Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 102 Zhang Xiu's Counterattack

Chapter 102 Zhang Xiu's Counterattack
The southernmost part of Yanzhou, close to Jingzhou, is where Cao Cao's Yanzhou army is stationed.

Cao Cao got the news immediately after Lu Bu made a move, but he sighed helplessly.

Xi Zhicai sat aside and kept coughing. His condition was very bad, but it was much better than before.

Due to the influence of Han Wu, some historical trends have begun to shift, and Cao Cao has also recruited a famous doctor under his command!
Although Xi Zhicai's illness is relatively serious, under the hands of this famous doctor, he gradually regained his vitality.

After Xi Zhicai heard Cao Cao's sigh, he took a deep breath and said softly, "Master, Lu Bu won't make any big moves, you can rest assured."

"As long as Lu Bu dares to leave Pengcheng, Yuan Shu from Yangzhou will definitely not miss this opportunity. He has already arrived in Xuzhou."

As soon as Xi Zhi finished speaking, he coughed twice, but now he smiled.

His illness has improved a lot, and he even feels that he has escaped his mortal fate.

Cao Cao frowned when he heard Xi Zhicai's words, and said, "Zhicai, do you think Yuan Shu from Yangzhou will take advantage of the emptiness in Yanzhou to sneak attack on my rear?"

Seeing Xi Zhicai relieved a lot, Cao Cao asked him a question.

In fact, Cao Cao already had the answer in his heart.

Cao Cao is also an extremely smart person, his personal strategy is actually not inferior to Cheng Yu and others.

It's just that Cao Cao likes to ask others about things, especially Xi Zhicai.

With the unanimous approval of Xi Zhicai, Cao Cao can rest assured that his plan is appropriate.

If Xi Zhicai disagrees with his plan or needs to improve, then Cao Cao will ask other counselors before making a decision.

Xi Zhicai also knew Cao Cao's character very well, so he said, "My lord, Lu Bu won't make any big moves, at least not within the next two years."

"You have also received news from the front line. As I expected, this news should be related to Han Jizhou and Han Bingzhou."

As soon as Xi Zhicai finished speaking, Cao Cao clapped his hands. He admired Xi Zhicai's insight.

He hadn't read the news on the bamboo slips yet, and Xi Zhicai was able to guess what he was thinking just by observing the words and expressions.

However, Cao Cao also knew that Xi Zhi was able to guess this, and it was actually not too difficult.

At present, there are only two people in the world who can check and balance Cao Cao, that is, Yangzhou Yuan Shu and Ji Bing Han Wu.

Even Sun Jian, the Jiangdong tiger, is not to be feared, because no matter how brave he is, it is difficult to fight from the Jiangdong area!

Qingzhou Yuan Shao is not worth mentioning, he has lost his base, and now it is very difficult to develop.

Cao Cao showed a deep smile, and then said, "Zhicai, you guessed right, it's Han Wu I'm worried about."

"The news is that Han Wu is going to sell [-] Bingzhou war horses to Lu Bu in exchange for grain and grass in Xuzhou."

"Tao Qian is already old, and his judgment ability has already begun to decline. He will definitely let Lu Bu use some of his food."

After Xi Zhicai heard the words of the lord, he sighed faintly, feeling in his heart that Han Wu was witty.

Exchange war horses for food and grass, so that the backward Bingzhou can develop rapidly, and there is no need to worry about future troubles.

Lu Bu is just a brave man, but as long as he is given enough cavalry, he can dominate the situation.

Han Wu controls the lifeline of Lu Bu's cavalry, and at the same time continuously obtains Xuzhou's food and grass resources. Within three years, he can develop and surpass Yanzhou!
After Cao Cao saw Xi Zhicai's expression, he knew that Xi Zhicai was thinking the same thing as himself.

However, for Cao Cao now, he has no time to worry about going to Jizhou and Bingzhou.

Solving all future troubles is his top priority.

Outside the big tent, Xia Houdun and Xia Houyuan walked in like the wind, and saluted Cao Cao with fists cupped.

Xiahou Dun's left eye is still not blind, so it still looks the same.

"Meng De, Zhang Xiu didn't dare to fight again after his first big defeat, and even put up the exemption card!"

"Moreover, I don't accept any generals. It seems that I want to defend Wancheng to the death and fight us to the end."

Xiahou Dun and Cao Cao have a very good relationship. Although Cao Cao is his lord, they still match each other in private.

After Xia Houyuan glanced at Xi Zhicai, he said to Cao Cao: "Brother, why don't you let me take advantage of the darkness of these two days to sneak attack Wancheng!"

"I don't believe that Zhang Xiu can stay in Wancheng forever. Even if he really sticks to it, I will find a way to tear Wancheng apart."

Xia Houyuan hammered his chest, and he confidently asked Cao Cao to fight, promising to win Wancheng.

Cao Cao shook his head.

He is not short of time now, let alone food, because Tao Qian, a good old man, has already brought him food.

The grain and grass from Han Fu's side had not arrived yet, so Cao Cao was not in a hurry, he knew that Han Fu's grain and grass were not easy to get.

With a clever guy like Han Wu, Cao Cao guessed that the food and grass Han Fu sent to "build Luoyang" had already been seized by Zhang He of Wei County.

Moreover, Zhang He must have obeyed Han Wu's order to withhold food and grass, and at the same time forged a reply letter to Han Fu.

After Cao Cao glanced at the topographic map near Wancheng, he said, "Yuan Rang, Miao Cai, let's not be too anxious."

"The current food and grass, if we don't go through a big war, are definitely enough to last for two months."

"We besieged the city for two months, and I don't believe that Zhang Xiu's food and grass can last for two months. Also, Yuan Rang went to visit the nearby villages and asked about the water source in Wancheng."

"Miaocai stationed troops under the city of Wancheng every day. Just cutting off the water source of Wancheng is enough to defeat Zhang Xiu."

Cao Cao squinted his eyes, and he clenched his fists tightly, as if Zhang Xiu was already in his hands.

Xi Zhicai didn't speak.

The current situation is not suitable for any strategy, siege and protracted war is indeed the best way.

"Here!" "The last general takes orders."

After Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan heard the lord's order, they clasped their fists together and walked out of the tent in response.

Cao Cao continued to watch and complete the topographic map nearby, and at the same time sent someone to call his eldest son Cao Ang to give a lecture.

Cao Ang is training soldiers with a group of lieutenants, and he is very friendly, but Cao Cao is not happy.

He really wants his eldest son to be more like himself, able to adapt to any environment, instead of just being a steady and down-to-earth person.

This is also the reason why Cao Cao wanted to take Cao Ang with him on the expedition. He wanted Cao Ang to see the cruelty of war.

Xi Zhicai didn't say much, the next thing was the lord's family affairs, he wanted to avoid danger.

Xi Zhicai stood up, tidied his clothes, and returned to his tent with two guards who were in charge of protecting him.

(End of this chapter)

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