god of reasoning

Chapter 20 "Unparalleled Love"

Chapter 20 "Unparalleled Love" ([-])
"Doctor Lin, I'm sorry to trouble you to come out in the rain at such a late hour." On the way to the depths of the forest, Chen Wangjie kept apologizing to the young female doctor beside him.

It was past nine o'clock at night when we arrived at the clinic.The clinic is not big, and there is only one doctor in it—a young woman who has just graduated from university.When she learned that she was going to go to the forest behind the town to treat patients in the rain, and the other two men were strangers, it really made her hesitate for a long time.Simply because we didn't look like a treacherous person, she finally believed us and agreed to go to the forest with us to save people.

"You're welcome. I think any doctor would do the same." Dr. Lin spoke very gently, "Also, you don't have to call the chief doctor short. I'm about the same age as you, so you just Call me by my name, my name is Lin Yun."

"Well, Doctor Lin, no, Lin Yun..." I suddenly changed my words, and I was still a little uncomfortable, "I've always wondered why you're the only doctor in this town?"

"There are no doctors in this town. People in the town have to go to the city hospital sixty miles away if they get sick. It doesn't matter if they have ordinary illnesses. They can stay up until dawn or find a car overnight. But If there is a sudden illness, once the best time for treatment is missed due to the distance, the consequences may be unimaginable." While Lin Yun answered my question with the patient tone unique to a doctor, her feet did not slow down at all, as before. Following in the footsteps of Chen Wangjie, "I grew up here since I was a child, and I have seen too many tragedies caused by untimely treatment, so after graduating from university, I came back here to open this small clinic. "

"Oh..." Compared with the living conditions in big cities, the living conditions here are far worse.Except for people like me who need to find the best creative environment, few young people are willing to give up the superior living conditions in the city and return to this simple town.At this time, I suddenly had an indescribable affection for this unfamiliar young woman in front of me.

The rain has stopped at some point, which is great for us, and it will be more convenient to catch the road.But the night was as dark as ever, and soon I found myself a little lost.Indeed, I have just come to this town for less than a month, and it is the first time I have entered this forest.

I looked up at the two people walking in front. Chen Wangjie was still like a frightened beast, constantly pushing aside the grass and trees blocking the way and sprinting forward.And Lin Yun quietly followed behind him, but raised her head from time to time to look around, it seemed that she also encountered the same predicament as me.

"Wait a minute..."

Hearing my voice, the two stopped.

"Are we going in the right direction?" I confirmed to the two of them, Lin Yun looked up at me and didn't make a sound.

"There should be nothing wrong. On the way to find you, I checked the map repeatedly because I was afraid of going in the wrong direction, so I am familiar with this road, trust me." After finishing speaking, Chen Wangjie turned around and started on his way again.

There is no way, now I have to trust his memory, after all, it is his girlfriend who needs to be saved, and he is more anxious than us.So Lin Yun and I followed him silently.

"I'm a little tired, let's take a rest." After walking for a while, Lin Yun said to Chen Wangjie in front.Indeed, I have been on the road for more than two hours before I knew it, and I was still in the muddy forest. I am used to being pampered at home and my physical fitness has almost reached its limit. Lin Yun's suggestion can be regarded as a great help to me.

"Okay." Chen Wangjie replied, and then sat down on the ground.I could see that although Chen Wangjie was still very anxious, worried about his girlfriend's condition.But apparently, the nearly four-hour journey from calling for help to returning home did exhaust his physical energy to the point of collapse.

We sat there quietly, no one spoke.The rain had already stopped, and the occasional gusts of cold wind blowing into the woods swayed the leaves above our heads, and the accumulated water on the leaves fell on us like a trick.

After about 5 minutes like this, Chen Wangjie stood up and signaled that we should hurry.So we started to continue walking into the depths of the forest.

Just like that, Chen Wangjie hurried ahead, while Lin Yun and I followed behind him.When we are tired from walking, we stop and rest for a while.Just stop and go like this, the pointer of the watch shows that it is already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Suddenly, Chen Wangjie, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly, and Lin Yun and I, who were walking side by side, felt very puzzled. I was about to ask what was going on, when I suddenly heard "russling" from the grass in front of me. the sound of.

This is completely different from the sound of wind blowing grass, as if someone is walking.

In such a night, in the depths of such a dense forest, who would there be?Just a breeze passed by, and I felt chills all over my body.

(End of this chapter)

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