Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 265 The Glory of a Famous General

Chapter 265 The Glory of a Famous General
"General, we are less than half a day away from Luoyang, do we need to speed up?"

On the border of Shanyang County in the Sili area, Cao Chun's tiger and leopard cavalry are resting here.

Cao Cao ordered him to lead his troops to Luoyang City immediately, and try to stop Han Wu's cavalry team as much as possible.

"No hurry! Han Wu's cavalry army has led his troops back to Jizhou, and even if he doesn't leave, we have nothing to do."

"Now only Qu Yi leads a part of the cavalry, so we don't need to pay too much attention to it."

Cao Chun spoke easily and naturally, and he showed a slight smile.

Moreover, he was absolutely sure that Qu Yi would stay in the Sili area.

"After half an hour, you lead 500 people to detour to the south of Luoyang City, and find another person to lead [-] troops to detour to the north of Luoyang."

"Cao Gang, I will entrust you with the task of circumventing the north of Luoyang."

"The two of you are responsible for taking turns charging against Quyi's cavalry. Don't love to fight each time, just harass them."

Cao Chun showed a faint smile, he had counted Qu Yi's cavalry team once.

Qu Yi is good at leading the infantry to the camp first, but he is not as good at leading the cavalry.

The two lieutenants took orders one after another, although they didn't know what General Cao Chun wanted to do.

On the Luoyang City that afternoon, Qu Yi took a deep breath worryingly, looking at the dilapidated Luoyang City that had not yet been restored.

"General, since Luoyang was burned down by Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao occupied it, it has never been repaired."

"It is said that Cao Cao also drafted an imperial decree on behalf of the little emperor to ask the princes to enshrine money and rebuild Luoyang. Now it seems that the money is spent on dogs!"

Qu Yi's lieutenant general stood beside him and said angrily.

Qu Yi snorted coldly and said, "So what? Since ancient times, there have been winners and losers. Even if Cao Mengde deceived the world, it is not impossible."

"If Han Pengju wins the world in the future, then the princes who oppose him will all be sinners through the ages."

"If Cao Mengde wins the world, later generations will only think that Han Wu's approach is wrong."

After hearing the general's words, although the deputy general didn't understand for a while, he nodded slightly.

Qu Yi sighed with emotion, and said, "You lieutenants are my confidantes."

"Since ancient times, the emperors have always been cunning rabbits and dead dogs. I, Qu Yi, indulge in pride, and it is estimated that I will be targeted by Han Pengju within five or ten years."

"However, he exterminated Wuhuan, which gave me hope and trust. If he can exterminate Shaodangqiang and avenge me, Qu Yi will die with no regrets!"

Qu Yi's eyes widened. He looked northwest, his eyes filled with hatred.

"Hey! Indeed, since ancient times, cunning rabbits have died and lackeys have cooked."

"Back then, my lord was threatened by Yuan Shao of Bohai County and Gongsun Zan of Youzhou, so the general's strength must be needed."

"Now, the lord may not need to go to the camp first. Suan Ni cavalry, bloodthirsty tiger guards and even the white robe army, each one is enough to crush the first camp."

The lieutenant general sighed faintly, after all, he was also one of the first to board the camp.

Qu Yi laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha! There's nothing to worry about, we just need to do as we please. What's more, Han Pengju doesn't need me anymore, not because he doesn't need you."

"Cao Chun's army of tiger and leopard cavalry is in the south, and the current three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry are considered recruits."

"Let's try our best to kill this tiger and leopard cavalry, and then even if we die in the Sili area, we must kill Cao Cao's right-hand man!"

Qu Yi thumped the tower suddenly, he stared at Dongfang and narrowed his eyes.

A scout ran up the tower and knelt on one knee to report: "General, Cao Chun's tiger and leopard cavalry split into two teams of 500 men, and headed towards the north and south of Luoyang City respectively."

After Qu Yi heard the scout chief's report, he smiled slightly.

"Good guy! This Cao Chun is indeed a general who leads cavalry, and he has a very deep understanding of cavalry."

"Divide the troops into two teams of 500 people, this is the ambush from ten sides after learning from Han Xin!"

"However, Flying Daggers also has certain flaws, that is, Cao Chun does not have the strength of Han Xin."

"Tomorrow morning, send troops directly to leave Luoyang. Once you encounter a cavalry team with 500 troops, immediately wipe them out!"

Qu Yi didn't want to give Cao Chun any chance at all, he just wanted to do everything possible to destroy Cao Chun.

Even if he exchanged his own life for Cao Chun's, he would not hesitate.

In the early morning of the next day, Qu Yi led the cavalry team to set off, heading directly in the direction Cao Chun came from.

Less than two miles away from Luoyang City, the cavalry team rushed out of the mountain depression.

"Brothers, kill!"


These 500 tiger and leopard riders were full of momentum and rushed towards Qu Yi directly.

Qu Yi was very calm, because he knew that the 500 people were only here to harass and would not really fight.

But he wouldn't play house with these people.

"Soldiers, use the crossbow!"

Qu Yi directly ordered the soldiers to pick up the hand crossbows and shoot the five hundred cavalry from a long distance.

The cavalry of more than a thousand people took out their hand crossbows and shot directly like five hundred tiger and leopard cavalry.

Hand crossbows, arrows, these are the greatest restraints on cavalry!

At the beginning, Qu Yi defeated Baima Yicong with the first boarding hand crossbow.

No matter how strong the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is, it is definitely not as powerful as the White Horse Yicong.

What's more, these are just recruits.

The sound of breaking through the air startled the five hundred cavalrymen, but they had no chance to dodge.

Thousands of hand crossbows are still accurate, and they hit three or four hundred tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers from 100 meters away.

"Not good! This is Qin Nu, retreat quickly!"

Cao Gang, the lieutenant of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, subconsciously thought that Qu Yi had defeated the Qin Nu, which was the nemesis of the cavalry.

But he was wrong, this is just a hand crossbow made by Qu Yi, but it still has great restraint against cavalry.

"Don't chase! There will be another team of 500 people chasing us, let's continue to shoot and kill that team of tiger and leopard cavalry."

When Qu Yi saw that his lieutenant wanted to lead his troops to chase after the remaining 100 tiger and leopard cavalry recruits, he immediately stopped him.

At the same time, Qu Yi frowned and said, "Go and kill the horses! Kill the horses of the tigers and leopards that were shot, and don't leave any cavalry resources for Cao Chun."

Qu Yi gave an order, and the soldiers under his command immediately went to kill the horse.

After finishing these tiger and leopard riders, Qu Yi continued to move towards Cao Chun without even disposing of the corpses.

This is the Sili area, even if it is to dispose of the corpse, it is also the task of their Cao army.

If there is a plague, it will be even more troublesome for Cao Jun.

In less than a stick of incense, another cavalry team rushed over. Obviously they didn't know that they had hand crossbows in the camp first.

"Another team of 500 people, raise the crossbow and shoot!"

Seeing that the opponent's tiger and leopard rider had already entered the range, Qu Yi directly raised his gun and gave the order to start shooting.

The sound of breaking through the air, screams, and falling to the ground, one after another.

The screams of the tiger and leopard cavalry recruits were even more frightening.

Qu Yi's expression was indifferent, he was calculating how much cavalry power Cao Chun still had.

This time, he has made up his mind and will do something big with all his might.

(End of this chapter)

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