Chapter 297 Xuzhou City
In the early morning of the next day, Guan Yu, who was guarding Xuzhou City, led his troops to leave early in the morning and opened all the city gates.

As a proud soldier, Guan Yu was unwilling to hand over the city himself.

Leaving his eldest son to replace him, Guan Yu also wanted Guan Ping to come and practice.

Han Wu rode his horse and led his troops to the north gate of Xuzhou City, just in time to see more than 300 soldiers led by Guan Ping waiting there.

After Guan Ping saw the Jizhou army, he couldn't help taking a deep breath, his heart was shocked.

The heavy armored infantry and their armor inlaid with "gold" are really powerful and shocking.

If his father hadn't said that the "gold" was not real gold, but a harder metal, Guan Ping would only think that Han Wu was showing off his might.

Guan Ping narrowed his eyes, and handed the Azure Dragon Halberd to Mi Fang, asking him to hold it for him.

From the hands of the soldiers behind him, Yinshou, the prefect of Xuzhou City, came over to Guan Ping to hand over.

Riding his horse in front of Han Wu, Guan Ping dismounted himself, holding the seal ribbon with both hands.

Han Wu saw some similarities with Guan Yu from Guan Ping's face, and asked, "Your Excellency is Guan Yunchang's eldest son, Guan Ping?"

Hearing that Han Wu actually knew him, Guan Ping felt a little strange.

Guan Ping quickly nodded and bowed his head, and politely responded: "Young Master Han, this is Guan Ping. This is the seal and ribbon of the prefect of Xuzhou City, please accept it."

"My father has no other requirements, I just hope that the young master can treat the people of Xuzhou kindly, and don't disturb the lives of the people."

Holding up the seal and ribbon of the prefect of Xuzhou high, Guan Ping waited for Han Wu to take it.

But Han Wu took a look at Guo Jia and told him to get off his horse to get the seal.

For Han Wu, his status is far higher than Guan Ping, and he should not immediately accept Yinshou.

It would be better to let Guo Jia replace him.

Seeing that Han Wu was unwilling to dismount, Guan Ping didn't feel wrong at all, because the situation itself was like this.

As a governor of Bingzhou who has become a marquis, Han Wu naturally cannot accept the seal and ribbon sent by the grass people.

Guo Jia got off his horse and took Yinshou, the prefect of Xuzhou City, over to his lord's horse.

Han Wu just looked at it, and said to Guan Ping: "Okay, then please go back and tell your father, General Guan, that I, Han Pengju, will go south again three days later to cooperate with Lord Mu of Xuzhou to destroy the traitors and liberate Yangzhou."

"At that time, I hope your father can give me a helping hand."

Han Wu waved his hand and promised Guan Ping to send troops in three days.

Guan Ping immediately returned the salute and thanked him, but he was neither humble nor overbearing.

Then he got on his horse and led his soldiers to chase Guan Yu's troops southward.

Seeing the city of Xuzhou with such a tall wall, Han Wu felt a lot of emotion in his heart, and then shouted: "Enter the city! All officers and men who harass the people will be dealt with by military law!"

When Han Wu gave an order, all the soldiers under his command trembled and swallowed nervously.

If it is dealt with by military law, it will be decapitated.

After entering the city, Han Wu sighed and saw that the city of Xuzhou was empty.

Not a single citizen was on the street, obviously they were afraid.

Hiding at home is just to avoid the war, and the people are also afraid that the Jizhou army will massacre the city and plunder money.

"Guo Jia, pass on the order. From today onwards, all officers and men can only sleep in the streets and are not allowed to enter private houses. Anyone who violates the order will be executed."

"Those who steal people's money and livestock will be beheaded!"

Seeing that the people in Xuzhou City were so afraid of the Jizhou Army, Han Wu had no choice but to reassure them.

When the military order was issued, the soldiers of Jizhou did not dare to act rashly, and became cautious.

Three days later, Meng Gong led his troops south to occupy all the land north of Xuzhou City.

