Chapter 239
Yuan Shu took a deep breath. He saw Sun Jian fell to the ground with his own eyes, and he felt endless emotion in his heart.

After all, Sun Jian used to be his old subordinate. Although he turned against the water and became independent later, he still has some affection.

Yuan Shu came down from the high place. He smelled the bloody smell all over the ground, and couldn't help trembling: "Sun Wentai has 300 warriors who are willing to follow him in the most difficult time, and are willing to die for him. I, Yuan Gonglu, really have [-] people." Willing to die for me?"

"The prosperity of the world is all for fame, and the chaos of the world is for profit. Those generals and officials under my command are just supporting me to be emperor in order to be able to worship generals and become marquises."

"It seems that Yan Xiang is the only one who is loyal to me. It's really ironic!"

While thinking about it, Yuan Shu walked to Sun Jian's corpse, and he couldn't help sighing with emotion when he saw his death.

"Zhang Xun, prepare a high-quality coffin for Sun Wentai. After all, he was once my subordinate. If a person dies like a lamp goes out, there is no need to make things difficult for him."

"Send someone to Sun Ce Hu'er, ask him to send someone to take away his father's body, and retreat for thirty miles."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Shu glared at Zhang Xun. This guy was making a lot of ancient ingot knives.

Yuan Shu continued directly and solemnly: "Don't move the ancient ingot knife! When the time comes, let the people sent by Sun Ce take it back, and anyone who dares to hide it will be beheaded!"

"In today's battle, all the soldiers have made meritorious deeds. When you go back, you will be rewarded for your merits. Zhang Xun is the first one."

With a slap and a sweet date, Yuan Shu really grasped people's hearts, making Zhang Xun feel relaxed and excited.

He was indeed thinking about Sun Jian's ancient ingot knife, but now he was relieved, and just asked someone to pick up the ancient ingot knife and wipe off the blood.

That night, the lights in the camp of Sun Ce's Jiangdong Army were not extinguished, and all the generals gathered in the camp of the Chinese Army without saying a word.

Everyone knew that if Sun Jian hadn't come back by this time, he would never come back.

Moreover, Huang Han and Cheng Zu had already seen the envoy sent by Yuan Shu, and they knew that Sun Jian had died!

No one complained about Sun Ce. After all, he was Sun Jian's eldest son and the next successor.

Silence, everyone is silent.

But what can't be concealed is that there is sadness in everyone's eyes, especially Sun Ce blames himself for being sad!
If he hadn't underestimated the enemy and didn't listen to Zhou Yu's persuasion, he wouldn't have incurred such consequences.

In the end, it was Huang Gai who gave a cold snort, and said first, "Everyone! I, Zu Mao, Han Dang, and Cheng Pu, sworn brothers with the lord. He told us many things before."

"At the beginning, he said that the first of the five of us to leave, the other four could go to his grave to mock and drink to worship."

"It's not that I, Mr. Huang, disturbed the morale of the army. I think everyone knows in their hearts that what the envoy sent by Yuan Shu just said is true, and the lord has already soared beyond the sky."

"However, our Jiangdong Army cannot be dejected because of this! The son inherits his father's legacy, and Bo Fu is the eldest son of Wentai, so he should inherit Wentai's foundation!"

After hearing Huang Gai's words, all the soldiers nodded slightly without any rebuttal.

After all, Huang Gai had a high status, and he usually followed Sun Jian's side, so the other soldiers naturally had no objections.

Moreover, Sun Ce's prestige in the army is no less than that of Sun Jian. Although he suffered a disastrous defeat this time, no one said much.

Cheng Pu also nodded, and said: "Huang Gongfu is right, we can't be depressed now, we should first consider taking Wentai's body home!"

"But who should go to this matter? According to the logic, it is naturally best for Bofu to go, but Yuan Gonglu is not a trustworthy person."

All mask their inner grief, and they try to get the big stuff out of the way as best they can.

Sun Ce had already started to feel depressed, he lowered his head, his brain was in a panic.

But when all the soldiers were silent, a young figure walked in from outside the tent and said directly: "Let me go!"

"Four uncles, although Zhongmou is not talented, he still wants to do his best."

"Yuan Gonglu is insidious and cunning. If I let my brother go, I'm afraid he will also be put under house arrest."

"Jiangdong can't be without a backbone. Zhongmou is still underage. Yuan Gonggong should not embarrass me too much because of his own identity."

All the soldiers in the camp heard the sound and looked at Sun Quan with infinite emotion in their hearts!
Sun Jian is a fierce tiger and has no dogs!
Instead, Sun Ce stood up immediately after hearing what his younger brother said, and shouted, "No! I don't agree!"

"Zhongmou is still young, and in the last few words of his father, he told me to protect my younger siblings. I can't let Zhongmou put himself in danger!"

"Brother! Now is not the time for you to go your own way! The Jiangdong Army has encountered an unprecedented crisis, and we should get through the crisis first!"

"Let Zhongmou go! Yuan Gonglu is just trying to gain fame. Since he proclaims himself emperor, he will definitely not embarrass me, a junior."

Sun Quan looked at Sun Ce resolutely, his momentum was not weak at all.

Zu Mao was excited when he heard that, and said directly: "Okay! I think I'll let Zhong Mou pick up Big Brother, and then we'll withdraw directly!"

Huang Gai also nodded, and continued, "I think this is feasible! Bo Fu, don't go your own way. The four of us are all from your uncle's generation, and we will definitely not harm you."

"Starting today, the whole army will wear white shirts outside, and wear hemp for the eldest brother!"

"In the morning of the day after tomorrow, we will lead our troops back to Jiangdong. However, Yuan Shu will definitely take the opportunity to go south, so we might as well retreat and cede the area north of the Yangtze River."

Hearing that the land was to be ceded, Sun Ce cheered up immediately, and shouted: "How can this be done! Uncle, my father laid down this with his life. How can you just say ceded it!"

Sun Ce's eyes were bloodshot, obviously extremely angry.

All the soldiers gritted their teeth and clenched their fists, and they all felt very aggrieved.

Han Dang didn't speak all the time, but now he also roared: "Bo Fu! You have to calm down!"

"Now it's not a matter of talking about how much land was conquered and whose life was used to conquer it!"

"Now our Jiangdong army is in disarray. If Yuan Shu takes the opportunity to go south, I'm afraid half of Jiangdong will be lost."

"It's better to cede the area north of the Yangtze River directly, resist the river and defend it, and then find an opportunity to go north to counterattack and avenge the eldest brother!"

"Bo Fu, you need to calm down now, it is no longer suitable for giving orders. The four of us will think about everything for you, so you can go and rest!"

The four of Han, Huang and Chengzu stood together, and they controlled two-thirds of the military power of the Jiangdong Army.

The most important thing is that no one can shake their status in the army, and no general dares to disobey their orders now.

Sun Ce sighed helplessly. He waved his hand, thanking him for stepping out of the Chinese military camp.

Tears welled up in his eyes, and he blamed himself for his father's death, so he couldn't help crying.

But Sun Ce is a bully, he can't cry in front of all the soldiers, so he chooses to leave first.

Huang Gai glanced at Sun Ce's back sympathetically, and didn't say much, just wanted to give him time to calm down and relax.

Then looking at Sun Quan, Huang Gai was about to discuss the matter of taking Sun Jian's body back from Yuan Shu.

Sun Quan narrowed his eyes, knowing that he was the most suitable person to complete this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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