Chapter 229 Xu Shu Xu Yuanzhi
On a small mountain road in Guangling County, Zhang Ji asked the lieutenant beside him, "Zhang Deng, has it been a month since we left Yangzhou to attack Xuzhou?"

Zhang Jizheng led troops to support Lei Bo and Ji Ling, helping them deal with Cao Cao.

Yuan Shu didn't know that Cao Cao was going to go to Guangling County by detouring the northern part of Taishan County. He simply thought that Cao Cao would first cooperate with Lu Bu to defeat Ji Ling and Lei Bo.

After Zhang Deng heard the general's question, he calculated the time and replied: "General, it should be less than 20 days since we were counted in Xuzhou."

"But it should have been a month since we raised our troops. But... General, there are bandits in front of us! They look very strange!"

Just when Zhang Deng was about to continue answering Zhang Ji, he suddenly saw a wave of bandits blocking the road ahead.

Zhang Ji narrowed his eyes, stopped his gun and said, "Everyone is on alert! The enemy army in front should be the Xuzhou army, not ordinary bandits!"

After all, Zhang Ji is a general who often fights on the battlefield. He can tell at a glance that the enemy army in front is not simple.

It is impossible for bandits to be so well-equipped. Most of the bandits are still the most basic farmers, and their weapons are sticks and hoes.

But the ones in front are obviously officers and soldiers. Although they don't have battle armor, their weapons are really good.

Zhang Fei frowned. He saw that Zhang Ji no longer led his troops forward, so he couldn't get into the range of the archers.

"Hey! Brave officers and soldiers, I planted this tree and opened this road! How dare you enter the territory of my Black Wind King! Take your life!"

Zhang Fei roared directly, and the shout pierced through a stone's throw, so that Zhang Ji could hear it clearly.

Now Zhang Ji is more sure that the person in front of him is Zhang Fei, and only he can have such a voice.

Zhang Ji coughed lightly, and shouted back: "Zhang Yide, you think I, Zhang Ji, am a fool, don't you? As far as your appearance is concerned, I have already remembered it! Zhang Yide, it is absolutely impossible for you to ambush me today .”

Zhang Ji sneered, and immediately prepared to withdraw his troops, not going head-to-head with Zhang Fei.

Although I don't know why Zhang Fei can guess that he is supporting Ji Ling from this road, but since the situation has already happened, Zhang Ji will naturally not bite the bullet and confront Zhang Fei head-on.

When Zhang Fei saw that Zhang Ji wanted to retreat immediately, he roared angrily and said, "Erlangs, charge with me! Whoever takes Zhang Ji's head will be rewarded!"

When Zhang Fei gave an order, the soldiers under his command roared angrily.

"Swear to kill Zhang Ji! Brothers, shoulder to shoulder!"

Xuzhou's elite roared and shouted, and rushed directly to Zhang Ji, charging extremely fast.

Zhang Ji snorted coldly, and shouted calmly: "Zhang Deng, lead the soldiers to form a fish-scale formation to resist the enemy's charge!"

Zhang Ji gave an order, and Zhang Deng immediately led the soldiers to form a fish-scale formation to resist Zhang Fei's charge.

The fish-scale array can allow the soldiers to stabilize the defense of the army array, and it is very restrained by the charging infantry.

But just when Zhang Ji's army had just formed a fish-scale formation, the sound of rumbling horseshoes came from behind the army!

"Zhang Ji, today is your death day! Changshan Zhao Zilong, see!"

Behind the army formation, a white horse, Chang Shan Zhao Zilong roared and directly led his troops into Zhang Ji's army formation.

Like the sharpest steel knife, Zhao Zilong led the cavalry team to force a gap in Zhang Ji's formation!
"Damn it! There are still enemy troops, retreat! Zhang Deng, after the two thousand troops are cut off for you, you must come back alive!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhang Ji immediately ordered the withdrawal of the army and led the army to retreat to the southwest.

Zhang Deng did not hesitate at all, he immediately led his troops to retreat, not wanting to fight Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei at all.

These two are the only four generals under Liu Bei's command, and they are the strongest.

Seeing that Zhang Ji was about to retreat, Zhao Yun immediately sped up his horse and rushed towards Zhang Ji.

"Zhang Jixiu go, shoot me!"

The veins on Zhao Zilong's forehead popped up, and he shot out directly, aiming at Zhang Ji's back.

One of Zhang Ji's guards happened to see this scene, and immediately turned his horse around, blocking the blow for Zhang Ji with his body!
The guard's chest was pierced directly, and the huge impact even brought the guard off the horse.

Zhang Ji looked back and saw this scene, turned his head and continued to flee with his horse, and the army followed.

Zhang Ji was actually panicked by fright.

Zhao Yun took a deep breath and could only watch Zhang Ji flee, knowing that he could not catch up.

Pulling his long spear from the corpse of the enemy army, Zhao Yun shook off the blood stains on the spear, turned around the pier and began to besiege and kill Yuan Shu's soldiers after they were killed.

Zhang Deng fought bravely, and the elite soldiers under his command continued to fight back bravely, which made Zhang Fei feel a little tricky.

Although these soldiers under Zhang Ji's command were surrounded, their combat capabilities were too strong, and the Xuzhou elite could not achieve a real siege effect at all.

The current loss is still at a ratio of one to one, and even Zhao Yun is beginning to be shocked by the combat capability of this elite Yangzhou team.

"The surrender will not be killed! The soldiers of Yangzhou listen carefully, it is Yuan Shu who committed the rebellion, not ordinary soldiers like you."

"Instead of dying in battle here, it is better to save yourself for survival. Surrender!"

Zhao Yun let out a roar, and then stared at Zhang Ji's lieutenant, Zhang Deng, who was still calm when he was surrounded.

Zhang Deng sneered and shouted: "Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong, right? I know your bravery, but it's not because of your bravery that we Yangzhou warriors can bow their heads!"

"My emperor is the orthodox emperor. Even if I die here today, I will be a hero who founded the country! Zhao Zilong, my life belongs only to my emperor!"

Although Zhang Deng was only a lieutenant general, he was a diehard loyalist to Yuan Shu, and so were his soldiers.

A trilogy composed of one-third of Danyang's elite soldiers, the combat capabilities of Zhang Deng's soldiers are not ordinary!
Only relying on Zhang Fei's soldiers and Zhao Yun's light cavalry, it is impossible to really surround and kill Zhang Deng.

The soldiers under Zhang Deng's command roared and shouted, they were all eager to break through and break out of the enemy's encirclement.

And at this moment, another Xuzhou army dared to come, led by Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang!
Originally, Xu Shu's strategy was to ask Guan Yu to stop Zhang Ji in the end, but he never thought that Zhang Ji could break his wrists and escape from the ambush of Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei.

The time when Guan Yu dared to come was therefore a cup of tea late, and he missed the best opportunity.

Zhang Fei saw that the second brother had rushed over with his troops, he showed a smile, and immediately charged forward!
Zhao Yun also understood, and charged from another direction, intending to kill Zhang Deng directly.

The soldiers under Zhang Deng's command gathered into two groups to resist Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei, and there happened to be a defensive loophole.

Guan Yu rode his horse and rushed over directly. He saw the timing and rushed directly into the army formation!

With the knife in his hand, Guan Yu squinted his Danfeng eyes, and beheaded Zhang Deng with a cool and unrestrained knife.

(End of this chapter)

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