Chapter 238 Killing the Tiger (Part [-])
"Father! Why are you here? Yuan Gonglu trapped me here just to attract you!"

While roaring, Sun Ce pierced an enemy's chest with his long spear, and kept retreating.

Now that there are reinforcements, the morale of the vanguard who was ambushed before is also high, and they start to fight back.

But Sun Jian snorted coldly, and roared: "Stinky boy, who is Yuan Gonglu, can I still not know?"

"Taking advantage of the gap created by leading the cavalry for my father, you and Gan Xingba rushed out in one go! Yuan Gonglu wants my head, and they won't gather their forces to make things difficult for you!"

"Bofu, you are still young, I hope this lesson can help you lead Jiangdong to continue to grow and develop. Also, treat Zhongmou better, and treat your younger siblings better. After all, they are also children of my Sun Wentai!"

"Today, as a father, I will use my body and flesh and blood to build a bright road for you!"

"Let's go! My son and grandson Ce!"

Holding the ancient ingot knife in his hand, Sun Jian rushed forward without flinching or fearing at all, leaving his son with a tough back.

Sun Ce gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of tears, but he became violent in an instant!
"Jiangdong sons, follow my Sun Bofu!"

Gan Ning saw that Sun Jian wanted Yuan Gonggong to counterattack, so he snorted coldly and secretly picked up his bow and arrow to shoot Yuan Shu.

But just as Gan Ning put on his bow and arrow, Yuan Shu's guards tensed up and quickly stood in front of Yuan Shu.

The sound of the arrow piercing through the air startled everyone, even Sun Ce couldn't help looking at Yuan Shu.

It's a pity that Gan Ning's cold arrow only pierced Yuan Shu's chest, and didn't even touch Yuan Shu's body.

"Retreat! Everyone, retreat at full speed!"

Sun Ce didn't dare to look back at his father, he knew that this parting might last forever.

On the battlefield, life and death are decided!
Gan Ning threw away his bow and arrow, got on his horse and followed Sun Ce to break through.

Yuan Shu pushed away the guard in front of him who was shielding him from arrows, and roared directly: "Zhang Xun, let the follow-up troops rush out too! If you run away from Sun Wentai, I will kill you!"

No longer caring about his imperial airs, Yuan Shu also swears directly.

The back arrow just now scared him almost to the ground, and now he is naturally angry.

Zhang Xun's body trembled, and he quickly waved the flag to make the soldiers abandon the siege of Sun Ce, and turn to besiege Sun Jian and his [-] elites.

These [-] cavalrymen were all the guards under Sun Jian's command, and now they handed over their horses to the soldiers under Sun Ce's command.

Swear to die together, these elite soldiers have vowed to live and die with him since the day they followed Sun Jian!
Without the encirclement of the enemy army, Sun Ce rushed out of the valley directly, but most of the soldiers under his command were killed or injured.

Looking at Yuan Shu's army continuously pouring out of the forest in the valley, Sun Ce gritted his teeth and let out a tiger roar.

Zhou Yu and Zhou Tai's horses are slow, and they have only rushed over now. After all, they have just rushed long distances to seek support.

Seeing that Sun Ce had rushed out of the valley but was still unwilling to leave, Zhou Yu hurriedly shouted, "Sun Bofu! You still not leaving? If you don't leave, you will be in trouble!"

"Since Mr. Wu Chenghou came to save you, he just hopes that you can leave successfully. Don't let him down!"

"As long as the green hills remain, we are not afraid of running out of firewood!"

Sun Ce lowered his head, the veins on his forehead popped out, but he could only roar angrily and ride his horse to escape.

There are tens of thousands of Yuan Shu's army in the valley behind, even if Sun Ce wants to rescue his father, it is absolutely impossible.

Although all the soldiers under his command are brave, they are already at the end of their strength, and they are all remnants and defeated generals.


Gritting his teeth and squeezing out the word, Sun Ce lowered his head and rode away with a tear streaming from the corner of his eye.

In the valley, Sun Jian was protected by three hundred warriors in the middle of the valley, glaring at Yuan Shu standing 20 meters ahead.

Yuan Shu also sneered and said, "Sun Wentai, long time no see!"

"Since I became emperor, I have often recalled the time when you made great achievements under my command, and now I am really reluctant to kill you."

