god of reasoning

Chapter 21 "Unparalleled Love"

Chapter 21 "Unparalleled Love" ([-])
The rustling sound is getting closer...

Lin Yun had already stuck to my back at some point, holding my arm tightly with both hands.Although I also felt very scared, but with a beautiful woman by my side, I can't be too timid, so I had to muster up my courage, clenched my fists, and was ready to face any unexpected situation at any time.

Finally, the knee-high weeds in front of us gradually parted, and a black shadow appeared in front of our eyes.

"DUDU!" Chen Wangjie yelled at the other party, and the latter jumped on him with a 'whoosh'.

"It turned out to be a dog. It scared me to death." As I spoke, I turned my head to look at Lin Yun.Like me, she also let out a sigh of relief. Only then did she realize that she was actually hugging me, so she quickly let go of her hand and hid aside.It was dark at night, and I wondered if her face was red.

"DUDU, why don't you obediently stay beside Sa Sa? Hey... what's in your mouth?" After a brief intimacy with DUDU, Chen Wangjie realized that DUDU was holding something in his mouth.

Hearing Chen Wangjie's words, I also looked at DUDU, the night was very dark, and through the mottled moonlight cast from the gaps in the towering trees, I saw that DUDU seemed to be holding a plastic bag in his mouth.Strictly speaking, it is a long strip wrapped in plastic.

Chen Wangjie took out the object from DUDU's mouth, and the moment he touched the object, I found his expression changed.Immediately afterwards, he quickly opened the layers of plastic packaging until the contents inside were revealed.

"Ah!" The moment we saw this thing, the three of us couldn't help shouting at the same time. What was wrapped in the plastic bag turned out to be a blood-stained human hand, a slender woman's hand.

"Sa Sa..." When Chen Wangjie saw the hand, he couldn't help but let out a sad cry, and then ran like crazy to the depths of the dense forest.

Although our physical strength was a bit exhausted, Lin Yun and I still followed closely behind.

In this way, one person was in front, followed by two people and a dog, running wildly in the forest.I don't know how long it took before a wooden house appeared in front of me.

From afar, I saw plastic-wrapped objects of different sizes piled up in front of the house. Occasionally, blood dripped from the gaps in the plastic, and it had gathered into a large area on the ground, staining the ground in front of the wooden house red. .

Chen Wangjie frantically opened several plastic packages, which were filled with mutilated human bodies, until he opened a round package, revealing a head with messy hair inside, and he finally collapsed.Holding the head tightly to his chest with both hands, he sat on the ground in pain.

Although I have seen countless similar scenes in mystery novels, and I have written about the plot of dismembering corpses many times in my novels, seeing such scenes in real life still makes me very stimulated.There were waves of tumbling in my stomach. I resisted several times to prevent the sticky substance from bursting out, but in the end I failed. I leaned on a tree and vomited wildly.

After a while, the contents of my stomach were finally emptied, and I supported the tree and stood up.The vomiting, combined with the exhaustion of running around, made me feel dizzy and shaky.

At this time, a hand was just right to support me from the side, I turned my head, it was Lin Yun. "Hey, I originally planned to be a hero to save the beauty, but now it's a beauty who saves the bear." I teased secretly in my heart.

Although Lin Yun's complexion is also ugly, it is obviously much better than mine. Presumably, she has touched dead bodies or taken anatomy classes in medical school, so she is calmer than me when faced with such a nauseating scene .As for Chen Wangjie, he was still sitting there, holding the head and muttering.

I walked over unsteadily, patted Chen Wangjie on the back to comfort him, and signaled him to cheer up.Lin Yun took out a mobile phone from the medical box, and after changing directions several times, she finally received the signal and quickly called the police.Afterwards, I have always admired Lin Yun on this point. From carrying my mobile phone before departure (I completely forgot about this because I was in a hurry with Chen Wangjie), to calmly choosing to report the case when I encountered a case, everything I admire all of them.In comparison, I, a reasoning writer who has written countless murder cases and thinks he is experienced in many battles, is so immature.

After nearly four hours, the police finally arrived.During this period, Chen Wangjie didn't say a word, and Lin Yun and I took turns trying to comfort him, but it didn't work.He didn't speak until the police came to take the interview notes.

Because the inquiries were conducted separately, I don't know how Lin Yun and the others described the whole incident. I just told the truth about what I experienced.When I mentioned that I was a writer of mystery novels, the police officer in charge of the record just said "oh", and didn't admire me as much as I imagined, and asked me to express my views and opinions on this case, which made me feel uncomfortable. I am disappointed.

After the police inspected the scene and finished the interview notes, it was already broad daylight.The three of us, Lin Yun and Chen Wangjie, followed the police force back to the town.

After returning to the town, the police signaled that Lin Yun and I could go home first.As for Chen Wangjie, since he was the family member of the deceased, he still needed to make further inquiries and deal with some matters, so he returned to the urban area with the police convoy.

Back at my home at the end of the small town, I felt a strong sense of fatigue. It is now close to noon. I haven’t eaten anything since midnight last night, and I haven’t had much rest. In addition to vomiting and exhaustion from the long journey, Frail as hell.I fell on the bed and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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