god of reasoning

Chapter 18 "Unparalleled Love"

Chapter 18 "Unparalleled Love" (Prologue)

The sky outside the window was getting darker, and the wind blowing in through the dense woods was full of the smell of a storm.

At this time, Chen Wangjie finally had to admit that he shouldn't have ventured into such a precipitous forest. Outside was endless grass and towering trees, under the oppression of darkness, like the stomach of a beast, always ready to digest himself.

"Hey, I'm really stupid enough. I planned to use my rest day to explore here, but I got lost instead." He seemed to be talking to himself.

"It's none of your business. I know you want to take me out to relax. It's all because I accidentally broke my leg and dragged you down. Otherwise, we might have returned home by now." A wooden bed behind him slanted Lying down was a young girl who seemed to be sick, and comforted Chen Wangjie in a very weak tone.

"By the way, DUDU, you idiot, why are you still lost? Isn't your nose very good?" At this point, Chen Wangjie gave the dog named 'DUDU' lying beside his feet a hard look. .

DUDU whimpered a few times when he saw his master reprimanding it.

"Don't vent your anger on it. DUDU is a dog that grew up in the city, but not a trained police dog. Why didn't he get lost when he came here for the first time?" The weak girl argued for DUDU who couldn't speak.

"It's a good thing we have this cabin, otherwise we would be in trouble." Chen Wangjie turned around and wiped his wet hair with a towel and said, "This looks like a forest watcher's cabin, but it seems that no one has lived in it for a long time .”

A wooden bed, a wooden table with drawers, and a wooden chair, these are all the belongings in the house, all of which are covered with a thick layer of dust.

The sky outside was getting darker and darker. Chen Wangjie looked at his watch and then at the pouring rain outside the window, "Sa Sa, it's almost six o'clock. It seems that we have to spend the night here tonight."

After waiting for a long time, but did not hear the girl's response, Chen Wangjie turned around and found that she had fallen asleep at some point.He walked over, took out a camping blanket from the travel bag, and gently covered her body, then took out another blanket, folded it a few times, and put it under her head as a pillow.

The hair that was not completely dry hung down on the girl's cheeks, and Chen Wangjie gently brushed it away for her, only then did she feel that her forehead was scalding hot.He quickly woke up the girl named Sa Sa.

"What's wrong? Did I fall asleep?" Sa Sa asked weakly.

"Your head is so hot, don't you feel it?" Chen Wangjie asked with concern.

"I'm not too sure, I just feel dizzy and have no energy in my whole body." Sa Sa replied weakly.

"Let me see your legs..." Chen Wangjie rolled up Sa Sa's trouser legs as he spoke.The wound that was simply bandaged with a handkerchief had already been soaked in blood. He raised his head to look at Sa Sa's pale face, stretched out his hand and touched her forehead again, and found that it was even hotter than before.

"It must be because you lost too much blood, coupled with the sudden rain, that's why you have a high fever." Chen Wangjie said as he tore off the sleeves of his jacket, re-bandaged the wound on Sa Sa's leg, and then started packing in the travel bag again. After looking for the medicine, he raised his head in disappointment after a while.This trip was originally intended to be an adventure, and I didn't bring any medicine at all.

"By the way, let's see if there is anything useful here." After speaking, Chen Wangjie opened the drawer of the wooden table and began to rummage through it.But there was nothing in it except some old newspapers.

"Huh? What's this?" Suddenly, a distinctive color in the newspaper caught his attention. He opened other old newspapers and turned that thing out, "Yeah! It's a map!"

Hearing Chen Wangjie's cheers, Sa Sa reluctantly opened his eyes.

"Look, this is the map of this forest and its surroundings. With this we can go out." Chen Wangjie spread the map on the table excitedly, inspected it carefully, and raised his head after a while, "I didn't expect this forest to be so big, and the house we are in is almost in the center of the forest."

Not long after, Chen Wangjie closed the map, came to the bed, sat next to Sa Sa, and gently stroked her hair, "I've identified it carefully just now, and you can get to the nearest place by walking east from this room." As for the distance, I calculated it according to the scale, and it is about ten kilometers away. If you walk, you can get there in about three hours."

This time, Sa Sa didn't even have the strength to open her eyes.

Chen Wangjie looked at Sasha, his eyes became moist unconsciously, and he couldn't waste any more time, "You have a good rest here first, I'll go out to find a doctor now." Chen Wangjie answered while packing his clothes road.

"No, it's so dark outside, and it's raining heavily, we'd better wait until tomorrow morning."

"Looking at your appearance, it is estimated that the condition will be more serious tomorrow morning. I don't know how long it will take to get out of the forest with you behind my back. Why don't you go out and find someone to help you now. You rest for a while, and I will be back in a few hours."

Sa Sa knew Chen Wangjie's temper, and knew that it was useless to say anything now, so she had to tell him, "Well, be careful on the road."

"Don't worry, I will definitely bring the doctor back to save you. By the way..." Speaking of this, Chen Wangjie glanced at DUDU who was curled up on the ground and snoozing, "I left DUDU here, with him to accompany, You won't be afraid anymore."

Hearing his master calling his name, DUDU opened his eyes, stood up, and wagged his tail at Chen Wangjie.

Chen Wangjie walked to the bed, leaned down, and kissed Sa Sa lightly on the forehead, "I'll be back soon, don't worry." Then he turned around and said to DUDU, "Protect Sa Sa well, do you hear me? ?”

DUDU seemed to understand, and shook his tail.

Chen Wangjie checked his belongings again, picked up the map from the table, folded it carefully and put it in his pocket, then put on his raincoat.After packing everything up, he walked out the door.

"Be careful on the road." Sa Sa looked at Chen Wangjie's receding back and said to herself.Then he waved to DUDU lying on the ground.

DUDU seemed to understand what the hostess meant, jumped onto the wooden bed with a 'swish' sound, and curled up beside Sa Sa.Sa Sa gently hugged DUDU, and soon fell asleep with the pain in her leg.


I don't know how long it took, Sa Sa was awakened by the sound of water droplets, not the sound of rain outside, but the sound of water droplets falling on the wooden floor of the house.

She forced herself to open her eyes, just as a flash of lightning flashed outside the house, and she vaguely saw a person standing in front of her in the flash, "Are you back? Chen Wangjie?" She asked weakly.

But the other party didn't answer her, but slowly raised his right hand. Only then did Sa Sa see clearly that the man was actually holding a sharp knife in his hand, which shone dazzlingly cold under the electric light.

"What are you doing?! Don't...ah!!"

A scream resounded through the night sky, but was immediately buried by the sound of chaotic rain.

(End of this chapter)

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