god of reasoning

Chapter 40 "When Erinius Met Venus"

Chapter 40 "When Erinius Met Venus" ([-])

"Today is the last one for you to get off work. If I were the manager, I would definitely give you a salary increase..." Facing the grinning approach of the security guard at the gate, Yang Sa just nodded and smiled slightly, and then walked out of the company's gate quickly.

The night in the early spring is still very early, and the sky outside has gradually darkened, and the office building behind it is pitch black, without any light coming out, standing there alone like a huge monster, coming from a distance There were bursts of deep thunder, like the roar of a monster.The storm is coming soon.

When she arrived at the station, she subconsciously looked at her watch, and it was almost seven o'clock.The station was empty, and she was the only one waiting for the train. The gusts of cold wind that predicted the coming rainstorm and the gradually oppressing darkness made her tremble all over.She pulled the collar of her clothes vigorously, looked up with her feet up, hoping that the car would arrive soon so that she could return to her warm home before the storm came.

At this time, a burst of crying came to her ears through the cold wind, which startled her, but the sparse traffic and pedestrians on the road soon made her feel that she was not alone, so she looked in the direction of the sound. I went, and found a small figure curled up in a corner of the station. Because it was in the shadows, I didn't notice it when I first came to the station.

She took a few steps forward, and now she could see clearly that it was a young child who was sitting in a corner with her knees hugged, choking and crying.Yang Sa walked over gently, squatted in front of the child, and asked softly: "What's wrong with you, kid? Why are you still not home so late?"

The child raised his head slightly, looked at Yang Sa vigilantly, and after looking at her several times and found that she didn't look like a bad person, he answered intermittently with sobs: "My mother and I... came out to play... lost... looking for her." I can't get home..." After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and began to cry.

"Don't worry, kid, do you know where your family lives? Can Auntie take you back?"

"Wuuu...I don't know...Mom said...this piece of paper..." As he spoke, the child stood up and pointed to his chest.Only then did Yang Sa realize that there was something similar to a chest card hanging around the child's neck, and there was a small piece of paper inside. She reached out and took out the piece of paper.

This is all the content on the piece of paper. It turned out to be an identity card. In order to prevent the child from getting lost, many parents have recently brought such a thing to their children.

Now that you have the address, it’s easy to handle. Peony Street is not far from here, and you can walk there in about 15 minutes. Yang Sa lowered her head and asked, "I know your address. Auntie will take you home, okay?"

The child nodded.So Yang Sa leaned over, picked up the child, and walked towards Peony Street.The child seemed to be malnourished and very thin, so she didn't find it difficult to hold her up. She sang to the child while walking, and soon the child calmed down and stopped crying.

After a while, I came to Peony Street. While walking, I asked her and found Building No. 9, Qiangwei Lane. 1-9-1 should be No. [-] on the ninth floor of Unit [-].As soon as he stepped into the opening of the first unit, a sense of oppression hit his face. At this moment, the sky outside was completely conquered by darkness, and the stairs were as dark as the outside.

Yang Sa stomped her feet vigorously, and the sensor lights in the corridor lit up immediately, and a dim yellow immediately enveloped the surrounding area.For some reason, the sleeping child lying on her shoulder was also awakened, staring around and looking around.

"We'll be home soon, don't be afraid...is it here?" Yang Sa asked the slightly panicked child softly, and the child nodded slightly.Then she walked quickly up the stairs.Sending the child home as soon as possible, and then trying to get back to her home before it rains, is her only idea now.

When she reached the ninth floor, she was already out of breath, and the evil effect of curling up in the office to work and staying away from sports was finally clearly manifested.She put the child down gently and took a few deep breaths.After my breathing became a little more stable, I came to the door of Room 1 and knocked on the door lightly a few times.After waiting for a while, there was no response.Only then did she notice that there was a red button on the upper right of the black security door, which was the doorbell.So she stretched out her finger again and gently pressed down on the red round button.

"Beep——" With this ear-piercing sound, a tingling feeling spread from his fingers all over his body, and Yang Sa felt his eyes go dark, and he passed out on the ground.

At the same time that Yang Sa fell to the ground, the door of Room 1 slowly opened...

(End of this chapter)

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