Chapter 242

In Cao Cao's barracks, Xi Zhicai, Jia Xu, and Li Ru were all silent. None of them thought that Yuan Shu's army had escaped from its shell.

It is really not easy for the [-] troops to withdraw from Xuzhou, and to go quietly.

This time, even the three top strategists under Cao Cao didn't expect it, although Yuan Shu's withdrawal would not have much impact on them.

Cao Cao took a deep breath, squinted his eyes and said, "Everyone, Yuan Shu has withdrawn his army now, but he will definitely go north to attack Xuzhou again."

"Yangzhou has enough food and grass. Yuan Shu's withdrawal this time is just to ambush that Jiangdong tiger, Sun Jian, to ensure that the rear will not be attacked."

"Sun Jian is dead, and Yuan Shu's rear is safe. When he goes north again, he will definitely bring out more troops."

"Now Ji Ling, Lei Bo and Lu Fengxian are confronting each other. Zhang Ji is a suspicious soldier. It is estimated that he is the one in Yuan Shu's camp to confuse us."

"Liu Bei's general Chen Lan is resisting. Even if we want to take the opportunity to go south and attack Yangzhou, it will be very difficult!"

Cao Cao analyzed the current battle situation, and Xi Zhicai and Jia Xu began to keep silent and think of ways.

Only Li Ru kept a sinister smile, obviously he must have thought of a countermeasure, and Jia Xu must have known it too.

Jia Xu, who is good at protecting himself, is still hiding himself, because as long as it is something that Li Ru can think of, he, Jia Wenhe, must know it too.

Cao Cao waited for Li Ru to speak, he knew that if Jia Xu wanted to keep silent, he would not be able to pry his mouth away.

Xi Zhicai is good at plotting. If he were to find a way to deal with Yuan Shu, there would probably be only one strategy of directly mobilizing troops.

And Li Ru's conspiracy will definitely be used more, although it may be more troublesome to operate and implement.

Li Ru smiled sinisterly, and took the initiative to say: "Mr. Cao, the current situation in the Central Plains is very favorable to us. As long as Han Wu doesn't lead troops south to intervene in the battlefield, the battle in Xuzhou will be under our control."

"You're right, but the problem is that the main force of Yanzhou can't come back from the Xishu area, and the current army's combat effectiveness can't compete with Yuan Shu."

Cao Cao said seriously.

But Cao Cao was just an introduction, and he knew that Li Ru must have thought of a way on this basis.

Li Ru continued to smile sinisterly, walked to the Xuzhou map hanging next to him, and pointed to the Xuzhou official road in Guangling County.

"Cao Gong, if you were Yuan Gonglu himself, how would you send troops north now? Simply put, who would you deal with first after you go north again?"

He asked Cao Cao a question, which made Xi Zhicai think about it, as if he understood something.

Cao Cao hadn't fully reacted yet, but he still replied: "If the three major powers in southern Xuzhou really fight a tough battle, we will naturally be the weakest right now."

"However, we are now in a position of power because we control the emperor. Once we attack us, we will attack the emperor, which is a treasonous act."

"However, Yuan Gonggong has usurped the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. For him, he must first prove to the world that he is better than the emperor of the Han Dynasty. Therefore, if I were Yuan Gonggong, I would definitely attack the imperial court first, that is, the Yanzhou Army!"

Li Ru happily widened his smile. Now he feels that it is quite easy to give advice to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao himself is very smart, but he is sitting in the position of the lord. Many times, the authorities are obsessed and will limit his own thinking.

However, Li Ru found that as long as he reminded Cao Cao, he would be able to react immediately.

"That's right! Mr. Cao, Yuan Gonglu will definitely go north to deal with us first, and attack us with all his strength to defeat us."

"And if he wants to attack us by rushing from Yangzhou, then Yuan Shu can only follow the official path, and he will definitely march at night."

Xi Zhicai seemed to understand what Li Ru was thinking, but he always felt that it was not realistic.

Li Ru continued: "Mr. Cao, we only need to do this first, and then this is enough..."

Li Ru could lower his voice so that only the people in the big tent could hear.

Even Cao Cao was incredible this time. After taking a deep breath, he couldn't believe it.

But this is indeed a ruthless and effective strategy, but it is too insidious!
"Okay! Let's try this strategy first, and I'll write a letter to Liu Xuande right away."

Although Cao Cao didn't fully trust Li Ru, he trusted the strategy he came up with.

A counselor who can disintegrate the alliance of the Eighteenth Route princes by himself is not easy in itself.

In the city of Guangling County, Liu Bei summoned all the generals under his command to listen to Xu Shu's assignment of tasks.

Liu Bei also got news from the south, knowing that Sun Jian was dead, and the area north of the Yangtze River was taken back by Yuan Shu.

Xu Shu said: "Generals, now that Yuan Shu has beheaded Sun Jian, the fierce tiger in the east of the Yangtze River, and seized the land north of the Yangtze River, the morale of his subordinates must be in full swing."

"Once he goes north again, Cao Cao and Cao Mengde will be the first to bear the brunt. Cao Cao represents the Han Dynasty. If he loses, it will be equivalent to the Han Dynasty losing to Yuan Gonglu!"

"In this way, it is equivalent to Yuan Shu proving that he is orthodox. This will be very unfavorable for us to guard Xuzhou in the future, so we must help Cao Cao."

As soon as Yuan Shu finished speaking, Zhang Fei yelled, "Why! My elder brother said that Cao Cao is also a traitor, and his defeat to Yuan Shu was just a battle between two tigers. Why should we help Cao Cao!"

Zhang Fei, who was instilled with these thoughts by Liu Bei every day, retorted subconsciously.

But Liu Bei was very helpless in his heart, because he knew that Zhang Fei's performance was all influenced by himself.

Xu Shu didn't pay attention to this rude man, but continued: "Two days later, General Guan will lead [-] troops to ambush at the official road on the border of Xuzhou. Yuan Shu will definitely come from there."

"Remember not to confront it head-on, just ambush it, shoot arrows from a distance to consume it, and then withdraw your troops."

"General Zhao Zilong, you lead the cavalry team to Xuzhou Guandao, calculate Yuan Shu's marching progress for a day, and shoot rockets to harass his army after they set up camp."

"The cavalry is highly mobile. General Zilong's mission is to harass Yuan Shu continuously."

"General Chen Dao led [-] troops, and continued to ambush them on the official road on the second day, shooting arrows to consume them."

"And so on, until Yuan Shu's army is a hundred miles away from where Cao Cao's army is stationed, let's unite with Cao Cao to deal with Yuan Shu!"

Xu Shu issued the general order, but Zhang Fei was not mentioned, because Zhang Fei was too impulsive.

The purpose of this ambush operation is to affect the speed of Yuan Shu's army at all times, and at the same time avoid losing information about the Yangzhou army.

Zhang Fei also wanted to ask for a fight, and when he was about to speak, Liu Bei spoke first.

"Okay! Just follow Mr. Yuan Zhi's words, go down and prepare! Yide, you are responsible for guarding Guangling County and ensuring the safety of the rear."

As soon as Liu Bei said a word, Zhang Fei quickly shut up and stopped calling for a fight.

The eldest brother said that he was allowed to guard the city, so naturally he couldn't go against his wishes.

Guan Yu squinted his eyes and stared at Xu Shu. He really wanted to know what Xu Shu's plan was to ambush Yuan Shu in turn.

Guan Yu, who was also studying Spring and Autumn tactics, couldn't figure it out at all, but he must pay more attention.

Calm and studious, this is the biggest gap between Guan Yu and Zhang Fei!

(End of this chapter)

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