Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 272 Jiangdong civil strife

Chapter 272 Jiangdong civil strife ([-])

In the early morning of the next day, in the Changsha prefect's mansion, Sun Ce was struggling to rectify various matters in the Jiangdong area.

Government affairs, military affairs, people's lives and mango seeds, and even the turbulent Shanyue man-made rebellion and banditry.

It was the first time for Sun Ce to sit in his father's seat, and it was also the first time for Sun Ce to feel such a great pressure.

Cheng Puhan was in charge of advising Sun Ce, and Zhou Yu also got busy.

The sky cannot be without a day, and the country cannot be without a master.

For Jiangdong, although this place can be regarded as the territory of the great Han, Sun Jian has already become the master here.

Now that Sun Jian is dead, everything falls on Sun Ce's head.

"Bo Fu, there is a person outside asking to see him, and he is very famous in the Wuhui area recently, his name is Yu Ji."

Sun Ce was a little curious after hearing this, and asked, "Yu Ji? I haven't heard of it, but I heard that there was a plague raging in the Wuhui area a while ago, and it was suppressed by a Huang Laodao who soaked talisman paper in water."

When Cheng Pu heard that Sun Ce also knew something, he hurriedly said, "That's right, the person who used talisman paper to heal the plague is called Yu Ji. It is said that this person is over a hundred years old, but I just saw him in his 50s." years old."

Sun Ce snorted coldly, and said, "How much difference can there be between a person in his 50s and a person in his 100s?"

"Those guys who play with mystery to buy people's hearts will definitely lie about their age in order to make themselves appear more powerful."

"Father hated these old-fashioned Huang Daoists who played mysteries the most before he was alive. I think the three brothers Yu Ji and Zhang Jiao think the same!"

"Someone bring him up, I want to see what this Huang Laodao can do to cure the plague!"

He himself was very unhappy during this time, and Sun Ce became even more tired when he heard that the Taoist priest he hated the most came to visit.

Yu Ji walked to the hall under the leadership of Jiangdong's soldiers, and he looked at Sun Ce's face carefully.

"Handsome, tough and domineering. This Sun Bofu is really not a simple person."

"He is domineering, but lacks the talent of an emperor. He can be a good general but not a leader. How can such a person be able to take away the dragon veins of the Han Dynasty? If he didn't take the dragon veins of the Han Dynasty, it is estimated that he will become the all-powerful No. [-] in the world in the future General."

"However, since I have seen him today, he will definitely die. The three stars that kill the wolf cannot gather, and the world cannot be in chaos."

"Sun Bofu, the Taoist never kills innocent people indiscriminately, but for the sake of the common people, I can only wrong you."

While looking at Sun Ce, Yu Ji was calculating in his heart.

Seeing that Yu Ji was controlling him, Sun Ce felt very uncomfortable, and shouted: "Old man, you used talisman papers to harm people in Kuaiji and Wujun, and now you still have the guts to come to see me?"

Furious, Sun Ce suppressed Yu Ji with murderous intent.

But Yu Ji has lived to be a hundred years old, and has seen more people than Sun Ce has eaten rice, so how could he be suppressed by his mere murderous intent?

In fact, if Yu Ji is willing to fight to be seriously injured and lose 50 years of cultivation, he can also directly take Sun Ce's life here.

But Sun Ce himself is a brave general, and now there are two veterans protecting him, so Yu Ji can't guarantee that he will retreat unscathed.

Moreover, since the plan has been discussed with Sun Zhongmou, Yu Ji naturally cannot make any changes.

With a slight smile, Yu Ji retorted: "Sun Bofu, you are wrong."

"The common people in the world have their own way of life. If there is a plague in Wujun and Kuaiji, someone should take care of it."

"The old Taoist saved tens of thousands of people with the talisman paper, which is a help to your prefect's mansion. Now you blame me instead. Is it an old man to bully the old Taoist?"

Sun Ce snorted coldly, and said, "Old man? Old man? Old man is a thief, and you are an old thief!"

Sun Ce's attitude towards Ji was very bad, and he felt more and more annoying about Yu Ji.

Because Sun Ce vaguely felt that he was in front of Ji, just like a mouse lying in front of a cat.

There is always a sense of crisis lingering in Sun Ce's heart, but he just can't say why.

Yu Ji laughed loudly, and said: "You are a thief if you are old but not dead. This sentence is well said! The old man is indeed like an old thief. Fortunately, your father did not become an old thief."

"He died to save his son before he was old. Sun Bofu is really the most filial person in the world."

"Sun Bofu, you cheated me to death. Interesting, interesting."

Yu Ji was very dissatisfied with Sun Ce's attitude, so he responded directly.

Over the years, many people have said that they are old thieves, but they all have enough capital.

Zuo Ci, Zhang Ling, Nan Hua, Wang Yue, Tong Yuan...

These people are capable enough to make them conceited, so Yu Ji agrees that these people are joking with him.

But this Sun Ce insulted himself, and Yu Ji couldn't bear it.

Although there is no expression on the surface, Yu Ji has already begun to hate Sun Ce in his heart.

"Hmph! Yu Ji, I think you don't want to live anymore! Come on, drag it down, and behead Yu Ji directly in the yard!"

Sun Ce was furious, the veins on his forehead popped out, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Sun Ce dared to make a joke about his dead father and insult him, Sun Ce couldn't bear it at all.

Even Cheng Pu and Han Dang couldn't bear it, and they were all ready to draw their swords.

The soldiers in the hall rushed up immediately, and three or five people pressed Yu Ji's shoulders and dragged him into the courtyard.

Yu Ji didn't resist at all, but was very obedient, with a smile on his mouth.

"Sun Bofu, the old Taoist Yu Ji will curse you that you will not survive a year, and you will be punished by King Yama after you die."

"Old Taoist Yu Ji cursed that all the female relatives around you will be taken in by others, and your son will call others his father!"

Yu Ji squinted his eyes, and his smile was like an old wolf.

Sun Ce was taken aback by Yu Ji's curse. He became even angrier, and snatched the sword from a Jiangdong soldier.

"Old man, you still dare to speak wild words!"

"Tell you, I just don't believe in this evil thing, so go to hell!"

Sun Ce held the knife in both hands and raised it high, about to behead Yu Ji.

But Yu Ji laughed loudly, and still said: "It's strange why I know you have a son, right? Even you don't know that your wife is pregnant, right?"

"The old man has already figured it out, which proves the old man's ability!"

The knife fell from the hand, and the head fell to the ground.

The sprayed blood splashed all over Sun Ce, making him even more violent and bloody!
Without giving Yu Ji a chance to speak, Sun Ce cut off Yu Ji's head with a knife.

"Sun Bofu, you really dare to do something, then don't blame him for being ruthless!"

Yu Ji, whose head fell to the ground, was still talking, and laughed in a sinister voice.

Everyone present was taken aback, and Sun Ce was even more chilled.

He has never seen such a monster!
"Tsk tsk tsk! Zhesha old way has been cultivated for 20 years, Sun Bofu, you will die without regret."

After finishing the last sentence, Yu Ji's head disappeared out of thin air, and even his body disappeared together.

Only an empty Taoist robe was left, and the body inside disappeared like a liquid evaporated!
"Today's matter, everyone must keep it a secret. From now on, close the city gate and find out Yu Ji's whereabouts!"

"I don't believe it, he has the sorcery of life and immortality!"

Sun Ce's hand holding the knife was trembling. For the first time, he felt that someone could make him fearful.

(End of this chapter)

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