Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 294 Brute Force Showdown

Chapter 294 Brute Force Showdown

"Using the generals under his command to single out and lose, but still achieve clear rewards and punishments and win people's hearts, this is not something a kid in his 20s can do."

"Han Pengju is worthy of being a heroic boy. It seems that the defeat of Youzhou depends entirely on his strength."

Guan Yu squinted his eyes to look at Han Wu, and at the same time waved to Mi Fang to dismount him.

His own horse was not good enough and had fallen to the ground and died. Guan Yu needed a new horse.

The soldiers of Jizhou kept cheering and shouting, and raised their weapons one after another, wishing that every soldier wanted to challenge Guan Yu.

Han Wu smiled slightly, turned his head and shouted: "Guan Yu has won a game, who else in Jizhou is willing to fight again and defeat Guan Yu?"

After hearing the lord's words, Dian Wei and Lu Zhishen were ready to move, but they looked at each other and hesitated.

Although both Dian Wei and Lu Zhishen wanted to make meritorious service by defeating Guan Yu, they were hindered by face.

Guan Yu had just fought against Taishi Ci, and he was exhausted. To defeat him now would be an invincible victory.

For soldiers like Dian Wei and Lu Zhishen who are confident in martial arts and have self-respect, they are unwilling to take advantage of others' prestige.

Han Wu was stunned for a moment, he saw that Dian Wei and Lu Zhishen hesitated, and he didn't understand the reason for a while.

Han Wu was not a brave general who charged into battle, so naturally he still didn't understand Dian Wei and Lu Zhishen's thinking.

In order not to be embarrassed and affect morale, Han Wu clenched his spear and shouted: "Okay! General Guan, let me, Han Pengju, fight again, and come and meet you for a while!"

This sentence, Han Wu is to stimulate the soldiers under his command.

No one dared to leave Guan Yu, so Han Wu threatened to fight by himself, forcing Lu Zhishen and Dian Wei to fight.

After Hua Mulan heard her husband's words, she was shocked and ready to attack.

But at this moment, a general behind Han Wu shouted: "Master, let me, Xu Gongming, meet Guan Yunchang for a while!"

Holding a big axe, Xu Huang rode out of the army formation and stood in front of the lord.

Han Wu laughed out loud and said, "Hahaha! Good! General Xu Gongming, you really have Zhou Yafu's undeserved courage!"

"Regardless of victory or defeat, a piece of Shu brocade will be rewarded as a reward!"

Han Wu was overjoyed. Although he knew that Xu Huang was definitely not Guan Yu's opponent, his loyalty was commendable.

Moreover, Tai Shici had already consumed [-] to [-]% of Guan Yu's physical strength just now, so Xu Huang might not be defeated.

Perhaps, at best, evenly matched.

After seeing Xu Huang's aura, Guan Yu became cautious, not daring to be careless.

This young general looks young, but he can lift a big ax with one hand, and his arm strength is not weak.

Guan Yu narrowed his eyes and asked coldly, "Your Excellency is the son of General Pan Feng of Jizhou?"

The big axe, Guan Yu used this to speculate on Xu Huang's identity.

Xu Huang smiled slightly, and replied neither humble nor overbearing: "My servant Xu Huang, Xu Gongming, is here to challenge General Guan. Please!"

Xu Huang raised his ax to show respect to Guan Yu, while waiting for Guan Yu's response.

Seeing Xu Huang, a young man, paid so much attention to etiquette, he immediately had a slight liking for Xu Huang.

Guan Yu always felt that Xu Huang was very similar to himself!
"General Xu, please!"

It was rare for Guan Yuli to treat the enemy general, but Xu Huang was not moved by it.

Raising the big axe, Xu Huang rode his horse forward and slashed at Guan Yu tentatively!

The air flow brought by the giant force, faintly reveals the stellar energy.

After Dian Wei saw it, he quickly smiled at the lord: "Congratulations, lord! General Xu is about to step into the ranks of first-class generals. Perhaps this battle will become an opportunity for him to break through."

Lu Zhishen also nodded quickly, agreeing with Dian Wei's words.

