Chapter 236 Tiger Killing!
"Hahaha! Jiangdong sons, rush through this valley, Lujiang City is ahead!"

"Tomorrow, let's take Lujiang River and eat Yuan Shu's food there, let's go!"

Sun Ce laughed loudly, his mighty aura made all the soldiers under his command excited, and they charged bravely.

Zhou Yu hurriedly rode his horse to keep up. He had a very bad premonition in his heart that something big was about to happen.

As soon as he entered the valley, Zhou Yu slowed down and gradually moved to the rear of the team.

A very strong feeling rose in Zhou Yu's heart. He thought there would definitely be an ambush here!
Since Sun Ce could not be stopped, Zhou Yu had to try his best to ensure that he could rush out when he was ambushed and find rescuers for Sun Ce.

This is not to run away, Zhou Yu judged it very calmly.

If he was also trapped here, it would be impossible for anyone to come to rescue the soldiers, and both of them would surely die.

Zhou Yu rode his horse to Gan Ning's side and said, "General Gan, there may be danger here, I will lead the troops to the rear first."

"If something happens, General Zhou Tai will follow me and find reinforcements for Bofu!"

After hearing Zhou Yu's words, Gan Ning smiled evilly, as arrogant as Sun Ce.

He didn't care about ambush even more than Sun Ce, but he liked Sun Ce's forward-going posture even more.

Ignoring Zhou Yu, Gan Ning still looked down on this little boy.

Zhou Yu frowned immediately, but he was relieved when he saw Zhou Tai nodding to him.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the valley, and Zhou Yu was shocked!

"Not good! There is an ambush, Zhou Tai will follow me first!"

Just when the vanguard army had just entered the hinterland of the valley, a loud noise frightened the army to a stop.

Zhou Tai was also shocked, he never thought that Zhou Yu's conjecture would actually come true.

Immediately turning around the pier, Zhou Tai and Zhou Yu immediately fled in the opposite direction, leaving the valley directly.

Just when the two of them rushed out, Yuan Shujun's ambushes who were ambushing Taniguchi immediately surrounded Taniguchi!
Sun Ce immediately reined in his horse, and he was also shocked. He didn't expect Zhou Yu's guess to be so accurate.

"Xingba! Has Gongjin escaped already? He is really smart. If he is also ambushed, I'm afraid we won't have any reinforcements."

"It's really like what Gongjin said, the banner over there is actually the banner of Yuan Shu's headquarters, and he was able to rush back from Xuzhou!"

Sun Ce seemed shocked at first, but he calmed down halfway through the speech.

As if he was a born overlord, Sun Ce was not afraid of such an ambush.

Seeing that Sun Ce was so confident, Gan Ning also showed a smile, and said, "Brother, I, Gan Xingba, like you. It's really a good choice to follow you to do great things!"

"So what if we're ambushed, if we can't get out, we'll fight! Yuan Shu, we really don't pay attention."

"Rang Ruo really died here, and we have someone to accompany us on Huangquan Road, how wonderful! Hahaha! Big deal, 18 years later, he will be a hero again!"

Gan Ning is even more arrogant than Sun Ce, and this arrogance comes entirely from his confidence in his own strength.

Sun Ce also laughed out loud, and after glancing at Jiang Qin, the three of them got together.

Thousands of ambush soldiers came out of the forest in the valley and directly surrounded Sun Ce's vanguard army!
These Yuan Shu's troops have a total of [-] people, and the [-] Jiangdong Vanguard Army under Sun Ce's command has no advantage in numbers.

In half a cup of tea, Yuan Shu rode his horse out of the army, wearing a dragon robe!
People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, and Yuan Shu, who is wearing a dragon robe, really has a trace of imperial arrogance.

"Jiangdong Hu'er, Bo Fu! You are my favorite junior. In today's world, except for Han Wu who is better than you, no one in the younger generation can be better than you."

"I remember that when you were young, I still wanted to recognize you as my adopted son, but it's a pity that your father didn't agree."

