Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 298 The Controversy Between the Sons

Chapter 298 The Controversy Between the Sons ([-])

Cao Cao frowned slightly, sighed and continued to ask, "Zhongde, how is Zihuan doing?"

"The most unreliable of my children is Zihuan. Zixiu has both morality and ability, and the soldiers love him, and Zixiu is my eldest son."

"Zijian has an excellent literary talent, but it's a pity that he is not good at attracting talents, not as good as Zixiu."

"Ziwen just doesn't want to study and study, but he is quite a general, and his martial arts is also good. He will definitely be able to take the lead in military affairs in the future."

"Only Zihuan has a heart of benevolence, but he is also the most like me. Among so many children, Zihuan is the least prominent. I wonder if Sima Yi can help me raise my son."

After hearing what the lord said, Xi Zhi smiled slightly, but shook his head.

Xun Yu frowned, he was a little worried.

Now that the prime minister talked about his second son Cao Pi, Xun Yu was worried that he had the idea of ​​making Cao Pi his son.

According to the etiquette and law of the Han Dynasty, the son-in-law is established as the heir, and if there is no son-in-law, the elder is established.

Now Cao Ang is not only the eldest son, but also the eldest son, so he should be made the eldest son.

And whether it is Lixian or Lichang, Cao Ang should be the first.

Xun Yu was not going to endure it, he said directly: "Prime Minister, now the imperial court has moved to the south, and in order to stabilize the imperial court, Duke Ming has made meritorious deeds to become prime minister."

"Now half of the officials in the imperial court are loyal officials of the Han Dynasty, and the prime minister should also respect the etiquette of the Han Dynasty."

"Young Master Zixiu is good enough, Prime Minister, don't get it wrong."

Xun Yu's words made Cao Cao feel uncomfortable in his chest.

This sentence is what Xun Yu dared to say, if other people said it, Cao Cao would definitely kill him.

Xun Yu is a hero who has followed him in battle for many years, and he is enough to suppress the officials of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao thinks highly of him.

Even though Xun Yu reminded himself so bluntly, Cao Cao was still not angry, only feeling awkward.

Cao Cao could only reply hastily: "Wen Ruo, Zixiu is my eldest son, and he is so outstanding, I have my own measure."

"As for Zihuan, he needs more practice. This kid has ambitions but doesn't have the talent to realize his ambitions. How can I not teach him?"

"Also, although Zixiu's position as the heir has not been determined, it is too easy. If you don't put some pressure on him, how can you make him go further?"

"Let Li Ru and Jia Xu come over too, I have some questions for you guys."

After hearing what the lord said, Xun Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, I thought that the lord wanted to make the second son the eldest son, but that would affect the atmosphere.

Xi Zhicai knew the lord best, he smiled lightly and understood what the lord was going to do next.

In less than a cup of tea, Jia Xu and Li Ru came to the Prime Minister's Mansion together to greet Cao Cao.

After Cao Cao glanced at Li Ru and Jia Xu, he said directly, "Both are counselors in Xiliang, and they are both talented."

"Today, I just happened to think of the problem of Li Shizi, so I asked the two of you for their opinions."

"Here are five bamboo slips. If you five feel inconvenient to say something, you can write on the bamboo slips. Wen Ruo, take the bamboo slips and brush."

Cao Cao raised such a sharp question as soon as he came up, Jia Xu and Li Ru both trembled.

Jia Xu was wise and safe, and said quickly: "Prime Minister, this is the Prime Minister's housework, and grassroots have no right to interfere!"

Li Ru also nodded slightly, but he was not as pretentious as Jia Xu.

Now that Li Ru has changed his face, he is not called Li Ru to the outside world and above the court.

The name Li Ru is too sharp, after all, he was the sinner who advised Dong Zhuo to burn Luoyang City!

After Cao Cao saw Jia Xu's performance, he didn't point it out, but said: "Family affairs are also state affairs."

"Wen He is already an official in the court, so he should share the country's worries. Come, write down what you want to say, no signature required."

