Chapter 237 Tiger Killing

"Brothers, come on!"

"Come on, fight out together, go home!"

The Jiangdong soldiers who were ambushed and surrounded bravely broke through the siege, forcing the Yangzhou army out of a gap.

But it is too difficult to break through.

After all, there are elite soldiers from Danyang among the elites of Yangzhou!
The combat ability and number of soldiers are completely crushed, no matter how brave Sun Ce is, it will not help.

The spear pierced through the neck of an enemy soldier again, and when it was pulled out, a column of blood came out.

"Come on! Come on!"

Sun Ce became completely crazy, his eyes were red, and he wished to kill all the enemies in front of him.

Stellar Qi also erupted, although it could not be controlled by itself, but it was close to this point.

The generation of stellar qi, even if you step into the ranks of super-class warriors, is enough to compete with a god of war like Lu Bu.

Gan Ning saw Sun Ce's madness from the side, he couldn't help swallowing, and sighed in his heart: "Sun Bofu is really not an ordinary person! Two years ago, force could only slightly overwhelm me, but now it has completely overwhelmed me !"

"This kind of martial arts talent, I am afraid that only Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, can surpass him? But even so, it is impossible to kill from here!"

Gan Ning swung his spear and beheaded four or five elite soldiers of Yuan Shu's army, then retreated quickly to avoid being surrounded by more Yangzhou soldiers.

Now only when everyone is united can we delay the time and wait for the arrival of support.

But Sun Ce didn't want to support him, because he knew that Yuan Shu's real goal was not himself, but his father, Sun Jian!
"Having a son should be like Sun Bofu! If my son Yuan Yao can have half of Sun Ce's bravery, then I don't have to be so emotional."

Yuan Shu stood on the top of the hill watching Sun Ce's bloody battle, and shook his head helplessly.

Sun Ce didn't want to be his adopted son, so Yuan Shu could only use him to deal with Sun Jian.

Standing beside Yuan Shu, Zhang Xun replied after hearing His Majesty's words, "Your Majesty, this battlefield is not a place where one person can control the outcome of the battle."

"It is true that one person's resourcefulness can strategize and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away. But one person's bravery cannot control the outcome of a battle at all."

"Even if it is Lu Fengxian, he can kill a hundred people in a battle, but it is absolutely impossible to kill a thousand people!"

Hearing Zhang Xun's words, Yuan Shu knew that he was comforting himself, so he could only smile lightly.

"Of course I know what you mean, so I don't need to say any more. Continue to send more troops and kill all the Jiangdong soldiers under Sun Ce's command."

"It is enough to leave Sun Ce's life alone, and kill everyone else!"

Yuan Shu showed his ruthlessness and asked Zhang Xun to give the order immediately.

Zhang Xun nodded and left, ready to go to the battle place to issue general orders.

One Jiang Dongerlang fell, but none of them could make Sun Ce surrender.

At the border of Lujiang County, Zhou Yu and Zhou Tai found Jiangdong's army in just one stick of incense.

Sun Jian led his troops forward unhurriedly, but saw Zhou Yu and Zhou Tai who were defeated and fled back nervously.

As soon as he saw Zhou Yu fleeing back, Sun Jian knew that something was wrong, and that his son was probably in danger.

Immediately he rode his horse and accelerated to meet him. Sun Jian rushed over when he saw Zhou Yu.

"Lord Wu Chenghou, Sun Bofu led his troops to Lujiang City, but they were too aggressive and were ambushed in the valley more than [-] miles ahead. We were the only ones who escaped."

After Sun Jian heard Zhou Yu's words, he was shocked and shouted without hesitation: "Soldiers, charge at full speed and rescue my son, Sun Ce!"

Immediately ordered to set off, Sun Jian was very nervous, wishing to fly over to support his son immediately.

But Zhou Yu stopped him for a while, and continued: "Master Wu Chenghou, the person who ambushed Bofu is Yuan Gonglu himself, and he has led his troops back from Xuzhou!"

