Summoning of God of War of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 299 The Controversy Between the Sons

Chapter 299 The Controversy Between the Sons ([-])

Yang Xiu frowned, stared at Cao Zhi, and said, "Zijian! You can't always read and write poetry. Literary talent is only a small part of your ability."

"Your eldest brother Cao Ang is of course the eldest son, so it stands to reason that you can just be carefree like this."

"But the Prime Minister gave the Xiyuan Yulin Army to your second brother Cao Pi, don't you understand the intention?"

Yang Xiu asked Cao Zhi earnestly, hoping that he would understand quickly.

Cao Zhi is also a smart person, so he naturally knows what Yang Xiu is talking about.

Cao Zhi just sighed faintly and said, "Dezu, if there is no big brother Zixiu, then I will definitely compete with second brother Zihuan."

"But you also know that elder brother is excellent in terms of political ability, military command ability, and benevolence."

"Although the second brother is slightly inferior, he was entrusted with important tasks by his father, which is enough to explain many things."

"right now I am……"

Yang Xiu frowned, gritted his teeth, and flicked his sleeves: "Zijian, you are really confused! Even if you don't compete for the position of the eldest son, you must do something."

"Cao Zhang is an ordinary man, but you are different. You are Cao Zhi, Cao Zijian! Your eldest brother is hesitant, but have you ever thought that the current imperial court is weak, and if one day your eldest brother dies on the battlefield..."


Hearing Yang Xiu say such words, Cao Zhi directly interrupted him angrily.

Yang Xiu pursed his lips, although his words were interrupted, he was very happy.

Cao Zhi was touched by his own words, and he would naturally think seriously when he got angry.

Without opening his mouth, Yang Xiu waited for Cao Zhi to understand.

After the silence of half a cup of tea, Cao Zhi shook his head and sighed, and said, "Dezu, I think you also know that even if my father assigns official positions to me and my second brother, it is to put pressure on my elder brother to make him better. .”

"But you are right. Although the second brother looks honest and honest, he is actually very hot. If he has the ability to compete with the eldest brother, he will harm the eldest brother on the battlefield if he fails to keep up."

"At that time, I won't have enough ability to compete with the second brother, and he will be firmly seated as the eldest son."

Seeing that Cao Zhi understood, Yang Xiu smiled: "That's right! But it's not just that, if Zijian starts to act, even if he's much weaker than your second brother, he won't dare to act rashly."

"Your existence is used to deter your second brother. As long as he doesn't do anything wrong, your elder brother can inherit the position of the son of the son through continuous experience. Your elder brother is benevolent and righteous, and he will definitely not harm you after he succeeds. When the time comes You can also entertain me every day, and we can write poems and have fun."

Yang Xiu's words completely reached Cao Zhi's heart, he squinted his eyes and firmly believed.

Cao Zhi said: "Okay, then I will go to my father and ask for an official position."

"But Zijian, do you think I'm asking for an official position with military power, or..."

Yang Xiu narrowed his eyes, stroked his chin and thought about it, and said, "Zijian, ask the prime minister to appoint you to be an official in the Imperial College."

"Although it is a school, you can make friends with literati and students. This is what you are best at."

"Your eldest brother and third brother both have military power, so there is no need for you to lead troops. This is not your strong point."

"You have to ask the prime minister for the right to inspect talents, and the prime minister will allow you to control the selection of some talents. At that time, you will control some court officials, and you will naturally be able to check and balance Cao Pi."

After Cao Zhi heard this, he nodded quickly, and prepared to go to the front yard to find his father.

In the front yard of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Cao Cao was reading a military book when he saw Cao Zhi coming to look for him.

"My son, Zijian, come here quickly. You have always been good at writing poetry and prose. Father has some questions for you."

After Cao Zhi heard his father's words, he hurried to his father's desk and knelt down to salute.

After discussing a few words about poetry, Cao Cao smiled slightly, and realized the purpose of his son's coming after he had observed the situation.

Without pointing it out, Cao Cao waited for his son to speak.

Cao Zhi took a deep breath, feeling very nervous, and said, "Father, the eldest brother, the second brother and the third brother all share the father's worries, and the child has grown up, so he dare not eat the food at home for nothing."

"The boy also wants to ask his father for an official position, and do his best."

Cao Cao knew that Cao Zhi was going to enter the officialdom to restrict Cao Pi and Cao Ang.

However, Cao Cao really didn't know what official position should be given to Cao Zhi, which would be the most suitable.

Cao Zhi is not good at leading troops, but if he does not have military power, he will not have any pressure on Cao Pi and Cao Ang, which is too tasteless.

Cao Cao therefore smiled and asked, "Zijian, don't tell me you want to share your father's worries, then father can't refuse."

"Tell me, what kind of official position do you want? Your literary talent is obvious to all officials in the court, and they will not have any objections."

Cao Zhi was overjoyed to see his father so forthright, and hurriedly bowed his head in salute.

Raising his head, Cao Zhi said: "Father, my son wants to become an official in the Taixue, teach literati and members of the Cao family to read and study, and cultivate talents."

"I don't have the ability to lead soldiers, but I think it should be possible to go to the Imperial Academy to be an official and strictly supervise the talents selected."

After Cao Cao heard his son's words, his heart trembled.

Cao Cao thought in his heart: "Yang Dezu, you are so ruthless! Zijian is best at writing poems, so you let him go to Taixue and control the selection of officials."

"Besides, if the Cao family clan wants to become an official, they need to ask Zijian to ask for it. At that time, even Zijian's uncles will support him. It's really a good move."

"However, this didn't affect Zixiu too much, but it became a pressure on Zihuan. That's fine, let's do it like this!"

Cao Cao smiled slightly, and after thinking about it, he said to Cao Zhi: "Zijian, my son, agreed for my father."

"However, as a father, you pay attention to incorruptibility. As an official, you will have no salary in the first year. Once you become an official, Zijian, you will need to move out of the prime minister's mansion and build a mansion yourself. The money for building the mansion will come from your first year's salary. Fill it up!"

"Tomorrow you can go to Taixue, the people there are not easy to manage, everything depends on yourself and Yang Xiu."

Cao Cao showed a happy smile. It was rare for him to see the progress of his three sons in one day.

"Boy, thank you for your father's grace! I'm disturbing my father, so I'm going to step down first."

When Cao Zhi heard that his father did not refuse his request, he was overjoyed and left quickly.

In the backyard, Yang Xiu asked Cao Zhi about the details when he just asked the prime minister, and he sighed helplessly.

Cao Zhi asked suspiciously: "Dezu, why are you sighing? My father promised me an official position. This is a good thing!"

Yang Xiu glanced at Cao Zhi, and said helplessly, "Zijian, although this is a good thing, it is also a bad thing. If the prime minister makes things difficult for you and doesn't directly agree to your request, he is putting pressure on you and testing your character."

"The prime minister didn't test you now, which means that compared to Cao Ang, the prime minister has no intention of making you a son at all. It seems that Zijian, you can't compete with your elder brother anyway. I also understand what the prime minister means. it is good."

"Let's go! Go drink, call Wang Can and the others, and congratulate you for being appointed an official, let's have a good drink!"

"Go! Go!"

Although Cao Zhi didn't understand what Yang Xiu meant, he didn't care about it anymore.

It is enough for Cao Zhi to have a part-time job and serve his father.

(End of this chapter)

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