Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 226 Wuhuan and Jie Clan

Chapter 226 Wuhuan and Jie Clan (Part [-])
The entire Lelang County was captured without bloodshed. Han Wu rested in the county town of Lelang County, sitting in the position that originally belonged to Gongsundu to bandage the wound.

Gongsun Kang desperately injured Han Wu. Although the wound was less than half an inch deep, he had to deal with it in time.

Hua Mulan applied the herbal medicine to her husband's arm, and then bandaged it with the most precious brocade. Han Wu personally told her about this method of bandaging.

Glancing at her husband's naked upper body, Hua Mulan complained, "Husband, it's been said that the son of a daughter can't sit down, why do you want to fight Gongsun Kang yourself!"

"Even though this Gongsun Kang's military strength is not very high, it is a battlefield after all, and my husband only needs to command the army from the rear."

"Look, I was injured again this time. Fortunately, the injury is not serious and it will recover within ten days."

When Han Wu heard that Hua Mulan was concerned about him, he immediately laughed out loud, and said heartily: "Hahaha! It is true that a son of a daughter will not be able to sit down, but I can't be a weak son, right?"

"Also, you just said that Gongsun Kang's martial arts is not very high, and I took so much trouble to kill him. Is Mulan saying that your husband's martial arts is very low?"

Han Wu pretended to be a little angry and asked back, which made Hua Mulan laugh.

Hua Mulan knows her husband best, what he looks like is angry, and what he looks like is pretending to be angry, Hua Mulan knows very well.

Giggling, Hua Mulan glanced at her husband, as if answering her husband playfully: "That's true."

Han Wu narrowed his eyes, hugged Hua Mulan in his arms, and said like a pig: "Hehe? "

"The night before we set off from Yecheng, who was punished by my husband and kept begging for mercy and panting~"

Holding Hua Mulan in his arms, Han Wu's right hand went directly into her clothes, kneading continuously.

"Husband~ we can't do it today, we are in Lelang County, let's go back to Yecheng!"

"There are still many things in Lelang County that my husband needs to deal with. Let's take more rest."

With a wink, Hua Mulan's cheeks were pink.

After murmuring softly, Hua Mulan hurriedly stood up from her husband's arms and stood behind him as a guard.

There were footsteps outside, and with a light cough, the footsteps stopped abruptly.

Obviously, someone was waiting outside. He must have known that the Lord and Hua Mulan were alone in the house, so he had to remind the Lord in advance.

Han Wu also nodded and said, "Mr. Gong and Mr. Come in!"

You don't need to guess and you can know that the person outside is Jushou, so he is the only one who will come to find himself alone at this time.

Jushou heard the voice of the lord, he straightened his clothes, and walked in from the door.

Just by taking a look at Hua Mulan, Ju Shou knew that he had really come at an untimely time.

Because Hua Mulan's cheeks were flushed, it was obvious that she must have been relatively close to the lord just now.

Swallowing nervously, Jushou knew that he must have disturbed the lord's good deeds, so he was very worried that the lord would make things difficult for him.

However, Han Wu waved his hand to Jushou, motioning for him to sit down and talk to him, and at the same time yelled for the maid to serve tea.

These maids were originally serving the Gongsun family. Now that the Gongsun family has been wiped out by Han Wu, these maids have naturally become rootless duckweed.

Ju Shou hurriedly bowed to the lord, sat down somewhat restrainedly, and swallowed nervously.

Han Wu stared at him quietly, waiting for Jushou to report the situation.

"My lord, all the men of the Gongsun family of Gongsun Du were beheaded for public display, but the women were just arrested and placed under house arrest in the prefect's mansion according to the lord's order."

After Han Wu heard Jushou's report, he smiled slightly and replied, "Yes! Gongsun Zan and Gongsun Du are the two princes I have exterminated so far, and their families must be settled."

"I promised Master Wang to treat Gongsun Zan's family well, so I didn't kill the grass, but I sent troops to watch them all the time."

"As for Gongsun Du, killing his heirs is also to avoid future troubles. Those female relatives will raise them first, but I, Han Pengju, will not raise waste people."

"There are still many outstanding soldiers under my command who have not married and set up a family. Assigning wives to them according to meritorious service should be regarded as a reward! In troubled times, these Gongsundu families are waiting for their wives to have my bloodthirsty tiger guards as their backers. It is their blessing."

After hearing what the lord said, Ju Shou nodded slightly, agreeing with the decision.

There are quite a few female relatives in the Gongsundu family, if they were to be raised, it would be a waste of money after all.

Letting them marry the soldiers of the Bloodthirsty Tiger Guard now is not only a gift to the loyal soldiers, but also a protection for the female relatives of the Gongsundu family.

At the very least, they will no longer have to worry about being raised every day.

"You pass on the order for me, starting with the deputy general of the bloodthirsty tiger guards, let them choose a woman from the Gongsun family in order according to the level of merit. If the soldiers have already married and established a family, they will be exempted from the right to choose, and rewarded for one month instead. military pay."

Han Wu's way of doing things is perfect, which not only solves the single problem of the soldiers, but also convinces the soldiers who have already married and established businesses.

Ju Shou nodded immediately, and quickly retreated to deal with the situation, not daring to disturb the lord anymore.

I didn't come at the right time before, and when Jushou spoke again, he was holding a cold sweat, for fear that the lord would be furious.

But now it seems that the lord's temper is really good, at least he will not vent his anger on the soldiers and counselors under his command for no reason.

That afternoon, after Han Wu woke up from his afternoon nap, he went to the front hall to deal with military affairs.

The soldiers under his command had already gathered together, waiting for the arrival of the lord.

After Han Wu sat down, he asked directly, "General Yuwen, tell me about the situation of the Jie people and Wuhuan."

"We have captured Gongsun Kang, and Zhang Yan will guard Lelang County next. Dealing with Jie people and Wuhuan is our goal. The real battle has just begun."

Looking at Yuwen Chengdu quietly, Han Wu waited for Yuwen Chengdu to report the situation of Wuhuan and the Jie people.

The other soldiers also cast their eyes on General Yuwen, waiting for him to tell the strength of the Jie and Wuhuan tribes.

Yu Wencheng hurriedly cupped his fists, walked to the middle of the main hall, and bowed his head to the lord in salute.

"My lord, the Jie tribe and the Wuhuan tribe are both alien races in the grasslands, and the tribes are mainly cavalry."

"Currently, we have heard that Shanyu Tadun of the Wuhuan tribe has 1 cavalry and [-] infantry under his command, but the infantry are all stragglers."

"The Jie tribe is another tribe of the Xiongnu. They are all cavalry, but there are less than [-] people who can fight. If you want to destroy them, you need to face tens of thousands of Jie tribe cavalry."

After hearing Yuwen Chengdu's report, all the soldiers nodded, knowing the basic strength of the two grassland alien races.

Nearly [-] cavalry troops, even if they don't have enough weapons and food, they are not a weak force.

After all, cavalry troops can come and go like the wind among thousands of armies, and it is difficult to directly wipe them out.

(End of this chapter)

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