god of reasoning

Chapter 81 "Shards of Love"

Chapter 81 "Pieces of Love" ([-])

"What did you say? Another single woman was killed?! Oh... oh... ok, we'll be right there!" After a brief communication with the other party, Yuan Zhu hung up the phone heavily.

"Another single woman was murdered?" Lin Yun, the female detective across the table, asked Yuan Zhui.

"That's right! The murder of a single woman three months ago has no clue yet, and it's enough to make people feel dizzy. But this time there's another case of mutilation!"

"Broken corpse?" Lin Yun was shocked when she heard the word.

"Okay, let's hurry to the scene." After speaking, Yuan Zhui stood up and walked out of the office of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Public Security Bureau of S City, followed by Lin Yun.

After 10 minutes, two people came to the scene of the crime.This is a shanty town on the outskirts of the city.The murder happened in a simple house at the end of an alley.

Although it was almost midnight, there were still many spectators gathered at the door of the murder scene, including one or two people with cameras hanging around their necks. The police from the district police station who had arrived at the scene in advance were maintaining order.

"I didn't expect these reporters to come so quickly." Yuan Zhui frowned as he looked at the scene in front of him.

"Yeah, when we see the newspaper tomorrow morning, our boss's face is probably going to look like Mr. Bao again."

The boss that Lin Yun mentioned was Deputy Chief Shen, who was in charge of criminal affairs at the Public Security Bureau of S City.Because three single women were killed in a row a few months ago, the city government and the media have put a lot of pressure on the city bureau, but the case still hasn't made a breakthrough.Just when people were about to forget this case, this more serious corpse case happened again.

"Hey, leave him alone, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge." Yuan Zhui separated from the crowd and entered the house where the murder occurred.

Seeing the scene in the room, the veteran policeman with 12 years of criminal police experience couldn't help but look sideways.Indeed, this scene is too bloody and terrifying—there is a large pool of blood on the floor in the middle of the house, and fragments of amputated corpses of various sizes are randomly thrown in it, including heads, torsos and limbs. .

(End of this chapter)

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