Outside the south gate of Xuzhou City, Han Wu glanced at him and sent his troops south to wait for Meng Gong, and said, "General Meng, I will leave Xuzhou City to you to defend."

"If I lose the battle in Yangzhou, Xuzhou City will be my retreat. Appease the people of Xuzhou City, he is now my people."

After hearing what the lord said, Meng Gong immediately nodded and accepted the order.

Handing over Xuzhou City to Meng Gong, Han Wu was absolutely relieved.

Leading troops to continue going south, Han Wu must reach the border of Yangzhou as soon as possible, and cooperate with Liu Bei to crusade against Yuan Shu.

In Chengdu, the land of Shu, a new imperial palace has been built, and the little emperor has already lived in it.

In order to unify his rights, Cao Cao canonized himself as prime minister!
In the prime minister's mansion, Cao Cao looked at the advisers under his command and was overjoyed.

"Zhang Song, Huang Quan, Liu Ba... Unexpectedly, Liu Zhang has so many excellent advisers here."

"It's a pity that Liu Zhang has good things that he can't use, so let me do it for him!"

"However, it is still necessary to confer Liu Zhang a higher idle position in order to win the hearts of these soldiers."

Cao Cao raised his eyebrows lightly, and said directly: "Everyone, the news of Xichuan is currently blocked, and the prime minister wants to increase the plank road to connect the Central Plains..."

As soon as this remark came out, Liu Ba stood up and retorted: "Prime Minister! Repairing the plank road is a big project that consumes money, labor and time."

"Instead of repairing the plank road, it is better to find a way to connect Jingzhou from the south, and get through the source of news."

Before Cao Cao said how to build the plank road, he was refuted by Liu Ba.

Such a straightforward person, although always giving advice, made Cao Cao very embarrassed.

However, Cao Cao likes such a person who can tell the truth, especially such a talented person.

With a light cough, Cheng Yu could see that the lord was very embarrassed, and he quickly eased the atmosphere: "What Master Liu said is reasonable, but the Prime Minister hasn't finished talking yet."

"Let's listen to the prime minister's words first, and then study carefully."

After hearing Cheng Yu's words, Liu Ba came to his senses and quickly lowered his head and shut up.

Cao Cao didn't seem to mind, smiled slightly, and quickly said, "Don't be too nervous, everyone, building the plank road is just one direction."

"The top priority now is to stabilize Yangping Pass and resist the Qiang and Nanman."

"The Wuxi barbarians in Jiaozhou also need to be suppressed, and the construction of plank roads will naturally be released."

When Liu Ba heard Cao Cao's statement, he immediately smiled.

It took half an hour for Cao Cao to let all the advisers retreat, leaving only Cheng Yu, Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai.

Sighing helplessly, Cao Cao said, "These counselors in Xichuan are all excellent talents."

"I didn't expect there to be such outstanding talents and soldiers here, but they are really annoying!"

Seeing the helplessness of the lord, Xi Zhicai smiled lightly, and persuaded: "My lord, there is no need to be so irritable."

"Most of these counselors in Xichuan were brought over by Liu Yan from the Central Plains. It's normal for them to be talented."

"We did not forcefully occupy Xichuan with the army, but moved south in the name of righteousness and the emperor. Naturally, these Xichuan counselors will not wholeheartedly advise the lord."

"Liu Zhang is a family member of the Han family, so these Xichuan counselors naturally want to put the Han family and the emperor first."

After hearing Xi Zhicai's persuasion, Cao Cao sighed helplessly.

Now he felt that he could not completely control the court, after all, Xichuan's officials and advisers were twisted together to assist the emperor.

But the power is still in the hands of Cao Cao, because he has absolute military power!

It's just that military power can't represent everything. Now Cao Cao can only try his best to win over the Xichuan counselors, and gradually regain complete control of the court.

And at that time, it was the time when Cao Cao went south to exterminate Wuximan and Nanman!
After removing the troubles, Cao Cao can have a chance to develop, and then he can lead his troops north to attack Han Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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