Chapter 227 Xu Shu Xu Yuanzhi
"Han Pengju led his troops to the north to destroy Gongsundu? This kid really has a way. He even took down Gongsundu who has been entrenched in Youzhou for so many years as soon as he sent troops! But this is exactly what I want."

"Han Pengju won't be able to lead his troops south this time, and we just have a chance to implement the next plan."

"Yuan Rang, order the army to move out tomorrow and go straight to Guangling County, Xuzhou! Let's bypass Xiapi and let Lu Bu confront Ji Ling and Lei Bo!"

In the barracks, Cao Cao laughed loudly, because his plan was once again perfectly realized.

Han Pengju's Jizhou army was delayed by the Jie tribe and Wuhuan, and it was determined that it would be impossible to go south in a short time.

Li Ru showed a smile, and said directly: "Then congratulations to Mr. Cao!"

"Central Plains are in chaos now, but fortunately we have taken Xishu as our next base."

"I heard that Sun Jian from the south of the Yangtze River led his troops to the north. At that time, it will be the war between Sun Jian, Yuan Shu, Lu Bu, Liu Bei and Yuan Shao's army in Xuzhou and Yangzhou."

Cao Cao showed a treacherous smile after hearing this, and said, "That's right, Yanzhou will also be dragged into war at that time, and we just took the opportunity to go south."

"At that time, Yuan Shao will definitely find a way to seize the Yanzhou area, and naturally Lu Bu can't let it go."

"For three to five years, the Central Plains was so chaotic that even Han Wu couldn't easily control Yan and Xu states!"

"I, Cao Mengde, can preserve my greatest strength. After five or six years of development in the south, I will definitely have the capital of Han Gaozu to see the world!"

"Even if Han Pengju suppresses all the lords in the Central Plains, he will definitely be short of troops. With each other changing, we can take the opportunity to go north and defeat Han Wu!"

As he spoke, Cao Cao laughed out loud, excited.

Xi Zhicai showed a sad face, but it was only for a moment, and no one saw it.

Even Jia Xu and Li Ru couldn't see it, and Cao Cao didn't even notice it.

For a calm person like Xi Zhicai, he actually doesn't like the crazy schemes of Xiliang counselors.

This is a risky strategy. Although there will be great benefits once it succeeds, if you are not careful, you will lose everything!
Standing on the farthest edge, Cheng Yu sighed. He felt that it was difficult for him to advise the lord with his knowledge.

Cheng Yu has now become a strategist, because he has deeply realized his own shortcomings.

Yangmou is not as good as Xi Zhicai, conspiracy is not as good as Li Ru and Jia Xu, and internal affairs and logistics are not as good as Xun Yu.

Although every aspect is good, none of them are outstanding, so Cheng Yu deeply feels that he lacks knowledge.

In the city of Guangling County, a civil official dressed as a swordsman stood beside Liu Bei, almost in the same status as him.

Liu Bei respected this literary official who had just defected to him, and his strategy convinced him.

"Mr. Yuanzhi, how our army should be deployed now depends entirely on your intelligence."

"Not to mention my Danyang elite soldiers under Liu Xuande's command, even I, Liu Bei, will follow your strategy!"

Liu Bei respected this civil official very much, but Zhang Fei felt a little dissatisfied, thinking that this person had no ability.

Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi.

Seeing Zhang Fei's disdain for him, Xu Shu smiled slightly and said, "General Zhang San, you seem to have some distrust for me?"

After asking Zhang Fei kindly, Xu Shu was not angry at all.

But Zhang Fei suddenly gave a cold snort, and shouted loudly: "Huh! You still know? You have deceived my elder brother with these few words, but I will not be deceived."

"Yide! Silence!"

Before Liu Bei reprimanded Zhang Fei, Guan Yu said something first, telling Zhang Fei to shut up immediately.

