Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 230 Abandoned Son of Liao County

Chapter 230 Abandoned Son of Liao County

Outside of Liao County, the Jizhou army surrounded the place, and thousands of people patrolled and guarded it every night, in case Tadun led troops to come out in a surprise attack.

It was early morning, and it happened to be the time for the bloodthirsty tiger guards to change their shift. Han Wu was eating breakfast in the camp.

With simple polished rice and four vegetarian side dishes, Han Wu's breakfast configuration is not bad.

Hua Mulan ate with her husband, but she was always on guard against the surrounding situation to ensure that no assassins would sneak into the vicinity of the Chinese army's tent.

Liao County has been besieged for three days, and it is very likely that Ta Dun will jump over the wall in a hurry and send assassins to assassinate Han Wu.

Naturally, Wang Yue also understood this point. He rested during the day every day, and was responsible for patrolling around the large tent of the Chinese army at night.

During the day, there are elite bloodthirsty tiger guards and generals like Dian Wei guarding the central army, even if they dispatch assassins all at once, it will not help.

It's very troublesome at night, Wang Yue thinks that if he doesn't personally patrol at night, he will easily be negligent.

Han Wu finished all the food, and asked Hua Mulan to send out the tent of the Chinese army, and handed it over to the bloodthirsty tiger guards to clean up.

After the meal, Han Wu immediately summoned Zhu Ling and asked directly: "General Zhu, tell me about yesterday's situation. Isn't Tadun showing any signs of preparing to break out? His army is large, and the food and grass may have been consumed yesterday. Exhausted."

He knew very well how many food resources there were in Liao County, and also knew the dry food reserves that Tadun carried. Han Wu believed that their food and grass could last until today at most.

Zhu Ling nodded and reported: "Master, at noon yesterday, a team of Wuhuan cavalry rushed out of Liao County, and was surrounded by our army and killed most of them."

"The other Wuhuan cavalry have all fled back to Liao County. It seems that they are not the vanguards sent by Tadun to test us, but the enemy led troops privately to break out of the encirclement."

After hearing Zhu Ling's words, Han Wu nodded with satisfaction and said, "As expected, Tadun will soon be unable to control all the troops under his command."

"The Wuhuan is similar to the Xiongnu in that the nobles control part of their forces. Now the Wuhuan tribe in Liao County may have diverged."

"Continue to siege! Even if these Wuhuan bastards slaughter all the Han people in Liao County, there must be no compromise!"

"I, Han Pengju, have already let down the people in Liao County, let alone the people in Youzhou! I will never forgive any Wuhuan people. I will use their heads to pay homage to the people in Liao County."

Han Wu's eyes suddenly burst out with a strong killing intent, and even Zhu Ling's heart trembled.

This was the first time that Zhu Ling saw the lord with such a look in his eyes, at least the previous lord was not like this, he was more like Mr. Han.

Zhu Ling retreated quickly, raised his vigilance and led his troops to continue to besiege Liao County, not daring to slack off at all.

Seeing that there was no one else in the tent, Hua Mulan smiled slightly and leaned into her husband's arms.

"Husband, in fact, you don't have to blame yourself too much for this matter. Since ancient times, once a general has achieved success, his bones will be destroyed, and casualties are inevitable. It is the right thing to reduce the number of casualties to a minimum."

"My husband besieged Wuhuan's tens of thousands of troops with the entire people of Liao County. This is a rare achievement. If we fight Wuhuan for a long time, the number of people killed in Youzhou will definitely exceed the population of Liao County."

Hua Mulan still authoritated her husband softly, she knew that he was very concerned about this matter.

Han Wu showed a very natural smile, and said: "That's right, since ancient times, one general has achieved great success. There is no way to abandon Liao County."

"After Wuhuan is wiped out, I will spend a lot of money to invite Buddhist monk Futu and famous Taoist priests to save the souls of the people in Liao County and erect a monument for them!"

"Although I, Han Pengju, have not yet controlled Kyushu, all barbarians inside and outside who claim to be soldiers will be killed!"

In an instant, Han Wu exuded a sense of domineering, which made Hua Mulan even more infatuated.

The person who can say this is the real man!
The current Han Wu is more and more similar to Cao Cao, but the only difference is that Han Wu upholds benevolence and righteousness in his heart.

In the afternoon of the same day, Han Wu once again led the army to a stone's throw away from Liao County, and shouted.

Ta Dun also boarded the tower and came to see Han Wu in person, his eyes were bloodshot!
"Han Pengju! You are really ruthless enough to use the people of Liao County as bait to make me fall for it!"

"If you can let me leave the Central Plains, I will promise that I will never invade the big Han within ten years! If not, my warriors will use the people of Liao County as food and eat the flesh and blood of the Han people!"

Ta Dun warned Han Wu, but it didn't help.

But when the elite of the bloodthirsty tiger guard heard this, they were all indignant, wishing to kill Tadun immediately!
Han Wu sneered, with a cruel look on his face, and shouted: "Ta Dun, I, Han Pengju, will leave my words here today! People of Liao County, although I feel sorry for them, I must kill you!"

"Even if I kneel in front of the tombstones of the people in Liao County to apologize in the future, I, Han Pengju, will definitely behead you for public display, and cut you to pieces!"

"The bloodthirsty tiger guards have obeyed the order. Starting today, five hundred soldiers will be on alert. The second battalion will cut off the water source in Liao County for me!"

Han Wu lowered his volume in the second half of the sentence, he didn't want Ta Dun to hear that he was going to cut off the water source in Liao County.

It may be possible to persist without food, but once the water is cut off, most of the Wuhuan aliens in Liao County will be killed or injured within three days!

Ta Dun beat the tower angrily, grabbed the bow and arrow from a warrior beside him, and attacked Han Wu.

Dian Wei immediately rode his horse to stand in front of the lord, although he was within a stone's throw away, he had to be cautious.

The arrow landed in front of Dian Wei's horse, unable to hurt Han Wu at all, and Ta Dun angrily broke the hard bow.

Han Wu sneered, and rode his horse back, leaving Lu Zhishen to stay vigilant and break through.

Returning to Daying under the setting sun, Han Wu can know how miserable the people in Liao County are, they are simply living in hell on earth!
Two days later, the water in Liao County was completely cut off, and all the Wuhuan cavalry were in chaos.

Ta Dun could no longer control the soldiers under his command, except for the warriors belonging to his headquarters, other nobles led troops out of Liao County one after another!
It's a pity that both the trapping horse pit and the rejecting horse formation completely restrained these grassland aliens, and the bloodthirsty tiger guards killed them all.

The heads were piled up into a hill by the bloodthirsty tiger guards, forming a flesh and blood Jingguan!
The plague began to appear throughout Liao County, and the corpses of the massacred Han people could not be disposed of in time, and began to rot and stink.

There were less than 1 troops left under Ta Dun's command, and he also started to get sick, knowing that his situation was over.

Han Wu will not accept any surrender, and all Wuhuan people who want to leave Liao County will be shot to death!

Even the Jizhou army regularly shoots rockets into the city every day, intending to completely burn Liao County.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Han Wu glanced at Jushou and asked, "Gongyu, how are the [-] tombstones prepared? People in Liao County died because of me, Han Pengju, so I should erect a monument for them."

"After Tadun is wiped out, I will personally follow the army to bury the people of Liao County and send them to rest on Huangquan Road!"

Han Wu stood up, the Buddha monk and Taoist priests he invited from Jizhou area had also arrived in the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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