god of reasoning

Chapter 36 "When the Willow Tree Sprouts, I Miss You!" "

Chapter 36 "When the Willow Tree Sprouts, I Miss You!" "(Thirteen)

Looking back now, I realize that I was indeed a little impulsive at the time, and the suspicion of the policeman was not groundless.After years of reading and writing mystery novels, I even questioned the alibi at that time.

As the police said, even if it was indeed Shuangshuang who was chatting with me, it is possible that the other party used some method and tool to chat with me remotely, creating a false alibi for himself.

Regarding the speculation about the use of mobile phones, I had already analyzed it at the time.So Shuangshuang probably used other tools at that time.Now that I think of it, it should be the computer.

At that time, Shuangshuang’s family had a very high-end computer, as well as audio, headset, video and other multimedia accessories.So it was very likely that she used these things to create a scene that could give me an illusion.

She first put the computer stereo into the bathroom through the extension cord, and the extension cord may have been placed under the carpet so that it would not attract my attention.Then she patiently waited for my call at home. After I called and said that I would come to return the book, she made an appointment for me to come over at a time that had already been calculated, which was enough for her to rush from her home to her ex-husband. When she was home, she logged into QQ on the computer and turned on the video header.At this point, two possibilities arise.

One: She asked her ex-husband to have a video chat on QQ under the pretext that she had something to do, and in the middle of the chat, she might suggest that there was an important matter to be interviewed, so she had to rush over and tell the ex-husband not to close the video window.In this case, her ex-husband might feel puzzled, and she probably found some excuses to prevaricate, for example, there are always thieves near the house recently, and she wants the other party to help her keep an eye on the situation at home through video.

Two: She prepared a laptop in advance, then logged in to the Internet, used another QQ account to conduct a video chat with QQ on her own computer, and then brought the laptop to her ex-husband’s house while maintaining the chat window.

Whichever method she used, it was the most critical part of the case.

After she came to her ex-husband's house, she killed him by surprise, and then waited for me to come to her house through video.Soon, I came to her house as scheduled. She heard my knock on the door through the video, and then shouted at me from her side. Because the stereo had been moved to the bathroom, it gave me the illusion that she was in the bathroom.As for when she warned me not to disturb Xiao Ming, it was not as I analyzed at the beginning that she heard the sound of me moving in the room in the bathroom, but she did see my actions through the video head.Because the monitor had gone to sleep, I didn't even notice that the video on the computer was on, and I wasn't interested in computer networking at all, so she didn't have to worry about me touching the computer out of curiosity.In this way, she chatted with me via video at the murder scene dozens of kilometers away, creating an alibi for herself.Later, after I had no choice but to leave because she didn't come out of the bathroom, she cleared the chat history on her ex-husband's computer (or her own laptop), and then rushed back to her home.

This should be the way Shuangshuang created the alibi at the time, and it seems very simple now.But because I didn't know anything about computer networks at the time, I couldn't see through her trick at all, and because my admiration for her made me feel that she would not commit crimes, I fell into the trap set by her and helped her create That alibi.

The above conclusions are nothing more than my speculations when I was bored long after the case happened, or it is a kind of improvisation similar to a novel.Because not long after the case happened, the police found the real suspect.

(End of this chapter)

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