Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 273 Jiangdong civil strife

Chapter 273 Jiangdong civil strife ([-])

"Young master, according to the report from the eyeliner in the prefect's mansion, Yu Ji had already entered the prefect's mansion, but he was directly beheaded by Sun Ce."

One of Sun Quan's trusted officers and soldiers quietly came to his private residence to report the situation, which surprised Sun Quan.

"What? Just beheaded? I knew these alchemists were unreliable, so did he leak anything about me?"

Sun Quan was a little nervous, took a deep breath, and hurriedly asked.

The soldier hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

Sun Quan breathed a sigh of relief, but the soldier said vaguely, "My lord, there is news from inside that after Yu Ji was beheaded by Sun Ce, his body disappeared immediately."

"Only a Taoist robe and a whisk are left, and nothing else is left."

"Neither the blood on the ground nor the blood splashed on Sun Ce disappeared, but Yu Ji just disappeared for no reason."

"The end is unbelievable, but after all, this is a report on the situation inside, you still have to be careful yourself."

Hearing that his confidant actually said that Yu Ji's body disappeared in an instant, Sun Quan was also incredulous.

He subconsciously thought that Yu Ji must have used some kind of blindfold.

"Hahaha! Mr. Quan, this old Taoist is not a cover-up, but spent nearly 50 years of cultivation to save his life."

At this moment, Yu Ji's laughter suddenly came from outside the hall.

Sun Quan was shocked immediately, he stood up quickly and saw that Yu Ji was really under the hall.

"A strange man! It really is a strange man! This Yu Ji has to be wooed, it seems that he does have some magic skills."

Yu Ji went straight to the hall, unceremoniously sat on the honored guest seat to rest, and took a sip of tea.

Sun Quan didn't dare to be careless now, so he quickly asked his servants to serve Yu Ji good tea.

"Young Master Quan, you don't need to be so polite. Sun Bofu is already dead. Of course, I mean he will die soon."

Yu Ji giggled, and naturally put the teacup aside.

Sun Quan stood beside Yu Ji and bowed ninety degrees, very polite.

"Daoist, this junior heard that Daoist was beheaded by my elder brother in the prefect's mansion. I wonder how you escaped?"

Sun Quan was very puzzled, but Yu Ji didn't intend to explain clearly.

"This is a secret, and the secret must not be leaked."

"The old Taoist has practiced for a lifetime. If he doesn't have some means to save his life, how can he threaten to protect the dragon veins of the Han Dynasty?"

"The old Taoist only wants to see Sun Bofu, so that he can fly a knife within a hundred meters to take his head. Originally, the old Taoist didn't intend to kill him, but to wound him, and then destroy his meridians and cut off his blood pressure." Dragon vein."

"However, Sun Bofu beheaded the old Taoist without any explanation, and abolished the old Taoist's 50-year cultivation base, so he can't let it go."

Sun Quan narrowed his eyes, he looked at Yu Ji respectfully, and kept thinking.

Seeing that Yu Ji looked very tired, Sun Quan guessed that it was probably because he cast a spell and spent his cultivation.

"Daoist, if the Taoist doesn't dislike it, you can live with me. In fact, the junior still has his own private wish, and I hope you can teach the junior the immortal law."

While speaking, Sun Quan knelt down on his knees and kowtowed to Yu Ji!

At the end of the Han Dynasty, except for the people who had to perform this great ceremony when they met high officials, only children kowtowed to the elders of the family.

Sun Quan bowed to Yu Ji now, which made Yu Ji feel helpless.

"Young Master Quan, it's not that the old Tao doesn't want to teach you, but that the Tao of Heaven doesn't allow it."

"The way of heaven is impermanent. The old way of cultivation is the way of heaven. It is against the sky. Every ten years, you have to go through the catastrophe."

"If you don't cross the catastrophe, you will be punished by heaven, and if you don't succeed in crossing the catastrophe, you will also die."

"As long as the old Taoist teaches you anything, it will be regarded as stepping into this door and you will be punished by heaven."

Sun Quan was startled by Yu Ji's words, and he immediately began to hesitate.

Sensing Sun Quan's hesitation, Yu Ji understood that he was a smart boy, so he retreated despite the difficulties.

Yu Ji continued: "But Mr. Quan, there is no need to be impatient. The old Taoist can be considered to be familiar with some military strategies and the way of governing the world. These can be taught to the young master, and it is the old Taoist's reward for staying in the young master's house during this period of time."

Sun Quan was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly asked his servants to prepare meals and cakes for Yu Ji.

At dusk that day, in the Changsha Prefect's Mansion, Sun Ce took a deep breath and asked Cheng Pu, "Uncle, have you found Yu Ji?"

Cheng Pu sighed and shook his head helplessly.

"Yu Ji can disappear out of thin air under our noses, then it would be easier to get out of the city."

"Just closing the city gate, I'm afraid we won't be able to trap Yuji here."

Sun Ce frowned, it was the first time in his life that he felt such a sense of crisis.

A sword that kills a person and a sword that hangs around the neck, the latter is often more terrifying.

If Yu Ji hadn't been killed, Sun Ce would have had trouble sleeping and eating all the time!

It is easy to seek death, but difficult to seek victory.

Yu Ji is now a sharp knife in the dark, making Sun Ce very uncomfortable.

"Hey! Starting today, protect the prefect's mansion and send more troops to protect Zhongmou."

"Since Yu Ji wants to deal with me, he will definitely start with my relatives around me. We can't be too passive."

"We must beware of Yu Ji tonight, he is very likely to kill the carbine!"

Sun Ce narrowed his eyes, very cautious.

Cheng Pu immediately dealt with the matter, and he also knew that this period of time would definitely not be peaceful.

Zhou Yu stood beside Sun Ce, but he frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

"Bo Fu, don't you wonder why Yu Ji came to us?"

"A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. We are already in danger. Don't you have any ideas?"

"If you die, who will be more beneficial, don't you know in your heart?"

Zhou Yu's words were very sharp, and the spearhead was clearly pointed at Sun Quan.

Sun Ce took a deep breath, he also knew what Gong Jin wanted to say.

"Gongjin! Zhongmou is my younger brother, and he also knows what to do and what not to do now."

"If he wants to seize part of the military power, then I can completely hand over part of Jiangdong's land to him to manage."

"Zhongmou would not invite Yu Ji so unwisely, I understand him."

Sun Ce did not suspect his younger brother at all, but had absolute trust in him.

Zhou Yu shook his head helplessly. On the contrary, he knew Sun Quan better than Sun Ce.

In Sun Quan's eyes, Zhou Yu could see his ambition and dominance.

Yu Ji must be inextricably related to Sun Quan, and his intuition told Zhou Yu that he must check Sun Quan's mansion.

"Bo Fu, you are still too careless about this matter. I will check Zhongmou for you, but I will not go too far."

After hearing Zhou Yu's words, Sun Ce was shocked and got up quickly.

But Zhou Yu walked out directly, not giving Sun Ce a chance to speak.

"Gongjin! You must be cautious about this matter, and don't wrong Zhongmou!"

Sun Ce yelled at Zhou Yu's back, but Zhou Yu just waved with his back.

(End of this chapter)

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