Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 293 This son is so terrifying!

Chapter 293 This son is so terrifying!
Seeing Guan Yu's way of holding the saber, Dian Wei immediately became vigilant. He knew the power of Guan Yu's first three sabers.

Han Wu also smiled slightly, and thought in his heart: "Guan Sandao, dragging the knife! Although Guan Yu's martial arts is very strong, he lacks endurance. If Ziyi can deal with it calmly, he should be able to draw with Guan Yu."

In terms of strength, Tai Shici is weaker than Guan Yu, but he also has his own advantages.

As a semi-strength general, Tai Shici used a long spear again, so he had the upper hand in terms of physical strength.

After Tai Shici blocked Guan Yu's knife, he became more cautious and defended with his spear.

Guan Yu snorted coldly, cast a contemptuous glance at Tai Shici, and then gathered his saber momentum.

The Spring and Autumn Saber Technique focuses on cohesive momentum, which is the source of Guan Yu's strength.

Tai Shici felt Guan Yu's change instantly, he took a deep breath and calmed down instead.

As if calm and composed, Tai Shici was not affected by Guan Yu's aura.

Guan Yu was startled when he saw it, and said to himself, "This Taishi Ci is really extraordinary, and it's not in vain!"

"My aura is not weaker than Lu Fengxian's now. Although my martial arts are not as good as his, my aura is almost the same."

"Tai Shici can still be calm and composed, it seems that he is also a first-class fighter!"

Guan Yu was shocked, but he still slashed out with full power.

This knife seemed to carry energy, and the Gang Qi emerged dark green.

Just like the birth of a blue dragon, Guan Yu's knife is extremely ferocious and awe-inspiring!

Tai Shici gritted his teeth, held his spear horizontally with both hands to block, calmly.

The collision of stellar energy and the crackling sound of the air exploded instantly at this moment.

Tai Shici's hands trembled, he blocked Guan Yu's first cut, but he was also shocked.

"With such great strength, this Guan Yu is really powerful! It seems that he cannot fight recklessly, but can only outwit him."

Tai Shici took a deep breath, he was experienced in many battles, and he thought of a countermeasure in an instant.

Taking advantage of the faster and more dangerous attack speed of the long spear, Tai Shici stabbed out, killing Guan Yu's lower abdomen.

Guan Yu's purplish red face showed a look of disgust, and his brows were tightly knit.

Tai Shici's attack had to be blocked, so that Guan Yu could no longer gather his momentum.

This style of play may seem like a rascal, but it is the best way to restrain Guan Yu.

What's more, the spear itself was supposed to be a fierce attack, and Tai Shici didn't use any tricks.

On the contrary, such a move can perfectly restrict Guan Yu.

Seeing that Tai Shici had realized the difference in strength between the enemy and us, Han Wu smiled slightly and asked Dian Wei, "Come on, tell me about Ziyi and Guan Yu's one-on-one fight, what are the odds of winning?"

After hearing the lord's question, Dian Wei narrowed his eyes and thought for a while.

Then Dian Wei replied seriously: "My lord, if it's just a competition of martial arts between the two sides, then General Taishi has a [-]% chance of winning."

"If it's a fight, General Taishi is currently only [-]% at most. Now Guan Yu and General Taishi are in competition, not desperate, so General Taishi still has a high winning rate."

Dian Wei didn't have any way to brag, he just told the truth.

After Han Wu heard this, he nodded slightly, but he thought that Tai Shici's chance of winning was less than [-]%.

In other words, Tai Shici has no chance of winning, but there is a [-]% chance of a tie.

Guan Yu lacks stamina, and Taishi Ci is better than stamina. If there is a fight, Guan Yu will naturally win.

But now it is a competition, Guan Yu's chances of winning are slightly smaller.

The two fierce and brave fighters fought for more than 20 rounds. It was a collision of skill and brute force!
The flashes of knives and guns are dazzling.

Even the soldiers of the two armies were stunned!
"Tai Shi Ziyi, you are very powerful, Guan admires you!"

Guan Yu frowned slightly, he couldn't make the second strike for a long time, and the momentum of the saber was almost dissipated.

Tai Shici's situation was not very good either. In order to prevent Guan Yu from making a second cut, he kept rushing to attack.

Too much energy was consumed, and Tai Shici was already panting.

"Guan Yunchang, you really are a brave general!"

There were not many words, and Tai Shici conserved more physical strength in order to continue to persevere.

