Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 228 Abandoned Son of Liao County

Chapter 228 Abandoned Son of Liao County

Outside the Great Wall, Tadun's vanguard team returned to the main army to report the situation, and told Shan Yu all the defenses of the ancient Great Wall.

"Master Shan Yu, there is a part of the Great Wall in Youzhou that is not guarded. It seems that it was guarded by Gongsun Du's soldiers in the past."

"Gongsun Du is dead, and now there are no Han soldiers guarding there at all. We can directly occupy that piece of the Great Wall, cross the Great Wall and go south to capture the Han city!"

Ta Dun heard the report of the warriors under his command, and he laughed loudly: "Hahaha! Good, good! These Han people are killing each other, just giving us a chance to invade."

"Brothers, go south with me first, cross the Great Wall and capture three or five cities of the Han people!"

After hearing Ta Dun Shanyu's words, these Wuhuan cavalrymen howled directly, very wildly.

Swinging the scimitar, the Wuhuan cavalrymen followed Tadun's horse and rushed towards the ancient Great Wall directly following the warrior who reported the situation.

In the county seat of Xuantu County, Han Wu has led a large army to station here, and at the same time blocked all news from the north.

Glancing at Jushou who still refused to leave, Han Wu couldn't help being very curious, and asked: "Gongyu, why don't you go down to rest? The army will be mobilized in a few days, don't you want to prepare?"

Ju Shou still refused to leave, although the lord had issued the general order just now, but he was still a little puzzled.

Ju Shou was blunt and said: "My lord, it is not a good thing to allow Ta Dun to enter the territory of the Han Dynasty."

"As a Han subject, the lord should put the protection of the territory of the Han as the most important thing. It is an act of rebellion to lure wolves into the house like this!"

"After Tadun goes south, Liao County will definitely be occupied first. At that time, the people of Liao County will be slaughtered. This is not what the lord should do!"

Hearing Jushou's words, Han Wu nodded slightly, but did not listen to his words.

Han Wu just retorted: "Oh? Don't you think I'm going to introduce Tadun to the south of the Great Wall and use the city to completely encircle him?"

"Wuhuan is a large alien race in the northern part of Youzhou. They are not ordinary existences that can be wiped out in one battle!"

"I let them control the entire Liao County, and then surrounded Liao County, so that they are the turtles in the jar."

"As for the people of Liao County, it can only be said that sacrificing them was due to weighing the pros and cons. If they run away, Wuhuan will continue to invade Youzhou in the next ten years, and the number of people killed and injured by then is far greater than that of Liao County. s population."

"For the sake of the future stability of Youzhou, I must give up the people of Liao County. And if I can destroy Wuhuan in one battle, it will also serve as a warning to other weak grassland aliens."

Han Wu spoke very naturally, as if he didn't care about the people of Liao County at all.

As if in his heart, the entire Liao County people have become pawns, let him come as an abandoned piece to lure Tadun!

After Jushou heard the lord's words, he suddenly felt that the lord had changed too much, and he didn't want to be the childish Mr. Han before.

Jushou sighed, he really couldn't refute the lord's words, after careful consideration, it is true that it would be more beneficial to abandon the people of Liao County.

"My lord's decision, I can't go against it, and my lord's method is not a mistake. I just hope that my lord just doesn't care about the people because of this battle, and doesn't simply use the people as the abandoned children of the battle."

Clasping his fists and saluting, Ju Shou retreated directly, preparing to take a rest.

There is nothing wrong with Han Wu's approach. From the perspective of the superior, even Ju Shou would choose this way.

When Hua Mulan saw Jushou leave, her husband immediately lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

Biting her lips lightly, Hua Mulan pursed her lips, holding her husband's head against her chest.

"Husband, Mulan knows what you are thinking. In the face of the overall situation, it is natural that giving up the people of Liao County is the best choice."

"My husband, as a man, sometimes has to be ruthless and not have the benevolence of a woman."

"Although the sorrow of the people in Liao County can be seen, this is only a small part of the people who suffered. If the husband loses the opportunity to wipe out Wuhuan because of his kindness, then countless people will suffer in the future."

Always Hua Mulan knows himself best, Han Wu smiled gratifiedly, and was firm in his approach.

One day later, the entire Liao County was completely occupied by Tadun, and the people were devastated!
When Han Wu got the news, he immediately went north, preparing to lead his troops to surround the entire Liao County.

On this day, the entire Liao County was devastated, and the Tadun cavalry army slaughtered and swept the place.

The people are living in dire straits, and almost all the people living in the county have been hurt!
Food was robbed, pottery was robbed, and even families with daughters were robbed of their daughters.

Liao County's population of less than [-] has shrunk to seven to eight thousand in one day, and the city's fires have not diminished all night long!

Han Wu didn't sleep all night. Although he was far away from Liao County, he could imagine what was going on there.

Unable to lie down anymore, Han Wu immediately got up and shouted at Dian Wei who was guarding outside the camp: "Come on! Tell Lu Zhishen to set off immediately, take all the things that can restrain the cavalry, and give me the Liao County surrounded!"

Liao County is still about [-] miles away. Lu Zhishen led his troops into battle lightly and set out in the starry night, and he would arrive within three hours.

Dian Wei immediately went to Lu Zhishen and asked him to lead the troops to continue northward.

In the early morning of the next day, after a night of massacres in Liao County, I realized that I had been tricked!

Han Wubing approached the city, and took down the ancient Great Wall directly, cutting off Tadun's retreat.

At the same time, nearly [-] troops surrounded Liao County, surrounded by horse pits and horse rejection formations.

Rejecting Antlers surrounds Liaoxian County, forming an encirclement circle without any gaps.

Han Wu's purpose is to make Tadun's cavalry unable to break through and be completely trapped in Liao County!

In the county seat of Liao County, Tadun let out an angry roar, and looked at the horse sinking pit and Julu antlers in the distance from the tower.

"Han Wu, Han Pengju! This young master of Jizhou is really a ruthless guy. It is not easy to besiege my Wuhuan cavalry army here without hesitating to abandon the people of the entire Liao County!"

"It seems that it is impossible to break through the siege on horseback, but if you give up horses, you cannot do without Liao County, and it is even more impossible to break through the defense of the ancient Great Wall."

Ta Dun was worried with a steel gun in his hand, this was the first time since he became Wuhuan Shanyu that he encountered such a crisis that was difficult to resolve.

Han Wu also got up very early, did not let the army eat, and went directly north to a place two miles away from Liao County to set up camp.

Looking at the low city wall of Liao County from a distance, Han Wudu immediately felt guilty.

He gave up the people of Liao County just to trap Tadun. This is because he is sorry for the people of Liao County.

But if he could kill Tadun and wipe out Wuhuan because of this, he would be worthy of all the people in northern Xinjiang, and this would be his greatest achievement!

Glaring at the county seat of Liao County, Han Wu didn't plan to directly attack the city, he wanted to trap Tadun.

As long as Tadun was unable to break through with the cavalry, Han Wu would be sure to exhaust the food and grass in Liao County and let Tadun's army starve to death.

If they gave up their horses to break through the siege, they would be seeking their own death. It is absolutely impossible for any Wuhuan people to leave the ancient Great Wall alive!
(End of this chapter)

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