Xun Yu took the bamboo slips and gave one to the other four, then stood aside and started writing.

Jia Xu and Li Ru could only bite the bullet and start writing, they were not prepared before.

Cao Cao directly asked himself about the establishment of an heir, which was a bit hasty.

After the five people wrote the bamboo slips, Cao Cao stood up to take them back, and reviewed them one by one after messing them up.

With no expression on his face, Cao Cao just said: "All five of you, go back! Let Zihuan come over first, and then let Zixiu come over in half an hour."

Jia Xu glanced at Xun Yu, then at Li Ru, and was the first to leave the prime minister's mansion.

After a cup of tea, Cao Pi walked to the hall respectfully, knelt down and kowtowed to his father.

Cao Cao glanced at his second son, then picked up the plums from the fruit plate and threw them to Cao Pi.

Cao Pi took the plums in trepidation and held them in his hands.

"Eat it! These are the plums only found in Sichuan, which are different from those in the Central Plains."

"I'll show you this too. It's about the father's desire to have a son. It's the opinions of five people."

Cao Cao picked up a piece of rough paper in front of him and handed it to Cao Pi.

Cao Pi originally wanted to pick it up, but when he heard his father say that it was about Li Shizi, he was so frightened that he quickly stopped.

"I don't dare to look at it! Father, since ancient times, to establish a son is to have a heir, to establish a heir, and not to have an elder! The eldest brother is the eldest son, and the child supports the elder brother."

Seeing that his son was so timid, Cao Cao snorted coldly and threw the rough paper in front of Cao Pi.

"What are you afraid of? What kind of bullshit are you talking about? Let's see it first."

Cao Cao solemnly asked Cao Pi to take a look at what was written on it.

Cao Cao said while eating the plums, "Don't be afraid, the above things are hand-copied for my father, you don't have to worry about seeing whose handwriting it is."

After hearing what his father said, Cao Pi bit the bullet and picked up the rough paper.

"Lixian!" "Lichang!" "Lixian!" "Selection!" "Lixian!"

After seeing these, Cao Pi's heart trembled suddenly.

"Father! Four of these five people are extremely accurate in what they said, and they should be worthy of the leadership!"

Cao Pi immediately kowtowed and said to his father.

Cao Cao smiled slightly: "Lixian? Pi'er, if you are better than Zixiu in the future, what should you do as a father?"

"Don't talk, go back and think about it yourself. If you don't understand, ask Sima Yi. From now on, the Imperial Forest Army in the West Garden will belong to you. Protect the people of the imperial city."

"It's time for Zidan to be appointed as an official. He is my adopted son, and even your brother."

"Go down!"

Cao Cao didn't give Cao Pi a chance to speak, he waved his hand and let Cao Pi leave.

Hearing that his father had once again entrusted him with the position of commanding the Imperial Forest Army in Xiyuan, Cao Pi was secretly delighted.

Without saying anything, Cao Pi respectfully withdrew from the Prime Minister's Mansion and headed towards his own mansion.

He was going to call his subordinates to discuss what his father was up to.

Especially to ask Sima Yi, his only think tank now!
In Cao Zhi's yard, Yang Xiu ran over in a hurry, but saw Cao Zhi reading.

"Zijian, what time is this! The prime minister sent your eldest brother and second brother to the front hall respectively. It is said that it is related to the matter of Li Shizi."

After Cao Zhi heard Yang Xiu's words, he was immediately puzzled and said: "A father establishes a son, so it is natural to have a heir to establish a heir, and no heir to establish an elder."

"Eldest brother is the eldest son, so he should be the eldest son."

"Why is Dezu so eager? Could it be something more important?"

Hearing that Cao Zhi didn't care about it, Yang Xiu was furious.

 In this part of the battle of the sons, there will be a plot of the battle between Cao Cao's heirs.The novel proceeds according to the timeline, so this part will be scattered among the various parts of the novel, connected by (one, two, three, four).I am the only bright moon in the world, worship me!

(End of this chapter)

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