After hearing the name "Yuan Gonglu", Sun Jian was startled, but immediately stopped thinking about it.

"Yuan Gonglu? It's a great way to get rid of the golden cicada's shell, but it also has to save Bofu. He is still young, so he can't just die like this!"

"Brothers, come on!"

Sun Jian only hesitated for a moment, but immediately continued to charge with his troops, leaving Zhou Yu behind.

Yuan Shu just made Sun Jian hesitant, but this did not erase his desire to support his son.

Zhou Yu gritted his teeth. Seeing that even Sun Jian was so impulsive, he sighed helplessly.

Zhou Tai rode his horse to keep up with Sun Jian, so he was naturally going to support Sun Ce.

Zhou Yu thought in his heart: "Damn! Marquis Wu Cheng is as impulsive as Bo Fu, this is obviously a trick!"

"If Yuan Shu really wanted to kill Bofu, then all arrows would have shot Bofu to death, and it would be useless to go there."

"If Yuan Shu hadn't killed Bofu, his purpose would be even more obvious. He wanted to catch big fish with a long line, and naturally he wanted Wu Chenghou to rush over and fall into an ambush!"

Zhou Yu gritted his teeth, took a deep breath to relieve his fatigue, and immediately followed the army.

Sun Jian frowned, holding the ancient ingot knife in his hand, the veins on the back of his hand were bulging.

"Bo Fu, you can't be in trouble! You have lived for most of your life for your father, and you will die if you die. But you have just got married, and Jiangdong will still need to be led by you in the future. Nothing will happen!"

Sun Jian was very nervous, he whipped the horse's butt again, hoping to increase his speed again.

In the valley, a scout ran up to Yuan Shu panting and knelt down on one knee.

"Your Majesty, there is news from the frontline scouts that Wucheng Marquis Sun Jian is leading 5000 troops to this place."

"At present, there are 5000 cavalry teams that are about to arrive, and it will take some time for the [-]-strong army to arrive."

After Yuan Shu heard the scout's words, he nodded slightly, showing a successful smile.

After Zhang Xun heard it, he also responded: "Although there are not many cavalry of 300 cavalry, they can already kill a gap in the ambush."

"It's just that these 300 people can't kill through the entire valley. Once they enter, they can't get out again."

"It seems that Sun Jian is going to save his son with his own life. Your majesty's plan is really perfect!"

"Sun Jian is already a turtle in a urn."

Hearing Zhang Xun's compliment, Yuan Shu laughed out loud, feeling very accomplished.

This strategy was actually thought up by Yan Xiang, and he, Yuan Shu, just adopted Yan Xiang's golden cicada's plan to get rid of the shell, and came to ambush in advance.

"Okay! Let the follow-up troops get ready, and when Sun Ce goes out, they will swarm up and kill Sun Wentai!"

With a wave of Yuan Shu's hand, the follow-up troops were immediately ready to rush out of the valley at any time.

In the effort of a cup of tea, three hundred cavalry rushed to the front of the valley and saw the chaos in the valley.

Sun Jian saw Sun Bofu covered in blood and wounds at a glance, and he was relieved immediately.

"Brothers, kill in!"

With a roar, Sun Jian led his troops directly into the mouth of the valley, and everywhere he went were Yangzhou soldiers who had been cut down to the ground.

When Gan Ning saw [-] cavalry coming to support him, he burst out laughing and shouted, "Hahaha! Brothers, the reinforcements are here, let's go out!"

With Gan Ning's yell, Jiang Dong Erlang, who was ambushed before, suddenly increased his battle and rushed to the ambush gap where he was killed.

Sun Ce frowned, he already knew that his father came to save him, and being single was not a good thing.

Glancing at his father, Sun Ce stepped back and got on his horse.

Sun Jian charged into the battle and directly killed his son. His violent aura made all Yangzhou soldiers back away.

(End of this chapter)

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