Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 243 Intellectual Competition

Chapter 243 Intellectual Competition

On the official road of Guangling County in the south of Xuzhou, Zhang Xun's vanguard marched forward with great momentum.

They ambushed the Jiangdong tiger, beheaded Sun Jian, and seized the land north of the Yangtze River. All the soldiers under Yuan Shu's command were proud.

Even Yuan Shu began to say that he was assigned by the destiny, constantly brainwashing the soldiers under his command.

Zhang Xun rode his horse on the official road. This place was not suitable for the enemy to lay out an ambush, so he was not afraid at all.

"General, we should send more scouts, after all, we have already entered the territory of Xuzhou."

"If there is an ambush ahead, we are so far away from His Majesty's central army, we will easily be targeted by the enemy army!"

The scout leader under Zhang Xun made a suggestion, but he didn't seem to take this matter to heart.

"What? What is there to be nervous about? Your majesty's dragon power is enough to frighten these young people. Why is there a need to send scouts?"

"And even if he is ambushed by the enemy, with Liu Bei's strength, what can he do to me?"

Zhang Xun is quite arrogant, but this time he is really arrogant!

There are [-] vanguard troops under his command, and a small half of them are Danyang elite soldiers, whose combat effectiveness is comparable to Cao Cao's current total army.

After all, Cao Cao's main force was not in Yanzhou, and he didn't bring many troops. This time he came here only to suspect Yuan Shu.

Hearing that the general didn't care whether there would be an ambush by the enemy at all, the scout leader could only sigh faintly.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xun raised his spear and stopped the army from advancing.

There is a cavalry team waiting in front of them. This should be Zhao Yun Zhao Zilong, a young soldier under Liu Bei's command!
A white horse with a silver spear and a suit of silver armor, Zhang Xun clearly remembered that it was he who stabbed Lejiu under the horse with one move.

"Everyone be vigilant! The opponent's cavalry is not many, and we have a great advantage."

"Archers, start shooting arrows!"

Zhang Xun raised his left hand and let the horse archers under his command take the initiative to shoot, testing the opponent's strength.

Seeing Zhang Xun shooting arrows directly, Zhao Yun smiled slightly and ordered: "The whole army retreats!"

He didn't intend to go to the front to deal with Zhang Xun at all. Zhao Yun wanted to complete the task assigned by the master.

A round of volleys all shot empty, and Zhang Xun saw that Zhao Yun's cavalry team was not equipped with bows and crossbows.

"Okay! Everyone, charge! Catch up with this group of enemy troops and wipe them out!"

As soon as Zhang Xun gave the order, the deputy general beside him hurriedly reminded: "General! There is a plain area ahead, but there is a valley across the official road across the plain. Let's ambush carefully!"

Zhang Xun glanced at the lieutenant general, thought for a while, and said, "Okay! Then be careful in ambush, and stop immediately when you reach a mile in front of the valley."

Without underestimating the enemy, Zhang Xun hesitated for a while before ordering to charge.

But the cavalry under Zhao Yun's command was extremely fast, and they ran away without a cup of tea.

Just when Zhang Xun was hesitating whether to continue marching, another cavalry team came from the northwest, and it seemed to be Bingzhou wolf cavalry!
Although there were only about one thousand cavalry, they ran with the momentum of four or five thousand cavalry.

Zhang Xun became vigilant again and shouted: "Everyone, prepare to fight! Charge!"

The cavalry under his command had just rested for less than ten breaths, and they were about to charge immediately.

However, these Yangzhou cavalry soldiers are all elite, with excellent physical strength, and they will not be too tired.

"Everyone, get ready to detour and retreat!"

The general who led the Bingzhou Wolf Rider was Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan, but Zhang Xun didn't know him.

Under the leadership of Zhang Liao, the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry immediately split up and circled around half a mile away, and began to retreat at full speed.

Zhang Xun roared and charged, but he still couldn't catch up with these Bingzhou wolves.

He continued to chase again, but it was a pity that he was still falling further and further away.

Next, another cavalry team rushed over, this time it was the only trump card under Cao Cao's command-tiger and leopard cavalry!

The tiger and leopard cavalry, led by Cao Chun, still did not fight directly like the previous two cavalry teams.

There was a lot of thunder and little rain, and the three cavalry teams almost all made a false charge, and then retreated immediately.

Zhang Xun also began to wonder, no matter how stupid a person can see that there is a problem, it will definitely be the enemy's plan!

After ordering the army to rest in place, Zhang Ji did not dare to march impulsively.

In Cao Cao's camp, after hearing Cao Chun's report, he said curiously, "Oh? I can understand that the Bingzhou Wolf Riders didn't fight."

"After all, Chen Gong is not a simple person. I really like his resourcefulness."

"Although Lu Bu is simple-minded, but with such a top strategist, it is normal for Zhang Liao to act like this."

"It's just that Liu Bei's subordinates have also heard that some clever advisers have also started to use tactics of suspicion."

"Wen He, it seems that this is a strategy you and Wen You came up with together, I'm afraid it will be difficult to complete!"

Originally, it was planned that Liu Bei, Lu Bu and Yuan Shu could fight each other with a tricky strategy, and reap the benefits of the fisherman himself.

But now it seems that even Liu Bei has become smarter and began to preserve his strength.

Apart from Cao Cao, there are only two counselors, Xi Zhicai and Jia Xu, in the big tent. Li Ru has not come yet.

After Xi Zhicai heard what the lord said, he chuckled lightly and said, "My lord, it's hard to say whether this plan will succeed."

"Yuan Shu's vanguard is a sharp knife, whoever faces it will be seriously injured."

"The comparison now is which of our three families can hold their breath better! Whoever can hold their breath first will face Zhang Xun first."

"So, we still need to calm down. If Liu Bei and Lu Bu don't send troops, we will stand still!"

Xi Zhicai said to Cao Cao, and at the same time glanced at Jia Xu.

Jia Xu remained silent, but his eyes had already told Cao Cao, so he did as Xi Zhicai said.

But even Jia Xu was very curious about who Liu Bei had under his command.

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes, showing a treacherous look on his dark face, and smiled.

"Okay! This is very interesting, let's see whether he, Liu Xuande, is more calm, or me, Cao Mengde, who is more calm."

"As for Lu Fengxian, he, a brainless and uninitiated tiger, will definitely obey Chen Gong with full authority, so we won't compare with him."

"Anyone of them can start the army first. When the time comes, we will intervene in the battlefield later and directly take down Zhang Xun, the vanguard officer!"

Cao Cao thumped the table, very satisfied.

In the city of Guangling County, Xu Shu continued to speculate on the next battle situation, and prepared to send troops with Liu Bei.

Guangling County was too far away from the place where the battle was about to take place, and the infantry could not arrive in time.

If you want to grasp the fighter, you must have the best mobility.

Therefore, Xu Shu must follow Liu Bei to the front.

Chen Gong was also watching the battle situation in Guangling County.

Moreover, Jizhou also placed eyes here, and Han Wu was able to get the situation here two days later.

In the current Central Plains area, it can be said that the mountains and rains are about to come and the wind is full, and it has reached the calm period before the war!

(End of this chapter)

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