Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 225 Soldiers enter Lelang County

Chapter 225 Soldiers enter Lelang County
The Bloodthirsty Tiger Guard's army charged from the left and right wings, but the speed was indeed very slow.

Except for the five hundred bloodthirsty tiger guards protecting Han Wu, the rest of the Chinese army are Jizhou elites led by Zhu Ling.

The soldiers under Gongsun Kang's command had no desire to fight and were forced to charge.

Just when Gongsun Kang was about to motivate the soldiers, a heavy cavalry team rushed directly from the rear.

After Yuwen Chengdu ensured the safety of the ancient Great Wall, he immediately went south after receiving orders from Han Wu to attack Gongsun Kang's rear.

"Run away! There are heavy cavalry sneak attacking from behind, run!"

"Run away! This battle cannot be won!"

The soldiers under Gongsun Kang's command had no desire to fight, and now they were hit even more after hearing the sound of horseshoes.

Eighty percent of the soldiers began to flee in all directions, and Gongsun Kang couldn't stop them at all.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes shook the sky, and Yuwen Chengdu took the lead and rushed into Gongsun Kang's rear lineup!

"Brothers, come on! Show me the majesty of Suan Ni and iron cavalry!"

Suan Ni cavalry rushed into the army formation from behind, like a torrent of steel, hundreds of Gongsun Kang's soldiers were knocked into the air in an instant!
Suanni iron cavalry are heavy cavalry, and the impact force is enough to knock the soldiers of Lelang County, who bear the brunt, flying more than ten meters away.

Gongsun Kang's soldiers fled in all directions. He snatched a spear from the soldiers around him and stabbed a fleeing soldier in the throat!

"Whoever retreats dies! All rush up to me, don't retreat!"

Gongsun Kang's eyes were already bloodshot, and Han Wu had a vengeance against him for killing his father, so he must not just run away.

But the bloodthirsty tiger guards also surrounded Gongsun Kang's army at this time, and most of the soldiers gave up resistance and knelt on the ground.

The trend is over!

The Jizhou heavy cavalry and heavy infantry, who were helpless even Gongsun Zan, could easily deal with Gongsun Kang.

Only dozens of elite soldiers under Gongsun Kang's command were still guarding the major general, while the others knelt down and surrendered.

The soldiers of the Bloodthirsty Tiger Guard kept narrowing the encirclement and beheading those who did not want to have their heads turned, leaving Gongsun Kang alone in the end.

The bloodthirsty tiger guards completely surrounded Gongsun Kang, because Han Wu said he would spare his life.

"Hahaha! This battle is too simple. After all, your soldiers in Lelang County are usually too decadent."

"Such a weak county soldier, I'm curious how you can stop Goguryeo and the alien race in the grassland."

"Gongsun Kang, I, Han Pengju, will give you a chance to prove yourself. I will fight you one-on-one, and let you die with honor!"

Han Wu walked in through the bloodthirsty tiger guards, and those bloodthirsty Han Wu immediately gave way to the lord.

Just a face-to-face meeting between the troops was defeated, Gongsun Kang smiled wryly, and lowered his head.

The bravery and invincible combat power of the Jizhou Army have already convinced Gongsun Kang.

But Han Wu and himself have revenge for killing his father, he will never surrender, he must kill Han Pengju!

Even though he knew he couldn't kill Han Wu while surrounded by bloodthirsty tiger guards, he still had to hurt him.

"Hahahaha! Unexpectedly, Han Pengju, Mr. Han, would show respect to the enemy and challenge him personally."

Gongsun Kang raised his head and glared at Han Wu. At the same time, he threw away the spear in his hand and picked up a long sword from the ground.

Han Wu also smiled kindly, and replied, "Hey! You can think whatever you want, but I'm not here to give you a chance, but to practice with you."

"These brave generals of mine usually dare not fight me, so I lack enemies to experience my actual combat ability."

"And your Gongsun Kang's force is almost the same as mine, so you can just use it as my training partner."

Han Wu clenched the Jueying Knife in his hand, wanting Gongsun Kang to move closer, ready to strike.

Wang Yue hides behind the bloodthirsty tiger guard elite, ready to rush to support Han Wu at any time.

