Chapter 104
Xiapisi County
Lu Bu's [-] cavalry troops are marching towards Huai Ling.

This is the gateway to the south of Xiapi.

If Xiapi is the south gate of Xuzhou, then Huai Ling is the south gate of Xiapi.

The [-] Bingzhou wolf riders led by Zhang Liao have joined up with Lu Bu and are heading towards Huai Ling.

Yuan Shu from Yuzhou personally led an army to attack Xiapi. Lu Bu had just obtained two thousand horses, so he wanted to show his skills.

Lu Bu gripped Fang Tian's painted halberd tightly, and shouted to Zhang Liao, "Wen Yuan, I will give you [-] cavalry to cut off Yuan Shu's retreat!"

"I personally lead troops to support Huailing County, let's attack Yuan Jun who attacked Huailing."

Lu Bu directly issued orders to Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao echoed and marched southwest with [-] cavalry.

Now Lu Bu is fully capable of dividing his troops.

Even if 500 Qing soldiers were dispatched, he still controlled [-] Bingzhou wolf cavalry.

It's just in the morning, and Huai Ling City is in an offensive and defensive battle.

The people who attacked the city were Lei Bo and Liu Xun, Yuan Shu's generals.

Lei Bo watched the soldiers under his command continue to die in Huailing city with cold eyes, and he didn't feel anything wrong at all.

War is so cruel.

What's more, as long as you win Huai Ling City, it will be a great achievement.

Liu Xun sighed, and said to Lei Bo: "General Lei, this is the third day we have attacked Huai Ling, but we have been unable to attack for a long time. Do you want to order the withdrawal?"

Liu Xun didn't have the perseverance to fight the enemy general like Lei Bo did, and he felt that the loss now was a bit big.

Lei Bo snorted softly, and said, "Why retreat? Withdraw, are you going to fight the defenders of Huai Ling City?"

"Those are Danyang soldiers, the elite of Xuzhou Mu Taoqian's elite, and fighting them in the field will consume more energy!"

"We can use these recruits and old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers to wear down the elite of the enemy army and make a lot of money."

Lei Bo boasted that his military achievements were higher than Liu Xun's, and he held military power, so he looked down on Liu Xun.

The current Liu Xun is just a brave general under Yuan Shu's command, not the prefect of Lujiang at this time in history.

Liu Xun sighed.

He didn't want to argue with Lei Bo, a rough man, so he just shook his head.

Liu Xun said: "Tao Qian seems to be weak and incompetent, but in fact he is only in his twilight years. The [-] Danyang soldiers in this old guy's hands are not just a joke."

"Thirty thousand Danyang soldiers are even enough to repel Cao Cao's army. Now we are facing Danyang soldiers defending the city, which is very troublesome."

Liu Xun didn't want to attack the city anymore, he always thought that something big would happen today.

But Lei Bo ignored Liu Xun at all, he was in control of the military power to attack Huai Ling City, so naturally he had no fear.

Lei Bo snorted coldly, and said, "It's just Danyang soldiers, our lord's trump card is also Danyang soldiers!"

"He, Tao Qian, is only from Danyang. How many Danyang soldiers can he bring out? These years have already been less than [-]."

"The whole army obeys the order, continue to attack the city, and launch the second wave of offensive in an hour!"

Lei Bo ordered to continue the siege.

He didn't feel at all how difficult it was to conquer Huai Ling City, because his elite hadn't been dispatched yet.

The guard of Huai Ling City is not famous, he is just an honest general.

There are five thousand Danyang elite soldiers guarding Huai Ling City, this is his only confidence, otherwise he would have abandoned the city and fled.

late noon

Lei Bo's army is still attacking the city, but the second wave of offensive has just ended.

Just when Lei Bo was about to continue to order the third wave of offensive, he heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes.

Lei Bo was shocked: "What kind of voice is this? Could it be a cavalry team? There are at least three or four thousand cavalry here!"

"In the Central Plains, apart from the cavalry that Cao Cao just established has so many horses, which other prince has such a force?"

