god of reasoning

Chapter 26 "Unparalleled Love"

Chapter 26 "Unparalleled Love" ([-])
"After learning about Sa Sa's condition and how long she would not live, I tried my best to help her fulfill her wish, but Prague and the Himalayas are too far away from us. Maybe I can write a mystery novel of my own. It is still possible, but because of the limited time and we have no writing experience, it is difficult to guarantee that we can complete the work we are satisfied with in time. After much deliberation, we can only create an impossible crime with ourselves as the party involved.
The beginning of the whole thing is just like what I told you, we went to explore the primeval forest together, Sa Sa fell and got injured, until we went to the forest watcher's hut to take shelter from the rain, all this is true.The only discrepancy from my description is that we did not get lost, to be precise, I did not get lost. Before that, I have brought DUDU here countless times alone, the purpose is to familiarize myself and DUDU with the environment here.

Then I pretended to tell Sasha that I was going to find rescue, left the wooden house, and sneaked back after she was asleep.In fact, I stood in front of Sasha's bed for a long time, hesitating whether to make a move, after all, this is the person I love deeply.But looking at Sa Sa's thinning face, I finally decided to fulfill our last wish with my own actions.

After killing Sa Sa, I carefully covered her wound with a towel to prevent blood from spilling out, then wrapped her in a raincoat, and went out with her body on my back.

It takes about three hours from the wooden house to the nearest small town. I have come here several times to familiarize myself with the terrain. After trial and error, I found that if the road is correct and there is no deviation from the beginning to the end, it will take more than two hours. can be reached.I didn't stop on purpose along the way. I stopped only when I felt tired from walking. I dismembered the corpse while resting. After dismembering a few pieces of the corpse, I got up and hurried on my way again after I had almost rested.Then take the fragments of the body to DUDU and bring them back to the cabin.I have trained DUDU many times before to ensure that it can fully understand my orders and successfully complete the tasks I give it.

To prevent blood trails along the way, I wrapped pieces of the body in plastic bags.And because of the heavy rain at that time, even if a small amount of blood flowed on the road, it would be washed away by the rain soon, and the saliva left on the bag by DUDU when carrying the body fragments would also be washed away.This just-right heavy rain was actually the first help God gave me to realize my wish.

In this way, I dismembered the body as I walked, and as the body was dismembered smaller and smaller, my burden was reduced, and the journey became faster and faster.Finally, when they were approaching Town Y, the body was completely dismembered, and the time showed that it was only nine o'clock, and everything was as planned.I dug a pit at the edge of the forest, and buried the dismemberment, murder weapon, and other evidence against me in it. Under the washing of the heavy rain, no trace could be seen.

Immediately afterwards, I met you and Lin Yun.When I learned that you are a writer of mystery novels, I realized that you are actually the second help God gave me to realize my wish.

Then I took you and Lin Yun to the place where the incident happened. Although I was very anxious along the way, I deliberately took you a long way, in order to prevent you from discovering some clues about the dismemberment of my body along the way.At the same time, it is also for you to prove that it really takes three hours to rush from Town Y to the scene of the crime.

When we were about to arrive at the scene of the crime, DUDU, who had been waiting there, came to us with the last task I gave it - Sa Sa's right hand.In your opinion, DUDU found out that the hostess was killed and came to report to us.In fact, it came to claim credit and ask for rewards after completing all the tasks I assigned to it.

Although the dog knows the way very well and has a keen sense of smell, can it still find me by smell in such a rainy weather?And will you get lost because of visibility problems?I can't even guarantee it.But fortunately, all the plans went very smoothly. The core of this 'remote body dismemberment' - DUDU did not have any omissions, and perfectly completed the task I assigned to it. I think this is the last help God gave me. .

The shock and sadness I felt when I saw the rustling corpses piled up in front of me were actually real. Even though I was the culprit of the whole incident, I still couldn't restrain my emotions when faced with the fragmented lover. "

Because the front of the wooden house is not the scene of dismemberment, there must be very little blood left on the ground, which will definitely arouse the suspicion of the police.I frantically opened the plastic bags wrapping the dead bodies one by one to let the blood remaining in them flow to the ground. Although the blood remaining in those bags was small, it was enough to stain the ground red, and because it was raining at the time of the incident. It was raining heavily, so it was normal for the blood to be diluted by the rain, so the police should be able to be fooled.

What's more, when I opened the package, some bloodstains would inadvertently stick to my body. In this way, the bloodstains that accidentally stuck to my body when dismembering the body could be covered up.

The last thing to explain is that, in fact, if the corpse is broken down into about ten pieces, DUDU can bring them back to the wooden house, but I am still paranoid about breaking it down into 21 pieces, because of the homonym of "I love you to death".Because of my waywardness, I undoubtedly added more workload to DUDU, and I went back and forth between me and the wooden house about [-] times. It was a huge test for its physical strength, but it finally lived up to my expectations for it. Completed the task satisfactorily. "

What happened turned out to be like this. Thinking of this, I looked up at DUDU who was still playing excitedly with Lin Yun in the distance.Hey, this cute dog is actually the most important part of this case, why didn't I think of this sooner.But then again, even if I thought of it, so what?Whether it is the detective in the novel or in reality, it is the same. They can only restore the scene and find the murderer after the case occurs, but cannot effectively prevent the crime from happening.

There was another page at the end of the letter, and it didn't matter to me what was written, because what I wanted to know most was already clear.But nevertheless, I turned to the last page of the letter.

"After Sasha learned of her illness, she told me repeatedly that if she died, I must live a strong and happy life, just like what ROSE promised to JACK in the movie "Titanic", and I promised her.

But after she died, I couldn't be like Rose at all. Whether I was awake or asleep, all I could see in my mind were the shadows of rustling.More importantly, I can't forget that Sa Sa was killed by my own hands.

After much consideration, I decided to go to another world to accompany her, and I believe she will be able to forgive me for breaking my promise.Now in this world, the only thing I can't let go of is DUDU. He is a docile and obedient dog. I always regard him as my best friend.So I take the liberty to give it to you, because I know you are a good person and will definitely help me take care of it. I thank you in advance.

Well, I'm going to tell Sa Sa that the trick we racked our brains and finally fooled those stupid policemen. Although we are not as great as Shimada Shoji, we succeeded after all.

Also, in another world, Sasha and I will also try to write mystery novels, so please continue to work hard here, don’t be compared to us, or when you come to our world in the future, we will To despise you Yo.Pooh!Pooh!How can I say such crow-mouthed words, I am really embarrassed, haha.

I don't need to say much, otherwise Sasha will go far away, and I might not be able to catch up with her.

Farewell, my friend! "

After reading the last line of the letter, the word "friend" has been lingering in my mind for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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