Dian Wei also took two steps forward to ensure that he could rush over in an instant to protect the lord.

Yuwen Chengdu also came on horseback, took the bow and arrow from the soldiers around him, and was on guard against Gongsun Kang.

The three of them are on guard, if the lord loses to Gongsun Kang, they will kill him immediately!

After Gongsun Kang heard Han Wu's words, he drew his sword and rushed over as if he had been greatly insulted.

"Han Wu! I'm going to kill you today, so you should regret your arrogance!"

Gongsun Kang directly slashed horizontally with one move, but Han Wu did not evade or retreat, and forcibly took his move.

Yuwen Chengdu, Dian Wei, and Wang Yue were not nervous, because masters like them knew that this move would not hurt the lord.

Hua Mulan frowned, and almost rushed directly to protect Han Wu.

The sword blade cut on Han Wu's golden armor, leaving only a very shallow mark, but it didn't cut through!

"Hahaha! Gongsun Kang, your strength is too weak, you can't even break through my battle armor, how can you kill me?"

Han Wu slashed at Gongsun Kang's throat with a backhand.

Gongsun Kang was shocked, and immediately retreated to dodge, but the forearm of his left hand was cut open by the Jueying knife.

Such an easy knife looks soft, but it is so sharp!
Jueying Knife cuts iron like mud.

"Not good! Han Pengju's battle armor is too tough, and this golden armor is really not just for showing off."

"My sword blade can't break through the armor, I can only find a way to attack the joints of the armor, but this is too difficult!"

"His knife can cut through my armor so easily and hurt me, it seems really troublesome!"

Gongsun Kang was thinking in his heart, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Han Wu showed an evil smile, stepped on him directly, and slashed at Gongsun Kang with his knife.

Without the slightest subtle move, Han Wu just used the simplest attack to force Gongsun Kang back again!

The blade couldn't touch the opponent's saber, and the armor couldn't defend against the attack of the saber. Gongsun Kang suddenly felt helpless.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to take revenge for killing your father? How about I let the soldiers kick your father's head as a kick to inspire your fighting spirit?"

Han Wu provoked Gongsun Kang very badly, making this guy explode immediately!

"Han Pengju, I'll kill you!"

Hearing Han Wu's insult like this, the veins on Gongsun Kang's forehead popped up, and he rushed towards Han Wu suddenly.

Han Wu smiled slightly, and thought in his heart: "Very good! He is angry, and he only wants to kill me, so his whole body is full of flaws!"

Not in a hurry, Han Wu directly dodged to avoid Gongsun Kang's slash, and chopped off Gongsun Kang's right arm with a backhand.

Blood flowed horizontally, and Gongsun Kang lost an arm, and he was so painful that he let go and yelled.

But Wang Yue praised in his heart: "Good! Excellent swordsmanship and swordsmanship require excellent body skills to exert their full power. Mr. Han really realized this!"

Dodging Gongsun Kang's attack while counterattacking is the key to Han Wu's victory over Gongsun Kang.

But Gongsun Kang didn't feel depressed because of this, the pain made him even crazier!
Abandoning all defenses, Gongsun Kang stabbed Han Wu's face with a sword in his left hand, shocking Han Wu's heart.

It is indeed incredible that a person whose right arm has been severed can counterattack in an instant.

But Han Wu just froze for a moment, and immediately raised his left arm to protect his face!

Gongsun Kang's blade actually pierced half of Han Wu's left arm armor.

Han Wu is injured!
But he didn't hesitate at all. Instead, he cut off Gongsun Kang's head with a backhand.

Gongsun Kang's body fell slowly, Han Wu pulled out the sword blade clamped on the armor on his arm, raised his head and let out a roar.

Blood flowed from the gap in the arm armor.

The elite of the bloodthirsty tiger guards also raised their weapons and shouted: "My lord is mighty! My lord is mighty!"

The bloodthirsty tiger guards instantly had high morale.

This was Han Wu's first time fighting an enemy to the death. Although he won, he also took advantage of the weapons and armor.

Wang Yue nodded in satisfaction. He saw Mr. Han's proficiency in martial arts.

Even Yuwen Chengdu and Dian Wei couldn't help feeling that the protagonist who faced the enemy himself for the first time was so calm.

(End of this chapter)

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