Guan Yu snorted coldly, flicked his beard, and said, "However, Tai Shi Ci, that's all for now!"

Guan Yu didn't intend to hold back anything, because he knew he couldn't afford it.

The more Tai Shici entangled himself, the better it would be for Han Wu.

Once he exhausted his physical strength, Han Wu would naturally win the remaining few battles.

"Azure Dragon Fury!"

Qinglong Yanyue Knife was raised high, Guan Yu roared like a dragon chant!

At this moment, the soldiers of the two armies were stunned. They seemed to see a green dragon rising out of Guan Yu's body and perched on the Qinglong Yanyue Saber.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhishen narrowed his eyes and touched Dian Wei with his elbow.

Dian Wei also glanced at him, and nodded slightly.

Dian Wei and Lu Zhishen both saw this move, it was similar to Heifeng Tiansha!
Tai Shici was startled, he clenched his teeth, and the muscles in his arms swelled.

"Overlord marksmanship, Yu!"

Immediately playing his trump card, Tai Shici knew that he could no longer keep it.

At this moment, Tai Shici was as invulnerable as a King Kong, but lacked a trace of arrogance.

Both Guan Yu and Tai Shici erupted in an instant and collided with each other.

After seeing Tai Shi Ci's state, Dian Wei nodded his head in approval.

Guan Yu also saw the extraordinaryness of Tai Shici's move, but he had to drop the sword!

With one slash, the Qinglong Yanyue Knife seemed to burst out with the sound of dragon anger, and slashed through the air.

Tai Shici raised his spear high and blocked this move abruptly.

For a moment, the ground seemed to tremble.

Tai Shici blocked Guan Yu's knife, but he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Guan Yu also felt his chest churning, so he could only take a deep breath to relieve the injury.

The horses under the crotch of the two brave generals wailed, their spines broke, and they died instantly.

Tai Shici and Guan Yu immediately jumped off their horses and leaned on the ground with their weapons.

Tai Shici wiped away the blood on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly shot Guan Yu!
Guan Yu's heart trembled, his eyes widened, and he swung his knife to block.

This knife, Guan Yu is more explosive than Tai Shici.

As soon as Tai Shici slashed at the spear, Tai Shici felt a surge of force like mountains and seas, making him almost let go of the spear.

Tai Shici was directly forced to retreat, and once again spat out a mouthful of blood!

When Han Wu saw this scene, he knew that Tai Shici had reached his limit.

"Ziyi, come back!"

As soon as Han Wu gave an order, he immediately asked Tai Shici to retreat.

"General Guan, you won this battle, and we will draw one to one."

When he heard the lord's first words, Tai Shici still wanted to continue fighting.

But when he heard the lord directly announce the outcome, Tai Shici stood up unwillingly, saluted Guan Yu with guns in both hands.

Guan Yu also nodded slightly to Tai Shici, a strong man deserves his respect.

Walking in front of Han Wu's horse, Tai Shici gritted his teeth, knelt down on one knee, and shouted: "The last general Tai Shi Ziyi has been defeated, and he is willing to be dealt with by military law!"

Tai Shici bowed his head and took the initiative to confess his guilt.

Tai Shici must have been very uncomfortable admitting his defeat when he was still able to fight, but he swallowed his anger for the sake of loyalty.

Seeing such an honest man, Han Wu couldn't help smiling.

"Hahaha! What is the crime of General Ziyi? Go down to heal your wounds, and you will go south with me tomorrow! My life, I can't leave it here."

Sitting on the horse, Han Wu laughed loudly, took off his war robe and cloak heartily, and bent over to cover Tai Shici's back.

Although he did not dismount, Han Wu personally rewarded Tai Shici with his battle robe and cloak, which really made all the soldiers envious.

All of a sudden, the Jizhou soldiers howled excitedly, one after another!
Tai Shici was shocked immediately, his heart warmed, he lowered his head and cried with tears: "The last general, Tai Shi Ziyi, is willing to be the Lord, and go through fire and water for the Han family, and he will do whatever he wants!"

The man did not flick his tears lightly, held back his own tears, Tai Shici put on his cloak and resolutely returned to the camp.

The soldiers of Jizhou were very excited, they wished to serve Han Wu immediately and die, just wanting to be rewarded in public!
It is a great honor for a general to receive a robe before the battle!

After seeing this scene, Guan Yu narrowed his eyes again, thinking about Han Wu carefully.

"This child is so terrifying!"

(End of this chapter)

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