Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 271 Jiangdong civil strife

Chapter 271 Jiangdong civil strife ([-])

"Young Master Quan, what do you mean... Could it be?"

In a secret room of a large family outside the city of Changsha in the east of the Yangtze River, the patriarch of the family nodded and bowed respectfully in front of Sun Quan.

Obviously, this family is a vassal of Sun Quan, and it can basically be trusted.

"That's right! Get rid of him!"

There was fierceness in Sun Quan's eyes, and he gestured at the neck.

The Patriarch took a deep breath and said nervously: "Young Master Quan, this is not a small matter. He is a brave general after all. My family soldiers..."

Hesitant, the patriarch did not directly reject Sun Quan, but was a little worried.

If the assassination fails, it will be a big trouble, and it will easily implicate the family.

Sun Quan sneered and said, "You don't have to worry about this, I have my own countermeasures."

"I will give you a hundred elite soldiers, each of them is good at archery. When the time comes, just shoot him into a hornet's nest. I don't believe that no matter how powerful his martial arts is, he can deal with hundreds of arrows!"

Cruel and decisive!
Sun Quan left a profound influence on the patriarch.

"When does the young master want to do it, or wait for a while?"

The head of the family is still a little nervous, after all, this is a major event that will never be restored once it fails.

After Sun Quan heard this sentence, he also became silent. After thinking about it, he replied: "This matter can't be rushed. I will retire for a while and let him relax."

"When Jiangdong is stable again, he will definitely come out for hunting. At that time, I will provide you with a place."

"It's best to kill him together with his confidants, so that I can sleep well."

Sun Quan's eyes were clouded for a moment, but he was just ambitious.

Every man has ambition, but there must be obstacles on the road to realization.

Only by removing every obstacle can we be close to success!
Even if it is family affection or love, if it will become an obstacle, Sun Quan believes that they should be given up.

"Young Master Quan, you are decisive!"

"Since that's the case, then I'll wait for the good news from your son, and then our family will be able to flourish."

"It just so happens that there is a talented stranger who can take people's heads with throwing knives and is a guest at my house. You may wish to meet him."

Sun Quan originally wanted to leave, but when he heard that someone could take someone's head with a flying knife, he suddenly became curious.

"Oh? Still so bearable, take me to have a look."

Sun Quan said excitedly, telling the patriarch to wait for him to meet the capable man.

In the backyard, just as Sun Quan came here, a half-baked Taoist came out of the wing room.

"Master Jiangdong Quan, are you safe and sound?"

The old man greeted Sun Quan very politely, but Sun Quan was surprised.

Although he had never seen this old man, he knew that he was not a strange person.

But he actually said "Don't come here without any problems", Sun Quan didn't remember that he had ever seen this person.

"Hahaha! Young Master must be thinking about when I met the old Taoist, but there is a definite number in the dark, there must be inextricable connections between you and me, and we will meet in this life."

God stick, old God stick.

Sun Quan only had similar thoughts in his mind, he really wanted to know if this old man was the person he wanted to meet.

"Don't be impatient, young master. You are experienced and lucky. I have met Mr. Quan."

"Mr. Quan wants to take the head of the person he is closest to now. The old man can help you."

After Sun Quan heard what Yu Ji said, he was even more shocked!
I have only told the Patriarch of this family that I wanted to kill that person, and even Lu Su didn't know about it.

But this Yu Ji guessed right, Sun Quan had to guard against it.

Seeing Mr. Quan clenched the long sword around his waist in shock, Yu Ji flicked Daogu Xianfeng and didn't care.

"My lord, don't be so excited. Since the old man dared to speak out, he is naturally willing to help you."

"However, if the old Taoist wants to take a person's head with a flying knife within a hundred feet, the premise is that he must see the person's face."

"Tomorrow morning, the old Taoist will go to visit the young master, and ask the young master to find a way for the old Taoist to see him."

Seeing Yu Ji's smiling expression, Sun Quan became more vigilant.

Sun Quan narrowed his eyes and said, "Why! Why did you help me, and why should I trust you?"

Be very cautious, Sun Quan cannot trust this Yu Ji.

Seeing that Sun Quan was still vigilant towards him, Yu Ji laughed loudly: "Hahaha! There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, and there is a definite number in the sky. People cannot go against the sky."

"This world can be chaotic, but it can't be chaotic, but the premise is that there can be no less or more dragon veins."

"The dragon veins of the great man were divided into four, and the emperor's dragon veins were the least. There were six people who divided the dragon veins of the great man."

"Too many dragon veins will lead to the gathering of the three stars that will kill the wolf, and the heavenly killing star will descend, causing harm to the world."

"Bai Qi, the god of killing in the Warring States period, is such a heavenly killing star descending to the earth. If the old Taoists want to avoid disasters, they must reduce the number of people who share the dragon's veins."

Yu Ji's words were very mysterious, but Sun Quan almost understood.

"Dragon veins, neither more nor less! You said that there are six people in the world who have divided the dragon veins. Besides Han Pengju, Cao Mengde, and Yuan Gonglu, who else?"

The exchange between Sun Quan and Yu Ji made the patriarch very confused, and he couldn't understand what it was.

Yu Ji stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Wrong, wrong. Mr. Quan, the dragon veins have not been divided by Yuan Gonglu."

"Han Pengju took away too many dragon veins of the big man, but the old man can't deal with this person. He has expert guards around him, and the old man knows how to measure."

"Cao Mengde also has an expert to help behind him, so the old man doesn't want to deal with him. As for the other four people, they are Xuzhou Liu Xuande, Wu Chenghou Sun Jian, and your brothers!"

As soon as Yu Ji finished speaking, he looked at Sun Quan coldly.

When Sun Quan heard that he and his elder brother both had dragon veins, he was shocked.

"Hahaha! You don't have to pay too much attention, Young Master. You have too few dragon veins. There is no need for the old man to deal with you for the sake of dragon veins."

"But your elder brother, Sun Bofu, is different. He has the destiny to be the overlord. Although he hasn't grown up yet, it will be a disaster in time."

"Kill him, the dragon veins of the Han Dynasty will not exceed the original tolerance range, and there will be no great disaster in the world."

"Mr. Quan, are you satisfied with the old man's answer now?"

Yu Ji looked at Sun Quan with a smile, waiting for his reply.

Sun Quan snorted coldly, he didn't believe in things like dragon veins or dragon veins.

It's up to man to plan, but it's up to heaven to make things happen. Sun Quan only believes that man can conquer heaven!
"Hmph! Unexpectedly, Liu Xuande is stronger than Yuan Gonggong, and he also has dragon veins."

"But what you said is true or false, but as long as you can help me, I will not treat you badly."

"But if you leak the news, even if I risk my life, I will hunt you down!"

Sun Quan glanced at Yu Ji with his hands behind his back, then turned and left.

Yu Ji looked at Sun Quan with a smile, and thought in his heart: "Poor, pitiful! It's just that he has been allocated so few dragon veins, this child is really pitiful."

"Since this is the case, it's time for the old Taoist to be active and contribute to the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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