Han Wu still can't tell who can become a first-class military general, but he also knows that Xu Huang can't generate aura yet.

Now after hearing Dian Wei's words, Han Wu was very satisfied and looked at Xu Huang and Guan Yu quietly.

Xu Huang slashed out with an axe, and Guan Yu was shocked, his eyes widened in vigilance.

Holding the Qinglong Yanyue Saber horizontally, Guan Yu must defend against this axe!
The ear-piercing sound of technical impact was shocking, and the soldiers of the two armies were once again speechless.

Shocked, the soldiers of both armies were stunned!

Guan Yu gritted his teeth, frowned, and forced Xu Huang back with a backhand knife.

"Damn it! This Xu Gongming's power is still higher than that of Taishi Ziyi, and he uses a heavy weapon."

"It seems that it can only be a quick attack. Otherwise, too much energy will be consumed, and the next two games will undoubtedly be defeated!"

Guan Yu took a deep breath, and instead of giving Xu Huang a chance to attack again, he stabbed backhand.

Spring and Autumn Saber Technique, the third sword!

Because of Tai Shici's influence, the third knife, which was delayed for a long time, happened to be used here by Xu Huang.

However, most of the momentum of the saber on Guan Yu's body has dissipated, and the power of this saber has also dropped sharply.

Xu Huang raised his ax to block, but Qinglong Yanyue Dao forcibly crushed his shoulders!

"Not good! Xu Huang is in danger!"

Seeing this scene, Han Wu was shocked, but it was too late to remind him.

Dian Wei and Lu Zhishen were both calm, they could see that Xu Huang could dodge.

With his violent strength, Guan Yu firmly pressed the handle of the giant ax onto Xu Huang's shoulder.

Xu Huang was startled, and he instinctively lay down on his back immediately, dodging Guan Yu's back move.

Guan Yu slashed his sword in an instant, intending to slash Xu Huang's head with one move.

But Xu Huang was prepared, and he avoided this move.

"Guan Yunchang, give me another big axe!"

Xu Huang escaped the fatal move, still in shock, but suddenly struck back with the axe.

Guan Yu's heart trembled, his beard was thrown away immediately, and at the same time he swung his knife to defend.

The blades of the giant ax and Qinglong Yanyue knife were chopped together, and a small piece of the ax blade was broken!

Now Guan Yu looked a little embarrassed, but he didn't fall into a disadvantage.

If he hadn't shaken his head just now to protect his beard, he would have had a chance to defeat Xu Huang with one move.

But it was that dodge that Guan Yu had to defend against Xu Huang's axe.

Squinting his eyes, Guan Yu became a little angry. He hated others attacking his beard.

With a backhand strike, Guan Yu used [-]% of his strength to strike Xu Huang's forehead!
Xu Huang saw the extraordinaryness of this knife, he took a deep breath, separated to block the attack.

It is impossible to block, even with Guan Yu's full strength, blocking is useless.

The only way to split his Qinglong Yanyue Saber is to apply for the sword.

With a loud noise, Xu Huang roared continuously, and split the Qinglong Yanyue knife with a single axe.

Guan Yu almost let go of the saber, but with the strength of his waist, he pulled the Qinglong Yanyue saber back forcefully.

Xu Huang was panting like a cow, sweating profusely, and his hands were completely cracked!

The blood flowed profusely, and the handle of the ax was stained with Xu Huang's blood, but he didn't feel the pain at all.

On the contrary, Xu Huang was still very excited and eager, and wanted to continue fighting.

Han Wu didn't stop Xu Huang this time, because he knew that Xu Huang had reached a bottleneck.

Only by putting it to death and then reviving can Xu Huang be able to break through and then stand up, accumulating the experience of breaking through first-class fighters.

Guan Yu is the one who can put Xu Huang to death.

Xu Huang laughed out loud and said, "Have fun! Guan Yunchang, let's come again!"

The more he fought, the more courageous he became. Xu Huang's aura made Guan Yu frown slightly, very worried.

Guan Yu's physical strength was already exhausted, and he was quite exhausted from such a competition among heavy weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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