Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 266 The Glory of a Famous General

Chapter 266 The Glory of a Famous General
"Soldiers, take away the spears of Cao Jun's soldiers, we must be ready to throw the spears."

Qu Yi saw that the tiger and leopard cavalry of this Cao army had also begun to retreat, so he ordered to stop the pursuit.

It has already penetrated into the enemy's territory, if you attack rashly, you will easily be ambushed.

Some soldiers who had boarded the camp immediately rode back and began to collect their spears and spears.

Cao Chun, who was ten miles away, snorted coldly. His first cavalry team had already been defeated and turned back.

"Report to the general, Quyi has less than 1000 cavalry, but they have Qin crossbows!"

"Our five hundred cavalrymen were attacked by their crossbow arrows before they approached them at a distance of thirty feet."

After Cao Chun heard the lieutenant general's report, he was shocked at first, and then calmed down.

"An attack distance of thirty feet? That's not a Qin crossbow, at most it's a hand crossbow with a relatively long range."

"Go to the camp first, Qu Yi defeated Baima Yicong with these hand crossbows, he is the nemesis of the cavalry."

"But it's not a big problem. Although we will lose a lot of troops if we destroy Quyi's first camp, it will not be a loss to keep Quyi's head."

Cao Chun snorted coldly, and continued: "You charge again with me, pay attention to spread out when charging, and avoid the attack of hand crossbows."

Directly ordered to start again, Cao Chun didn't want to let Qu Yi run away because of the delay of the fighter plane.

"The last general takes orders!"

The tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers took orders one after another, and their morale was not hit in any way.

Although they are recruits, the tiger and leopard cavalry are Cao Jun's most elite ace cavalry after all.

In less than two cups of tea, the tiger and leopard cavalry approached the place where the battle just happened.

The scout sent by Qu Yi also rushed back and reported to Qu Yihui: "General, I have found out that there are more than 2000 tiger and leopard cavalry troops ahead!"

"The leader of the army is Cao Chun, the leader of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry."

Hearing the scout's report, Qu Yi showed a slight smile, and said excitedly: "Okay! Sure enough, Cao Chun came here in person, so he can't go back."

"Brothers with families will charge forward. If you can't go back to Jizhou this time, my lord will take care of your family."

"Brothers who have not yet married and established a business are behind. Once you see Cao Chun being beheaded, you should flee immediately and return to Jizhou."

"Brothers, destroy the hand crossbow, our mission this time is to kill Cao Chun without dying!"

Qu Yi narrowed his eyes, he already had the will to die.

At present, the situation in Jizhou has begun to undergo some changes, and Qu Yi realizes that the lord will have to use his own knife sooner or later.

Instead of dying inexplicably one day, Qu Yi thinks that he should be brilliant.

It is worth it to exchange your own life for the lives of cavalry generals under Cao Cao's command.

There are many generals under Han Wu's command, but for Cao Cao, a Cao Chun is equivalent to his right-hand man!


When the lieutenant heard that General Qu Yi had a desire to die, he gritted his teeth and wanted to persuade him.

Qu Yi laughed loudly, and said: "Hahaha! Stop talking nonsense, even if we risk our lives today, we have to kill a few more tiger and leopard riders, and Cao Chun must be beheaded."

Narrowing his eyes, Qu Yi clenched the spear in his hand.

"Yes! Follow the general's order! Soldiers, set off and kill Cao Chun!"

The thousand cavalry were all elite soldiers under Qu Yi's command, and they were originally the elite who entered the camp first.

They are Qu Yi's diehard loyalists, so naturally they are not afraid at all now.

Even if they risked themselves with General Qu Yi, they were willing.

"Charge! Charge!"

All the soldiers destroyed the hand crossbow one after another, and they knew that this was to prevent Cao Jun from gaining anything.

Qu Yi showed a satisfied smile, and immediately led his troops to charge.

After half a cup of tea, Qu Yi saw the army of tiger and leopard riders.

"Soldiers, throw spears!"

When Qu Yi gave an order, the soldiers were immediately ready to throw their spears.

On the side of the tiger and leopard rider, Cao Chun calculated the distance and shouted: "Start to slow down and avoid the enemy's crossbow arrows."

Under the leadership of the two lieutenants, the tiger and leopard cavalry immediately dispersed and reduced their speed.

But even Cao Chun couldn't imagine that Qu Yi was about to throw the spear.