Liu Xun also heard the sound of horseshoes. He was also shocked, but he reacted immediately.

"Ming Jin withdraws troops, stop the siege! Everyone is ready to resist the horse formation!"

Liu Xun ordered immediately.

He attacked Huai Ling this time as Lei Bo's lieutenant general, but he still had the right to mobilize troops.

Lei Bo personally led the elite soldiers to set up a horse-repelling formation. This is an infantry formation that can restrain the cavalry's charge to a certain extent.

But the effect will definitely not be too great, because the cavalry team under the charge can be said to be invincible in land battles.

"Archers get ready, once you see a large number of enemy cavalry, shoot immediately!"

Lei Bo's ability to lead troops is not weak, and he has experienced dozens of battles, he is not a rookie.

The guards of Huai Ling City breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that all Lei Bo's siege forces had withdrawn.

A lieutenant general defending the city said to the general defending the city: "General, the enemy troops are all retreating. Are they going to withdraw?"

The general defending the city did not answer his lieutenant directly, but carefully watched the enemy's actions.

The general defending the city vaguely recognized the infantry formation.

"Listen! It's the sound of horseshoes coming from the northwest. This should be Lu Bu's cavalry in Pengcheng!"

A few seconds later, the deputy general defending the city heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes, and at the same time saw the dust flying in the northwest direction.

The lieutenant general was overjoyed and shouted: "Reinforcements! The reinforcements have arrived! General, shall we go out together and give the enemy a double attack?"

The lieutenant general was overjoyed, and he directly asked the general guarding the city.

But the general guarding the city was very cautious. He shook his head and replied, "Continue to guard Huai Ling City. General Cao Bao's order is not to fall no matter what happens!"

"Whether it is Lu Bu who comes to support or other troops, we will not leave the city and let them fight on their own."

After the deputy general heard what the general said, he immediately ordered to cheer up the soldiers defending the city.

Now the soldiers guarding the city are full of confidence.

Their morale was boosted knowing that reinforcements had arrived and they could relax a bit.

To the northwest, Lu Bu took the lead, leading [-] Bingzhou wolf riders to charge.

Lu Bu's Fang Tian painted halberd is very conspicuous, coupled with his maroon red rabbit horse, Lei Bo can see it directly.

"It's Lu Bu! It's Lu Bu, the whole army is on alert, and the archers are ready to shoot their arrows!"

Lei Bo was shocked, he didn't expect that it was Lu Bu who came to support Huai Ling City.

It stands to reason that Lu Bu only has two thousand cavalry troops, and he has no ability to support Huai Ling at all.

But now it seems that Lu Bu has at least [-] cavalry troops.

A thousand cavalry, especially a thousand cavalry under Lu Bu's command, is enough to affect the situation of a small battle.

"Soldiers, charge with me!"

Lu Bu let out a roar, rode his horse to speed up, and took the lead!
But after all, this is Lu Bu, who is known as the flying general of the grassland, with outstanding force.

When Lei Bo and Liu Xun saw Lu Bu galloping towards them, they were nervous but remained calm.

"Archer, shoot the arrow!" Lei Bo roared angrily.

The archers under his command immediately shot and killed the Bingzhou Wolf Rider who was heading towards Lu Bu.

Lu Bu let out a furious roar from beyond the arrow, and Fang Tian sped up his speed after flicking off the incoming arrow feathers.

The wolf riders of Bingzhou were all veterans brought out from Bingzhou by Lu Bu. They all had their own defense capabilities against the arrow feathers shot at them.

They dodged the arrow feathers one after another, and this round of salvo only injured less than a hundred Bingzhou wolf riders.

Seeing that Lu Bu was about to approach the camp, Lei Bo roared angrily, holding his saber to resist Lu Bu's impact.

"Guards, come up with me!"

Lei Bo rode his horse forward, ready to resist Lu Bu's charge, and he couldn't let him tear up the army lineup alone.

(End of this chapter)

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