blink of an eye, it is the new year again, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and the river water that has been frozen for a year has finally thawed.Akun looked at the sprouting branches outside the window and greeted the new peak season with a smile.We must drown more talents this year. When I first had this idea, Akun was still condemning himself in his heart, but now he is used to it.

One early morning when the weather just got warmer, the doorbell that had been silent for a whole winter finally rang. Akun opened the door, and there was a middle-aged man with a big beard standing outside, with a sad face. No need to ask, he must be the family member of the deceased.

Sure enough, the man said, "Brother, you are what they call a 'corpse hunter'."

Akun nodded.Through inquiry, it was learned that the ten-year-old son with a beard accidentally fell into an ice hole when he was playing with an ice cart on the river half a month ago, because the weather was still cold at that time, and it was impossible to salvage the body.Now, after finally waiting for the ice on the river to thaw, he hurried to ask Akun for help.

Akun looked outside and said, "Brother, it's not that I don't want to help, but the river has just thawed and it's terribly cold inside. I'm going to help you pick up the dead bodies at this time. I guess I can only add life to the 'Death River'." " Akun said so, but he was quite sure about this 'business' in his heart, because he had practiced winter swimming repeatedly because of his professional needs.But the previous year's work experience allowed him to fully grasp the psychology of the family members of the deceased. The reason why he said this was to create difficulties and raise prices.

Sure enough, the bearded man said as he expected: "Big brother, just do me this favor. I know it's hard for you in such a cold day, but our family is just such a single seedling..." Speaking of this, this The burly man actually started crying, "Don't worry, I won't treat you badly." As he spoke, he took out a thick wad of money from his pocket and stuffed it into Akun's pocket. Kun visually estimated that there were about [-]. He secretly smiled in his heart, and then pretended to evade a few times.

When he and the bearded man came to the 'Death River', the sun had just risen and there was no one around.He asked where and when the good boy fell, and after deducing the approximate range, he took off his clothes and jumped into the water.

The river water in early spring was still very cold, but it was nothing to Akun. After working for the past year, the river was like his own home to him, and the environment inside had already been familiarized.

Holding his breath, he groped inside a few times, not to mention the corpse, not even a rotten shoe was found, he surfaced dejectedly to take a few breaths, and then dived into the bottom again.Repeated this many times, still the same as before, without any discovery, so he swam back to the shore and asked the bearded man if he remembered the wrong location.

The bearded man looked at the tired Akun, and was very embarrassed: "It's here, it can't be wrong, I will never forget this place for the rest of my life." When he said this, he sighed, and then took out a bottle from nowhere Baijiu, "Is it cold in the water? Drink some wine to warm up your body."

This sentence hit Akun's heart. He didn't feel it in the water just now, but when he rested on the shore, he felt that winter was not far away. The cold air made him tremble a little, so he took the bottle and "gudongdong" After a few swigs, I warmed up and jumped into the river again.

Akun swam a few more times at the bottom of the river, but still found nothing. Just as he was about to float up to take a breath, he felt numbness in his hands and feet, which was a sign of cramps. But his hands and feet couldn't be controlled, and then his vision gradually blurred, and finally he couldn't move his whole body.

"You rely on the corpses to make money from the dead, and sooner or later you will be punished!" Before he lost consciousness, the old man's curse kept echoing in his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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