"Get ready, shoot!"

Qu Yi calculated the distance and directly ordered the soldiers to start throwing.

With an order, the spears shot out and attacked Cao Jun.

When Cao Chun saw the opponent throwing a spear, he was shocked and shouted, "Get out! Get out of the way!"

Unfortunately, it's too late.

The spears fell from the sky, combined with the charging speed of the cavalry who had first boarded the camp, it was difficult to dodge.

Nearly a hundred tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers were directly shot by spears and fell to the ground.

Being shot by a long gun, there is absolutely no possibility of treatment.

"Damn! Continue to charge, they are few, go!"

Seeing that the loss was not too great, Cao Chun immediately ordered to continue charging.

Qu Yi saw that the tiger and leopard cavalry's charging posture was only slightly affected, and he admired it very much.

However, he sneered and shouted: "Soldiers, go! Kill Cao Chun directly, regardless of casualties!"

Qu Yi rode his horse to speed up, and charged directly at the leader of the tiger and leopard rider.

The cavalry on both sides were full of momentum, without any fear at all.

But when the distance between the two sides was less than ten feet, Cao Chun suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Huh? Not good! Cao Gang, protect me!"

Cao Chun was also considered a veteran soldier, and he could tell at a glance that the opponent's posture was wrong.

The enemy's main general was obviously coming straight to him, and it seemed that he didn't want to lead troops into the battle.

But he realized it was too late, so he could only raise his gun to defend himself first.

Cao Chun gritted his teeth, preparing for the local Quyi's assault!

Qu Yi sneered, raised his gun and stabbed Cao Chun in the chest.

"Jizhou thief general, Hugh injured my general!"

When Cao Gang saw that Qu Yi was charging directly like Cao Chun, he roared angrily and rode his horse to block it.

Qu Yi's spear is extremely powerful, but it is still resisted by Cao Gang, who is not afraid of death.

However, Cao Gang was also pierced through his arm because of this blow!

"Go! Kill Cao Chun, don't be afraid!"

Seeing that he missed a single blow, Qu Yi rushed to two feet behind him, and immediately gave an order.

The soldiers who entered the camp first immediately rode their horses and surrounded Cao Chun, not caring about the tiger and leopard cavalry's charge on their side.

In an instant, hundreds of soldiers who boarded the camp first were rushed and killed by tiger and leopard riders, and fell off their horses.

But Cao Chun was also surrounded by forty or fifty soldiers and fell into trouble.

The veins on Qu Yi's forehead popped up, and a trace of gangster energy lingered on the tip of the spear, and he turned around and rode his horse to kill Cao Chun.

"Cao Chun! Take your life!"

Qu Yi let out an angry roar, and charged at Cao Chun again with his long spear.

Behind Qu Yi, more than a dozen tiger and leopard riders were charging towards him, ready to support the general.

Cao Chun took a deep breath, but just as he raised his gun, he was ambushed by the first camp soldiers on the side.

The spear directly pierced Cao Chun's shoulder!

"Take your life!"

Qu Yi rushed over with his horse, lifted the rope in an instant, let the horse under his seat neigh, and raised his legs.

"My life is over!"

Cao Chun saw that Qu Yi's spear was less than half an arm away from him, so he immediately closed his eyes.

He knew that he was bound to die!

"Brother Mengde, goodbye!"

The next moment, two pillars of blood flowed horizontally, and Qu Yi also vomited blood!

Cao Chun's chest was pierced by a spear, and Qu Yi's right chest was pierced by tiger and leopard riders from the back.

Cao Chun, the leader of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, died at the hands of the "reckless man" Qu Yi.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Qu Yi yelled angrily, and was shocked to vomit blood again when the tiger and leopard knight pulled out his spear.

The spear in his hand fell to the ground, and Qu Yi slumped on his horse, surrounded by several lieutenants who had first boarded the camp.

"Retreat! Quick! Cao Chun is dead, we won!"

"Protect the general and withdraw to Wei County!"

Hearing the roar of the lieutenant general who ascended the battalion first, Cao Gang resisted the pain in his arm and roared: "Revenge for the general! Soldiers who ride tigers and leopards, kill them!"

Although the hearts of the tiger and leopard riders trembled, they did not feel any fear because of the death of the chief general.

Instead, he was furious.

Go to the camp first, and you will soon bear the revenge of the tiger and leopard cavalry!

(End of this chapter)

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