god of reasoning

Chapter 27 "When the Willow Tree Sprouts, I Miss You!" "

Chapter 27 "When the Willow Tree Sprouts, I Miss You!" "(two)
It was a boring afternoon in the third year of high school. The teacher's routine class was boring, so I sneaked out of the classroom secretly (actually swaggeringly).

A person came to the street and wandered aimlessly. Suddenly, a wisp of white appeared in my field of vision.That was the first time I met her and I will never forget this scene.

Long curly hair, big eyes, a long white sweater that covers her buttocks just right, a pair of skinny jeans set off her exquisite curves, and the white boots on her feet make her legs look more slender .

To be honest, there are not many beauties in our school, and there are not a few of them who are fashionable or even revealing, but those who can match such chic with simple clothes are rare. What is more important is her temperament, noble, elegant, and I also I don't know how to describe it.At this time, I regretted that I didn't study hard when I was in Chinese class, which made my adjectives so poor.

I just stared blankly like this, and didn't wake up until the other party disappeared from my sight, so I hurriedly followed.The wisp of white was like a cloud fluttering and stopping, and finally walked into a house by the road.

I looked up and looked at the signboard, it was an Internet cafe.My friends like to go to this kind of place, but I have never been interested.But it's different this time, because now there's something in it that appeals to me.So I stepped in too.

I have been to Internet cafes with my friends a few times before, and I have the impression that the environment inside is similar.As soon as I was inside, I started searching around for that wisp of white.Soon, I found her in front of a computer near the corner.I glanced at the number where she was sitting, then went to the bar and fired up a computer adjacent to hers.

Although I have been to the Internet cafe a few times before, I always play games and watch movies with my friends.So I sat there and didn't know what to do. I was at a loss and saw a music logo on the computer desktop, so I clicked on it, chose a few songs at random, and listened to them with my headset.

I leaned back on the soft seat and squinted at her beside me.She was concentrating on chatting there, and didn't notice that I was observing her at all, so I began to appreciate the scenery around me even more unscrupulously.

I don't know how long it took, she finally felt that I was looking at her, and turned her head to meet my eyes.When I usually cause trouble with my friends, I have never been afraid of anything, but now I feel very embarrassed, and I quickly turned my head to the other side.

After a long time, I turned my head to look at her again with the courage, only to find that she had gone, and I felt very disappointed.At this time, I suddenly found a black thing under her seat. I lowered my head and looked carefully. It was a wallet.

She must have dropped it, and now I finally had an excuse, quickly picked up my wallet, and ran out of the Internet cafe in a hurry.

"Hey, hey! Wait a minute, you lost your wallet." As soon as I got out of the Internet cafe, I saw the wisp of white that was about to disappear at the corner of the street, and I quickly shouted and chased after it.

She was obviously taken aback when she saw me chasing me with claws and teeth, but she quickly understood when she saw the wallet in my hand.

"Is...is...you...dropped...the wallet?" I asked out of breath.

"Ah? ... Yes, if you hadn't come after me, I wouldn't have known I had lost my wallet. Thank you so much." The other party's voice was as charming as her appearance.

"It's okay, you're welcome..." I stammered.

"Which school are you from?" She noticed that I was wearing a school uniform, "I'll send a letter of commendation to your school."

"No need..." I thought to myself, the teachers would not be interested in this kind of thing.

"That's so embarrassing, I have to thank you anyway..." She raised her head and thought very charmingly, "By the way... I'll invite you to eat ice cream!"

In this way, my story with her began.

(End of this chapter)

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