"I didn't expect that the person who was ambushed today was you. I really can't bear to kill you!"

Yuan Shu showed a very heartbroken expression, but this expression was not artificial at all.

He really liked Sun Ce, and he really wanted to recognize him as his adopted son at the beginning.

It's a pity that things backfired, and the person who was ambushed by Yuan Gonglu today turned out to be Sun Ce.

After hearing Yuan Shu's words, Sun Ce sneered, and raised the Overlord Spear domineeringly: "Yuan Gonglu, you have established yourself as the emperor, this is a treasonous thing!"

"I, Jiang Dongerlang, came to crusade, this is God's will!"

Seeing Sun Ce glaring at him angrily, Yuan Shu showed no fear at all, and he liked Sun Ce even more.

Gan Ning laughed loudly and said, "Yuan Gonglu, you are so shameless that you have declared yourself emperor!"

"Although I, Gan Xingba, used to be a thief from Jiujiang, I also know what loyalty is! It seems that you, Yuan Gonglu, are not even as good as me, a thief from Jiujiang. What face do you have to call yourself emperor?"

After saying a word, he burst out laughing, Gan Ning's words made all the soldiers under his command who had been water thieves laugh mockingly.

Yuan Shu's cheeks were flushed by Gan Ning's words, but he couldn't lower his status to argue with this soldier who was born as a pirate.

Yuan Shu calmed down, and continued to say to Sun Ce: "Bo Fu, I can let you go today, after all, the person I want to kill is not you."

"Although I let you go today, I think your father, Sun Jian, will definitely come to support him. At that time, I will accept his head."

"Zhang Xun, surround Sun Ce's vanguard. No one is allowed to escape. You don't need to shoot arrows, just surround them."

"Weaken their forces as much as possible, and save the arrows to shoot at Sun Jian when he comes over!"

"Today, I want to see Sun Jian's head!"

After Yuan Shu finished speaking, he immediately retreated under the protection of the guards, and let the army begin to surround Sun Ce.

Danyang's elite soldiers completely surrounded Sun Ce's army, and Zhang Xun did not intend to fight for generals, but directly prepared to surround and kill Sun Ce's army.

Since His Majesty does not allow the use of arrows, Zhang Xun will naturally not disobey.

Sun Ce stared vigilantly at the elite Danyang soldiers in front of him, and shouted back, "Jiangdong sons, all dismount!"

Under the siege of Danyang's elite soldiers, it is impossible to charge while riding on a horse, and the casualties will be even more serious.

The soldiers on horseback dismounted immediately, drew their long swords and prepared to fight physically.

Sun Ce laughed loudly and shouted, "Boys, are you afraid?"

"Today, my Sun Bofu will not retreat an inch, and I will live and die with you!"

"My Sun Bofu often claims to be the reincarnation of the Overlord of Western Chu. I never imagined that I would be besieged this time. But, Jiangdong sons, follow me and go home!"

Sun Ce gave a tiger roar to boost the morale of the soldiers.

Sun Ce's words cheered up Jiangdong's soldiers, and dispelled the fear of being ambushed.

"Not afraid!"

"Hahaha, with the general leading us, we are naturally not afraid!"

"Kill! What's so scary, just do it!"

When meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins. With Sun Ce as the backbone, Jiang Dong Erlang is not afraid of anyone!
Gan Ning also showed an excited smile, the blood in his chest was agitated, and he directly swung his gun to kill Yuan Shu's soldiers.

"Rush! Kill!"

The Jiangdong soldiers roared angrily, glared at Yuan Shujun's enemies, and rushed up like a tiger descending a mountain.

The elite soldiers under Yuan Shu's command were also fearless, they had an absolute advantage, and no one was afraid at all.

Moreover, Yuan Shu still had his hole cards, and the army he had hidden to deal with Sun Jian hadn't come out yet.

Seeing Sun Ce's bloody battle, Yuan Shu sighed with emotion, and said to himself: "If this Sun Bofu is my son, how wonderful it would be!"

(End of this chapter)

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