god of reasoning

Chapter 35 "When the Willow Tree Sprouts, I Miss You!" "

Chapter 35 "When the Willow Tree Sprouts, I Miss You!" "(twelve)

After I finished talking about what happened that day, the elderly policeman pondered for a while, and then asked me: "So, you didn't actually see Liu Shuangshuang that day? You just chatted with her for a while through the bathroom door." sky?"

"That's right." I didn't quite know what he meant by asking, but I nodded anyway.

"Then think about it, is it possible that you misheard, maybe someone else is in the bathroom?"

Now that I finally understood the other party's intentions, I couldn't help being a little angry, but I tried my best to restrain myself: "Impossible, I will never hear Shuang Shuang's voice wrong! She is definitely right!" In desperation, I Involuntarily said the nickname that is only used between me and her.

"Oh, that's right, don't get excited, I'm just asking as usual." The policeman briefly reassured me, and then continued to ask the next question, "Is it possible that you used something like a mobile phone to communicate with you?" What about remote chat?"

This question made my emotions fluctuate again after I had just calmed down. Although I was already very angry, because my testimony will have a crucial impact on Shuangshuang, I still tried my best to restrain my emotions and speak in a calm tone as much as possible. : "That's impossible, not to mention whether the mobile phone can make such a loud voice through the hands-free, and even though we are chatting through the bathroom door, I think you should also know that such a thin door, inside Although people outside can't see what each other is doing, they can still guess what the other is doing through the sound of some movements. For example, during the boring time waiting for her, I once went to the bedside to see Xiao Ming, but both Because I heard my footsteps walking past, she reminded me in the bathroom that Xiao Ming just fell asleep, so don’t bother me. In this case, it means that she can hear me clearly when I’m outside, and the phone may be so good Is it listening effect? ​​I think you read too many mystery novels!"

The other party ignored my ridicule in the last sentence, and said, "Oh, that's right, it's exactly as you said, maybe I'm suspicious. Well, I'm bothering you today, so we're leaving." After all, the elder The policeman summoned his female companion, said goodbye to Shuangshuang, and left.

The scene of Shuangshuang’s ex-husband’s death, that is, his home, is located at the other end of the city, more than two hours’ drive away from Shuangshuang’s home. After chatting with me, he rushed to kill immediately, and it was too late in time.I thought maybe because my testimony helped Shuangshuang provide an alibi, the police never came to her again.

Our lives are back on track.

(End of this chapter)

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