god of reasoning

Chapter 41 "When Erinius Met Venus"

Chapter 41 "When Erinius Met Venus" ([-])
Shen Zuitian hit Enter heavily on the keyboard, then stood up from the chair lightly, and stretched long.The promised feature for Ladies' Friend magazine was finally completed.He looked back at the wall clock on the wall, it was almost ten o'clock at night.

With the melodious chime of the wall clock, the joy of finishing the manuscript just now was gradually replaced by a sense of hunger.Because he was busy with the manuscript, he only ate a box of instant noodles at noon, he must have a good meal now, he opened the door of the refrigerator while thinking, it was empty, just like his stomach at the moment.After fighting behind closed doors for several days, the refrigerator has already run out of ammunition and food.

It's better to go outside to have something to eat. He lifted a corner of the curtain and looked outside. He didn't know when it started to rain heavily outside. It was still sunny at noon and there was no sign of a storm coming. The current weather is really Unpredictable.

The feeling of hunger has gradually weakened after a series of disappointing blows, he habitually returned to the computer again, a small card next to the mouse caught his attention, which he found in the mailbox three days ago, A promotional card about the size of a business card, printed on it:

Hurry up, the online supermarket opens at E o'clock, and there is no need to go to the supermarket in the rain.

Door-to-door delivery within the outer ring line, cash on delivery.

A 24-hour supermarket.

Quick E point convenient E point affordable E point

"Online supermarket", he repeated the name in his heart, "No need to go to the supermarket in the rain", it really fits his current situation.He gently flipped the card over, and the shopping process and contact information were printed on the back. You can leave a message on the message board of the website to order or order by phone.It would be more convenient to order by phone. Thinking of this, he picked up the phone and dialed the number according to the number printed on it.After a while, the phone was connected.

"Hello, is this the online supermarket of Kuai E Store? I want to order something...Well, please remember, a bottle of XX brand red wine, 2 XX brand sausages, a box of XX brand instant noodles, and a XX brand Cigarettes are right, there is also toilet paper, any brand is fine..." Asking the other party to deliver the goods in the heavy rain, he must order as many as possible, otherwise he will be too sorry. Finally, he left his name and address.

The other party said that it would be delivered in about 20 minutes. Shen Zuitian lit a cigarette, leaned back on the back of the chair, let his tired body relax as much as possible, closed his eyes slightly, and wanted to take advantage of this short time to take a break.

Just when he was in this half-sleeping state, a slow knock on the door hit his eardrum directly through the frozen air. The sound was not loud, but it seemed so ear-piercing for some reason.Shen Zuitian was obviously taken aback. He stood up hastily, walked towards the door, and casually glanced at the wall clock on the wall. The hour hand was pointing to 10:25.

"Who..." came to the door, Shen Zuitian asked vigilantly.

"Hurry up and deliver the goods from the online supermarket, may I ask if this is Mr. Shen's house?" The people with two big plastic bags were standing in front of the door, and they looked like they should be delivering food.So he pulled the lock and opened the door.

"It's really fast, it really fits your slogan, it's faster, it's more convenient..." Shen Zuitian greeted the other party with a smile, "Is it raining a lot outside? I'm really bothering you. How much is the total? I'm going to get you some money..."

The person outside the door also raised his head, smiled back at Shen Zuitian, and then replied in a cold tone that was not in harmony with his smile: "You don't need to pay, just keep your life!"

Shen Zuitian didn't seem to hear the other person's words clearly, and was a little stunned for a while, and when he saw the other person's appearance clearly through the faint sensor light in the corridor, the expression on his face immediately became stiff, "Why are you! You... What are you doing here? ?!"

"Doing door-to-door service, I'll take your dog's life!" At some point, the plastic bag in the other party's hand has been replaced by a metal baseball bat. The stick glows blue under the weak light, which is a bit dazzling.Immediately afterwards, the baseball bat drew a blue arc in the air and hit Shen Zuitian directly on the forehead.

"Don't!" Shen Zuitian yelled and wanted to dodge, but the opponent's movements were too sudden and too fast.The baseball bat hit him hard on the head.His body shook a few times, and then fell to the ground with a 'plop'.

However, the opponent didn't stop there, and continued to swing the baseball bat at the fallen Shen Zuitian again and again, until Shen Zuitian's entire body was surrounded by blood dripping from his bloody head.He squatted down to confirm that Shen Zuician was dead, and then looked around to make sure that there was no evidence against him before turning around and walking down the stairs.

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps gradually going away, the wall clock on the wall in the house made a clear and pleasant half hour chime.

Outside, it was still pouring rain.

(End of this chapter)

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