god of reasoning

Chapter 82 "Shards of Love"

Chapter 82 "Pieces of Love" ([-])
Town M is a small town with a population of less than 1.The round-trip train from city D to city S stops at this platform for 5 minutes every day at [-]:[-] am and [-]:[-] pm.

It happened to be ten o'clock in the morning when Yuan Zhui and Lin Yun arrived here. According to the address left in the interrogation record, the two of them searched and inquired and finally arrived at the deceased's home.

The mother of the deceased was not surprised when she saw Yuan Zhui and the others coming, she seemed to have known that they would come.After a few polite words with her, the two began to ask about the life experience and relationship of the deceased.

Because she has been widowed for many years, the old lady has always been very strong. During the entire interrogation process, she did not cry out in compassion like the family members of other murder cases.

As for her daughter, she is a filial and frugal girl at home, just like what is said in school. Because of poor family conditions, she is much worse than other students in terms of food and clothing at school, but the child never lets go. In my heart, I just concentrate on studying, and go out to work when I have free time, so every time I take the exam, I still rank No.1 in the department.Speaking of this, Yuan Zhui clearly felt that the old man was very pleased to have such a sensible daughter.

Unknowingly, they chatted into the evening, and the old man insisted on keeping Yuan Zhui and the others at home for dinner.Although the kindness was hard to come by, the two of them rejected the old man's warm invitation on the grounds that they had to catch the five o'clock train back to S city.Hearing what they said, the old man stopped trying to keep him.

Before leaving, the old man took out a diary and handed it to Yuan Zhui, saying that it was found in his daughter's belongings, which might be helpful to the case.

On the journey back to City S by train, Yuan Zhui took out the diary of the deceased, hoping to find some clues from it.

Like other diaries, it basically records the mood and things encountered on a certain day of the month and so on.It is also mixed with some of the deceased's nostalgia for the dead father, as well as gratitude for the hard work that brought them up to the mother.

From the diary, I learned that the mother of the deceased was originally from a certain city in the south. Later, because of suicide, she was still a high school student and went to the town of M to go to the mountains and the countryside.It was at this time that he met the father of the deceased, and the two fell in love. After * ended, her mother did not return to her hometown, but stayed in M ​​Town and married her father, and lived there for nearly 30 years.

Seeing this, Yuan Zhui understood why the deceased's mother had a completely different personality and style of conversation from other country old ladies.It is written in the diary that her parents had no children after they got married, and they did not conceive her until the seventh year after marriage. Naturally, they love her more when they are old, but unfortunately, when she was three years old, her father died in a car accident. Since then her mother has been raising her by herself.These are in full agreement with the results of previous investigations.

Before he knew it, the train arrived at the station, and he had only read half of the diary. Yuan Zhui wanted to find something to use as a bookmark, but found that there was a ticket at the back of the diary, which was the ticket for the train from M town to S city that he took. .It seems that the deceased's mother picked up her daughter's belongings after returning home yesterday, and used them as bookmarks.

As soon as he returned to the bureau, Yuan Zhui asked other colleagues about the progress of the case, but the result was not optimistic.

After a tiring day, Yuan Zhui asked Lin Yun to go home and rest first.Then go back to the office alone.From this case to the present, he has not been home for three days. Fortunately, he is not married and has no girlfriend, so he has nothing to worry about.

When he came back, he ate something on the train, and dinner was basically settled, so he made a cup of hot tea, leaned back on the chair and continued to read the diary of the deceased.

The second half of the diary started to tell about the school life. Yuan Zhui really hoped to find clues from it, and found people who had a close relationship with the deceased or who had a relationship with the deceased, so as to open a breakthrough for the detection work, but the result let him down. , with nothing of value in it.

Time passed by, and the effect of the tea was not enough to maintain the tired nerves, Yuan Zhu finally fell into a drowsy sleep.

"Wow... boom..."

After an unknown amount of time, Yuan Zhua was awakened from a deep sleep by a sound.He checked his watch habitually, it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and it was raining heavily outside the window at some point, and the window opened and closed under the gust of wind, making harsh noises.

The diary on the desktop was flipped wildly by the wind, and the ticket inside was blown to the ground like an autumn leaf.Yuan Zhui lowered his body and picked up the ticket, and was suddenly stunned by the number on it.

No, how could it be this day?All of a sudden Yuan Zhu couldn't react.

(End of this chapter)

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