Chen Dao, who originally led the main force of Danyang's elite troops, was dispatched to Xuzhou Town Guard, while Guan Yu was sent to the front line.

Good steel must be used wisely!

This is also because Liu Bei followed Xu Shu's strategy and wrote a letter to ask Guan Yu to come over.

Xu Shu smiled naturally, he knew that he needed to prove himself in order to convince Zhang Fei.

"General Zhang San, since this is the case, can you believe it next time?"

After Zhang Fei heard Xu Shu's words, he snorted coldly again: "Hmph! Trust you once? So what if you trust you ten or a hundred times? As long as you can convince me, then I will absolutely obey you from now on!"

Zhang Fei stared at Xu Shu with his head around his eyes, obviously wanting to fight Xu Shu to the end.

But Liu Bei hurriedly persuaded him for a while, fearing that Xu Shu would get angry: "Yuan Zhi, don't argue with this rough man Yide, we still have to think about how to deal with Yuan Shu."

As soon as Liu Bei finished speaking, Xu Shu chuckled and said, "My lord, there is no need to be so nervous. I have already thought of a clever plan, which just needs General Zhang San to complete."

"As long as General Zhang San is confident enough in his own force and can guarantee that he can defeat any general under Yuan Shu's command, then this strategy can be successfully completed."

Before Xu Shu finished speaking, Zhang Fei immediately shouted confidently: "Hmph! I, Zhang Yide, are really not afraid of Yuan Shu's stragglers. Xu Yuanzhi, if you have any plans, just tell them. If Zhang Fei can't finish it, just raise your head." See!"

Guan Yu also narrowed his eyes, he was very curious about what good solution Xu Shu had thought of.

Xu Shu smiled slightly, unhurriedly opened the map of Guangling County in Xuzhou, and clicked a few places.

Xu Shu whispered his strategy, and Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei all trembled when they heard it, and couldn't help admiring it.

Even Zhang Fei, who was still dissatisfied with Xu Shu just now, softened his tone, swallowed his saliva and smiled awkwardly.

"Hey hey! Mr. Yuan Zhi's strategy is really good, I, Zhang Fei, am willing to go there in person! If I fail, it will be my fault, my force is too weak, there is absolutely no problem with Mr. Yuan Zhi!"

"Brother, let Zilong cooperate with me too! I don't have cavalry, if I let them run away, I really can't catch up."

Zhang Fei said something to Liu Bei with a smile, and Liu Bei nodded slightly.

This strategy is indeed very good, but the only flaw is that it is easy for the enemy general to escape.

If there is Zhao Yun's cavalry to help, then this group of Yuan Shujun soldiers who are about to fall into the trap must have a dead end!
Liu Bei nodded in agreement, and at the same time respected Xu Shu even more in his heart, for fear that he would run away.

The county seat of Liaodong County in Youzhou
Han Wu has returned to Liaodong from Lelang County, and is ready to go outside the ancient Great Wall to attack Tadun and Jie people at any time.

"Zhang Yan, go and tell the soldiers guarding the ancient Great Wall to pretend to be negligent and throw away an unimportant pass."

"Our army is still dominated by infantry. If we want to go to the grassland to fight, we don't have any advantage."

"I'm going to let Tadun in, and use a trick to close the door and beat the dog!"

Han Wu thought for several days how to deal with this ruthless person, Ta Dun, but in the end he only came up with this method.

Let Tadun invade the Great Wall and occupy several unimportant counties to limit Tadun's troops.

The mobility of the cavalry is too strong, so Han Wu intends to use the city to prevent all of Ta Dun's troops from being dispatched.

Jushou was also in the hall, and after hearing the lord's strategy, he couldn't help praising it.

Yuwen Chengdu and Dianwei felt that this was not necessary. They agreed that even if they directly rushed to kill the alien race in the grassland, there would not be much loss.

But Han Wu thought in the long term, he was not just planning to defeat a Tadun.

(End of this chapter)

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