Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 103 Zhang Xiu's Counterattack

Chapter 103 Zhang Xiu's Counterattack
Wancheng Nei

Zhang Xiu was very disturbed. After all, it was very troublesome for Cao Jun to come to the city.

Jia Xu was forcibly called over by Zhang Xiu and refused to let her leave.

Zhang Xiu sat and waited for Jia Xu to give him a plan, and refused to let him go without a plan.

Under Zhang Xiu's command, although Jia Xu has always used his strategies for him, he did not do his best.

Jia Xu is a poisonous man. His resourcefulness may not be inferior to Guo Jia's, but he cherishes his life even more.

Until the point where the knife rests on the neck, Jia Xu will never embroider Zhang with tricks.

Because he didn't dare to provoke Cao Cao.

Zhang Xiu is not a hero, even Jia Xu, who is good at self-protection, has to think about the way out for himself.

But now that Jia Xu saw that Zhang Xiu was so serious, he knew that if he didn't come up with a good strategy, Zhang Xiu would lose his face.

Jia Xu stroked his beard, pretending to be very nervous and serious, as if he was trying his best to think of countermeasures.

Seeing Jia Xu's performance, Zhang Xiu snorted coldly and thought, "I'm afraid this old yin man has already figured out a countermeasure, and now he's just pretending here again!"

Knowing Jia Xu's personality for a long time, Zhang Xiu stared at Jia Xu quietly, while holding his right hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

Jia Xu saw that Zhang Xiu used force to warn him, and he knew that Zhang Xiu could not be provoked now.

Lowering his head slightly, Jia Xu finally said: "The general's [-] troops are defending the city, what do you have to fear?"

"Besides, there is no shortage of food in Wancheng, so it's no problem to resist Cao's army."

"The general only needs to send an envoy to notify Liu Biao, governor of Jingzhou, and tell him to deliver food and grass for us. We can still fight a protracted war."

When Zhang Xiu heard that Jia Xu's countermeasure was to ask him to borrow food from Liu Biao, he immediately attacked the case!

"Jia Xu, you don't want to live! What I want is a countermeasure, what is your countermeasure?"

"Is there any friendship between Liu Biao and me? Could he have lent me food and grass? Moreover, it is obvious that there is no repayment. Do you think he is stupid or I am stupid?"

As soon as Zhang Xiu finished speaking, he drew out the long sword from his waist and pointed it at Jia Xu's face.

Jianmang went straight to Jia Xu's face, he was taken aback by Zhang Xiu's actions!
The next moment, Jia Xu calmed down.

He was very worried just now that Zhang Xiu would deal with him, but now that he saw Zhang Xiu drawing his sword, he was no longer afraid.

Jia Xu did not retreat but advanced, and walked towards Zhang Xiu's long sword, forcing Zhang Xiu to put away the long sword.

When Zhang Xiu saw that Jia Xu had guessed that he would not kill him, but instead walked towards him, Zhang Xiu could only sigh helplessly.

Seeing that Zhang Xiu stopped, Jia Xu continued to explain: "General Zhang, please be safe. I told you to borrow food from Liu Biao, and he will definitely do so."

"You just need to send someone to tell Liu Biao that if he is willing to borrow food, you are willing to guard the three cities of Wanxian, Xinye and Puyang for him."

"If Liu Biao is unwilling to borrow food, tell Liu Biao that you will surrender to Cao Cao and lead the troops south."

After Jia Xu finished his words, he observed Zhang Xiu's expression.

Zhang Xiu calmed down completely, and nodded slightly, thinking that what Jia Xu said was indeed a good strategy.

Jia Xu continued: "The general can't just defend the city. After all, Wan County is not a big city. We need to counterattack Cao Cao."

"Cao Cao's army is huge, but its strengths are often its weaknesses. The bigger the beast, the more it eats. We only need to cut off the food of Cao's army, and that's enough."

"Our side has a lot of food, but Cao Cao runs out of food. If one goes up and down, the other will grow, and Cao's army will retreat."