"However, you blatantly disobeyed me in the Jiangdong region, so you can only bear the pain and slaughter you, the Jiangdong tiger!"

Yuan Shu roared, very imposing.

But Sun Jian held the ancient ingot knife in his hand, laughed loudly, and said mockingly: "Hahaha! Yuan Gonggong, my son Sun Wentai, as a Han minister, upholds the loyalty of the emperor."

"But you, a traitor, actually usurped the throne and became emperor. Even if I, Sun Wentai, die here today, I will fight to the death of thousands of your troops!"

"Come on! I'm not afraid, let your most valiant soldiers come over and ask me if the ancient ingot knife in Sun Wentai's hand is sharp or not!"

Sun Jian's aura was extraordinary, and Yuan Shu couldn't help but tremble with such domineering aura.

"Hmph! Give it all to me! Whoever takes the head of Sun Wentai will be made Marquis of a Thousand Households!"

With a wave of Yuan Shu's hand, he immediately ordered the soldiers under his command to launch an attack, besieging Sun Jian.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, Yuan Shujun's soldiers rushed up roaring.

Three hundred Jiangdong warriors guarded Sun Jian, none of them had the slightest intention to kill, but fought bravely to kill the enemy.

In the current situation, there is no possibility of breaking through.

That being the case, it is better to counterattack directly and kill a few more enemies!

Sun Jian laughed loudly: "Hahaha! Brothers, I, Sun Wentai, will fight with you today. This is our last battle!"

"When you were in Xuzhou, you followed me, and followed me all the way south to attack Dong Zhuo."

"Today, I, Sun Wentai, will definitely fall at the end. Let's kill one enemy to earn money, and kill two to earn one!"

Sun Jian held up the ancient ingot knife. This simple and sharp sword seemed to be the backbone of the three hundred warriors, giving them courage.


Three hundred warriors drew out their plain sabers and charged forward, hacking and killing these Yangzhou soldiers under Yuan Shu's command.

At this moment, the sky was dark and the sun was covered by dark clouds.

Bleeding poured in, the ground was full of corpses of Yangzhou soldiers, and one after another Yangzhou soldiers were injured and retreated.

It seems that these 300 people are invincible, and no one can compete with them when united!
Zhang Xun sneered, and shouted: "Archer, let the arrows go! Aim at Sun Jian for me, and kill him first!"

The [-] archers Zhang Xun answered directly shot and killed the [-] Jiangdong warriors.

"Brothers, protect the boss!"

"Protect Boss Sun, block the rain of arrows!"

Seeing that the enemy wanted to shoot Sun Jian directly, the three hundred warriors roared angrily and stood in front of Sun Jian to resist the rain of arrows.

Most of the arrows were split by the 300 people with simple knives, but after all, some people were hit by arrows.

More than a dozen people were directly hit to the vitals and died on the spot, and dozens of people suffered injuries of varying severity.

But none of them fell down. Instead, they became more brave and stepped forward bravely.

Yuan Shu sneered, shook his head, turned around and stopped watching the battle.

He waved his hand to let Zhang Xun deal with the three hundred Jiangdong soldiers himself, while Yuan Shu waited for Sun Jian's head.

In the valley, the sound of shouting and killing shook the sky!

At dusk, the setting sun sheds blood, and it is hidden with the earth in the valley, as if the sky and the earth are one color.

Sun Jian broke his left arm and stood alone, while all the soldiers around him fell down.

The blood on his cheek affected Sun Jian's vision, but he still insisted on straightening his back.

"Today, even though I, Sun Wentai, are dead, I will curse you, Yuan Gonglu, under the Nine Springs, so that you will not be reborn!"

Sun Jian had already lost the ability to continue fighting, and the two-hour battle had exhausted his physical strength.

With a ferocious face, Sun Wentai was like a fierce ghost!
Lifting the ancient ingot knife, Sun Jian put it on his neck...

Yuan Shu sighed, looked at this warrior who made him afraid, and shook his head with emotion.

The heavy sound of falling to the ground shocked all Yangzhou soldiers, and they all admired Sun Jian!
One person, with 2000 soldiers, fought for two hours and killed [-] enemy troops.

This kind of ability, only Sun Jian can do it.

But at this moment, it is still the fallen hero...

(End of this chapter)

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