Chapter 292 Guan Yunchang!

Seeing that the lord is so young, yet he wants to go into battle himself, Sun became even more curious.

Glancing at Lu Xiang, Sun Guan asked amidst the loud cheers: "General Lu, my lord actually went into battle in person, how is his martial arts?"

Hearing Sun Guan asking himself, Lu Xiang frowned, and replied: "My lord's martial arts, I don't know, but at least it's better than you and me!"

In this sentence, Lu Xiang did not offer modest compliments, but told the truth.

Although Sun Guan couldn't believe it, he didn't refute, but just shook his head.

Han Wu rode his horse close to Mi Fang, he raised his spear and signaled the soldiers behind him to be quiet.

The imposing manner has already been achieved, and Mi Fang can no longer display her full strength.

Shocked by the momentum of the Jizhou Army, Mi Zhu is now a little nervous.

After all, the person who is fighting with him is the commander-in-chief of the Jizhou Army, and he has a noble status!

If he was really hurt, Jizhou and Xuzhou would be enemies, and the consequences would be disastrous.

There was silence all around, and as Han Wu raised his gun, all the soldiers were not shouting and cheering.

Only the sound of wind blowing, Han Wu smiled slightly and said: "General, you are already afraid, you will lose."

After hearing Han Wu's words, Guan Yu snorted coldly and thought in his heart: "You are the one who really controls the Jizhou army. Even if Mi Zhu has the ability to kill you, he will definitely let you take the initiative and lose."

"However, Han Pengju, I, Guan, am really curious whether you are really good at both civil and military. Let Mi Fang try it out, your level!"

Guan Yu's face turned redder, and he narrowed his eyes to stare at Han Wu, making Han Wu feel a little uncomfortable.

Dian Wei didn't understand Guan Yu's character. Both he and Lu Zhishen were very nervous and were always ready to rush to rescue the lord.

They were worried that Guan Yu would rush out suddenly, which would affect the duel and hurt the lord.

But how did they know that Guan Yu is a real gentleman, and he disdains such a move!

Mi Fang took a deep breath, he did not communicate with Han Wu, because he was worried that he would be affected by the other party's rhetoric.

"Han Pengju, shoot me!"

Mi Fang stabbed out with a spear, straight to Han Wu's face, but she used [-]% of her strength.

This shot is a tentative attack, but his strength is not as good as the current Han Wu, this move is really too negligent.

Han Wu secretly smiled, and lightly shook his right hand holding the spear.

Guan Yu, Dian Wei, Tai Shici, Xu Huang, Lu Zhishen, and Hua Mulan, these soldiers with a force value over [-] points, all saw the essence!
Even Xu Rong, who has experienced many battles and has a very high fighting vision, also feels that the moves with the young master are exquisite.

Although it could be seen that Mi Fang was in crisis within one move, Guan Yu didn't remind her.

After all, it's because of face.

Han Wu dodged and directly dodged Mi Fang's move.

Mi Fang was shocked immediately, he didn't see Han Wu's body movements clearly, he just felt that Han Wu disappeared from his eyes.

Han Wu sideways avoided Mi Fang's gun body, and then stabbed out, straight for Mi Fang's face!

Mi Fang saw a white light coming towards him, he knew it was the tip of Han Wu's spear.

"My life is over!"

At this moment, Mi Fang only had this sentence in her mind.

He didn't expect Han Wu's martial arts to be so superb, not weaker than Cao Bao and his like.

But the next moment, the sharp metal impact made everyone's hearts tremble!
Han Wu picked up Mi Fang's helmet with a long spear, and cut off his hair.

The man's hair is tied up when he is an adult, so it is said that his body, hair and skin are his parents, but Han Wu cut off Mi Fang's hair.

"Hahaha! General, you are defeated!" Han Wu laughed loudly, a little wildly.

Guan Yu breathed a sigh of relief, he knew it was Han Wu's mercy.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Jizhou Army were even more excited and shouted.

"The son is mighty!"

"The son is mighty!"

"The son is mighty!"