As soon as the words fell, Jia Xu took a step back. He wanted Zhang Xiu to think for himself.

Zhang Xiu sighed, and after thinking carefully, he replied: "It's easy to fight for a long time, but it's absolutely impossible to run out of food."

"Cao Cao's fierce general Xiahou Dun is not weak in force, and his younger brother Xiahou Yuan is also strong in force. The one who escorted the Cao army's food and grass was the calm Cao army general Yu Jin."

"Combined with Xu Chu, a warrior under Cao Cao's command, I can't cut off Cao's food and grass by myself."

Although Jia Xu's plan was good, Zhang Xiu directly denied it.

Because he didn't have the strength to lead troops out of Wancheng to intercept the grain.

Jia Xu shook his head lightly.

He saw that Zhang Xiu hadn't thought of that person yet, so he could only continue to tell the whole plan.

Jia Xu continued: "General, you and Lu Bu Lu Fengxian used to be colleagues, and your relationship is not bad."

"Now that Lu Bu controls Pengcheng, it happens to be in the rear of Cao Cao. And he has so many Bingzhou wolves under his command, it is easy to cut off Cao's food and grass from Yanzhou."

Before Jia Xu finished speaking, Zhang Xiu beat his chest suddenly, he didn't expect this.

Zhang Xiu was overjoyed immediately: "Mr.'s talent is comparable to the ancient sages! Today I relieve the danger of Wancheng, and another day I will invite the general to have a feast!"

Zhang Xiu was overjoyed, he knew Lu Bu's strength very well, and promised that as long as he made a move, Cao Cao would retreat.

Jia Xu complained helplessly in her heart.

He really didn't want to be an enemy of Cao Cao, because Cao Cao might become his other host.

Seeing that Zhang Xiu didn't pay attention to her anymore, Jia Xu quietly withdrew and returned to her residence by herself.

Zhang Xiu didn't talk to Jia Xu anymore, he knew that Jia Xu didn't want to stay here, so it's okay to leave.

As long as he found a way to deal with Cao Cao, Zhang Xiu would be satisfied, and naturally he didn't dare to ask Jia Xu for anything.

"Come here, send a letter to Liu Biao, the governor of Jingzhou immediately, and the letter will be written according to the words on my bamboo slip."

"The other bamboo slips were sent directly to Pengcheng, Xuzhou at night, and handed over to Lu Bu by hand! You guys have finished this matter, and I will give you a lot of rewards when you come back!"

Zhang Xiu quickly wrote two bamboo slips, one of which was handed over to the clerk under his command but changed the wording, and then sent it to Jingzhou.

One was to be given to the courier, and he was asked to rush to Xuzhou in the starry night to contact Lu Bu in Pengcheng.

Two days later, Lv Bu in Pengcheng was about to send troops to make a deal with Geng Wu, but he received a bamboo slip letter from Wancheng.

After glancing at the bamboo slips, Lu Bu roared and said, "Okay! Wen Yuan, you personally take [-] cavalry to Yanzhou to cut off the food and grass for Cao Cao to attack Wancheng."

"The other soldiers followed me to make the transaction on foot, and directly rode back the two thousand Bingzhou war horses. Gao Shun, you are in charge of confronting the Cao army in Taishan County."

"Others, guard Pengcheng!"

Lu Bu immediately issued a military order.

Although Zhang Liao didn't know what was written on the bamboo slip, he also knew that it should come from Zhang Xiu.

Zhang Liao ordered his troops to set off.

With two thousand cavalry in hand, even if Lu Bu asked him to traverse Yanzhou, he would not be afraid at all.

After all, Cao Cao's main forces are all near Wancheng in Nanyang County, and the interior of Yanzhou is relatively empty.

Even if Lu Bu had no troops to attack Yanzhou, it would be an easy task for Zhang Liao to lead the cavalry to cut off Cao Cao's food and grass.

(End of this chapter)

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