god of reasoning

Chapter 17 "The Corpse Man" [End]

Chapter 17 "The Corpse Man" ([-]) [End]
"'Corpse Man' dies in 'Death River'", the next day, such a news spread all over the headlines of newspapers in this city.

Akun died, but his body was never found.For a long time, people in the streets and alleys have been talking about this matter, and there are different opinions about the cause of death. Some people said, "Walk by the river often, how can your shoes not get wet", and they already knew that he had such a day.It is also said that he made money from the dead by fishing for corpses, and sooner or later he will have this retribution.What's more, it is said that every drowned person is a sacrifice to the god of the river. Akun repeatedly snatched the sacrifice from the god of death and offended the god of death. let him come back.

Akun's body was never found, and his relatives who came from his hometown offered a huge reward for someone to salvage his body, but no one was willing to accept this 'business'.The "corpse hunters" who relied on picking up corpses for food all drowned in the "Death River", who would dare to go down the river again.The bounty went up and up again and again, and finally rose to [-].There must be a brave man under the reward, and finally someone stood up and was willing to take this 'business'.

This is a burly middle-aged man with a shaved head. Everyone has never seen him before, and he seems to be from another place.On the day he went down the river, the river was full of people, and everyone wanted to see if he could find Akun's body.

'Baldhead', like Akun back then, confirmed the location, then calculated the flow rate of the water and the time of Akun's drowning, figured out the approximate range, and then jumped into the water.Minutes passed, and everyone on the shore held their breath, waiting for the result. The 'bald head' really lived up to expectations. After diving into the bottom of the river several times, he finally fished out Akun's body.

The body of the drowned 'Corpse Man' was fished out, and the water quality must be much better than that of the 'Corpse Man'.Now, the reputation of 'bald head' has suddenly risen, and it has a tendency to surpass that of Akun.

People are always forgetful, even though this 'river of death' has claimed many lives, there are still children playing every month, and drunken adults drown in it, and the bodies are still never found as usual.So the family members of the deceased came to the 'bald head' for help. He was a straightforward person who responded to every request.

In this way, the 'bald head' replaced Akun and became the new 'corpse hunter'.And because of the episode where the former "corpse hunter" drowned in the river, the "labor fee" for picking up the corpse has also increased several times compared to before.

In the blink of an eye, it was winter again, the river froze, and the work of the "corpse hunter" came to an end. 'Baldhead' was sitting on the rocking chair at home, drinking peanuts and listening to storytelling on the radio, enjoying the holiday leisurely.

On a cabinet not far behind him, there are two photos, one of which is yellowed, and it is a photo of him and a middle-aged woman. The woman looks familiar, yes, it seems The old man who asked Akun to help him salvage his daughter's body was a distant cousin of 'Baldhead'.The other photo is a solo photo taken a year ago, when he didn't shaved his head and had a beard that covered half of his face.

There is a bottle of white wine in the corner of the cabinet. This is the bottle that Akun drank back then. Only he knows what is in it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a smile.

[use up]
(End of this chapter)

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