For a moment, the shouts shook the sky and the ground.

Mi Fang was trembling slightly nervously, he took a deep breath, unable to believe that he was not dead yet.

Quickly lowered her head, Mi Fang's hair was disheveled, she dropped the weapon.

Clasped fists saluted to Han Wu, Mi Fang was still in shock, and shouted: "Thank you Mr. Han for not killing him!"

Mi Fang is not a fool, he knows what Han Wu did, and he has given him a lot of face.

Seeing this scene, Guan Yu narrowed his eyes again and stroked his long beard.

"Han Pengju, I'm showing mercy, this son is indeed extraordinary."

"Even if I didn't want to give up Xuzhou City, he didn't plan to attack by force, but chose to negotiate and fight to reduce casualties in the future."

"Now that he took the initiative to fight in the first battle, he instinctively killed Mi Fang but then showed mercy. It's really unusual. Han Pengju, you will be the biggest enemy in this life!"

Guan Yu thought in his heart, and at the same time glanced at Mi Fang, motioning him to return to the army formation.

Guan Yu rode out in person, and Dian Wei immediately followed after seeing it.

Dian Wei worried that Guan Yu would shamelessly challenge the lord himself.

Guan Yu stopped when he was three zhang away from Han Wu, held the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, and said, "Mr. Han is really imposing, the first battle was defeated by Guan's soldiers."

"In the second battle, Guan will fight in person. If Guan loses, he will give up Xuzhou City. If Guan wins three games in a row, the young master will retreat."

Guan Yu didn't talk much, and there was nothing mixed in what he said, which sounded flat.

But it is this kind of plain words that give people an irrefutable and irresistible majesty!

When Dian Wei heard Guan Yu's arrogance, he gritted his teeth and said to the lord: "My lord, I, Dian Wei, invite you to fight! I am willing to issue a military order, and I will not cut off Guan Yu's head, and I would like to be punished by military law!"

After glaring at Guan Yu, Dian Wei immediately asked the lord for instructions.

Han Wu just smiled, ignored Guan Yu, and shouted: "Ziyi, you haven't been active for a long time, I'll give you a stronger enemy to break through your limits."

"Remember, if you lose, admit defeat, don't lose your life in vain."

Han Wu glanced at Guan Yu with a smile, then turned around on his horse and returned to the lineup.

After Tai Shici heard what the lord said, he was overjoyed and rushed out on his horse.

Being able to compete with a fierce general like Guan Yu is what all soldiers who want to improve their martial arts most desire!
Taishi Ci rode his horse forward and stopped about ten feet in front of Guan Yu.

"General Guan, I'm the Taishi Ziyi."

Tai Shici clasped his fists slightly at Guan Yu, and immediately held the spear in his hand to be wary of Guan Yu.

Guan Yu originally disdained talking to any enemy general, but this time he couldn't save face, so he could only say: "Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang."

After all, just now Han Wu was merciful and spared Mi Fang, Guan Yu attached great importance to reciprocating courtesy and face.

Seeing that Guan Yu still seemed to look down on him, Tai Shici was slightly angry, and stabbed out with a gun!
"Guan Yu, look at the gun!"

With a delicate and ferocious shot, Tai Shici did not hold back at all, and directly used all his strength.

At this moment, Guan Yu was startled, and immediately swung the Qinglong Yanyue Saber to block.

The body of the spear was sliced ​​open by the blade of the Qinglong Yanyue Knife. Although Guan Yu blocked the spear, his heart was shocked.

"Tai Shici, who is this? It seems that he used to be Kong Rong's general? With such great strength, his martial arts should not be much weaker than my third brother and me!"

"Dian Wei and Yu Wencheng came out under Han Pengju's command, and there are such fierce generals who are not inferior to the third brother in martial arts. It's really unexpected!"

After one move, Guan Yu didn't dare to be negligent, he was about to use the Spring and Autumn Saber Technique.

Tai Shici was also shocked. Just now, his arms were numb from the shock.

Guan Yu's power is too great!

(End of this chapter)

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