Chapter 79

Chen Gong and Lu Bu looked at each other, their eyes were communicating, obviously they were very excited.

Especially Lu Bu, he is very supportive of doing this business with Jizhou, after all, it is two thousand Bingzhou war horses.

Although it is not appropriate to use Pengcheng's grain and grass without permission, these grains and grass are Tao Qian's supplies to Lu Bu.

However, Lu Bu is Lu Bu, and he will not be intimidated by mere Tao Qian.

What's more, Lv Bu was already dissatisfied. He guarded Pengcheng for Tao Qian. Tao Qian should pay more.

Chen Gong understood Lu Bu's thoughts. He took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Wen Wei, we are willing to make this deal, but there is only one problem at present."

"Whether it is Bingzhou or Jizhou, it is not connected to my Pengcheng. I don't know how those two thousand horses arrived in Pengcheng."

Chen Gong squinted his eyes and asked Guan Chun and Geng Wu, he wanted to confirm whether this matter was fraudulent.

Guan Chun and Geng Wu seemed to have been prepared for a long time. They smiled slightly when they heard Chen Gong's question.

Guan Chun replied: "Mr. Gongtai, you don't need to deliberately hide it. Maybe Tao Qian doesn't know, but we all know it."

"Marquis Wen stationed troops in Lu County, and Tao Qian didn't care about it. Naturally, he acquiesced in Marquis Wen's control of Lu County."

"Lu County is very close to Pengcheng, and it is also close to Gaotang. As long as Wen Hou personally sends troops to confront Cao Jun in Taishan County, then this matter will not be a big problem."

"We in Jizhou will also send troops to ensure the safety of this transaction. If Marquis Wen is really willing to cooperate, I don't think there will be any difficulties."

Guan Chun's attitude is obvious, he completely gives the right to choose to Lu Bu and Chen Gong.

Chen Gong and Lu Bu looked at each other again.

Just when Lu Bu was about to answer immediately, Chen Gong spoke up.

Chen Gong was the first to say, "Since this is the case, General Lu and I need to think more about it, and please go to the inn first to rest."

"We'll give you a reply within two days at the most. In these two days, please both of you have a good rest. We will pay for all expenses in Pengcheng."

Chen Gong nodded to Guan Chun and Geng Wu with a fake smile, his smile made Geng Wu and Guan Chun look fake.

However, Chen Gong is indeed a wise person, he did not answer Guan Chun and Geng Wu directly.

The smirk is just to be polite.

Seeing that Chen Gong refused to let him directly agree to this matter, Lu Bu was a little puzzled, but not angry.

Lu Bu's temper towards his subordinates is actually not bad, especially towards Chen Gong.

Chen Gong is currently Lu Bu's only think tank, and with Chen Gong around, Lu Bu will be much more relaxed.

Therefore, Chen Gong now has the absolute trust of Lu Bu, and he believes that Chen Gong will not harm himself.

After Geng Wu and Guan Chun withdrew from the General's Mansion, they returned to the inn by themselves, while Lu Bu and Chen Gong were still discussing matters.

Lu Bu asked Chen Gong, "Gongtai, why didn't you just agree? I don't think Han Fu will deceive us."

"Jizhou is separated from Xuzhou by the entire Qingzhou. Even if Han Fu plans to send troops south, he will not count us first."

Lu Bu was very eager to get the [-] Bingzhou war horses. As long as he had these horses, he would have the confidence to sweep the Central Plains.

Even if it is impossible to attack the city and pull out the stronghold, Lu Bu absolutely guarantees that he will be invincible in a field battle.

Chen Gong stroked his beard and replied: "Fengxian, this matter still needs to be considered. After all, if you want to make a deal, you need to be careful of Cao Jun in Taishan County."

"Cao Cao has recently shifted the focus of his forces to the vicinity of Wancheng in the south, and it is said that an imperial decree was sent to Xuzhou City yesterday, saying that he wants the princes to send money to rebuild Luoyang City."

Chen Gong narrowed his eyes, thinking in his heart, and said: "From what I know about Cao Cao, he is an ungrateful person, definitely not a good person!"

"And this guy is extremely treacherous, so I think this edict is one of his schemes to get money from other princes."

"Han Fu of Jizhou and Tao Qian of Xuzhou are both loyal to the court, and they will definitely give money. But what we need to pay attention to is that Cao Jun will interfere with this transaction."

"Cao Jun is short of money. If they know about our deal with Jizhou, they will definitely not stand idly by. If Cao Jun from Taishan County sends troops to affect the deal, the loss will be quite large."

Chen Gong explained his thoughts in great detail, for fear that Lu Bu might not understand something.

After hearing what Chen Gong said, Lu Bu nodded in agreement, thinking that this is indeed an aspect that needs to be careful.

However, this was not enough to reduce Lu Bu's enthusiasm for the two thousand Bingzhou war horses.

A few seconds later, Lu Bu returned to his original arrogance.

"Hmph! In fact, there is no need to care about it. I, Lu Fengxian, really don't pay attention to Cao Jun in Taishan County!"

"If they dare to interfere with my deal with Jizhou, they have to ask my Fang Tian Huaji whether he agrees or not!"

Seeing that Lu Bu was so excited, Chen Gong sighed and shook his head helplessly.

After all, Lu Bu was impulsive, but he was really temperamental. Chen Gong both appreciated and dissatisfied with this.

Seeing Chen Gong sigh, Lu Bu immediately calmed down. He knew that Chen Gong was a calm person, not so passionate.

Lu Bu clenched his fists and said, "Since that's the case, let's take a gamble and let Zang Ba and Zhang Liao confront Cao Jun in Taishan County!"

"I went to conduct the transaction myself, and then brought Gao Shun's camp. I don't believe that Cao Cao still has the strength and the courage to rob my food and grass."

Lu Bu snorted, he had already made up his mind to make this deal with Jizhou.

After Chen Gong saw that Lu Bu was so determined, he didn't say any more, but turned around to look at the Xuzhou map on the wall.

In Yecheng, Han Wu was reading the battle reports sent by all parties, and he sighed very worriedly.

Han Wu thought in his heart: "This is really a troubled time. I want to develop the economy, but I don't dare to make drastic changes."

"Currently, I still have more than 1000 points of merit in the God of War summoning system, but the problem is that I need a lot of iron, as well as food and grass."

"It's too wasteful to exchange these materials with merit points, but it's not enough to exchange them for fierce generals."

Han Wu rested his chin on his right hand. After closing the battle report sent from Zhongshan County, he read the report sent by Zhang He.

Although the current Jizhou is rich, it still cannot meet Han Wu's requirements. What he wants is a rapidly developing Jizhou.

Moreover, Han Wu also wants to develop a navy in Bohai County, which will become a big consumption.

Hua Mulan stood beside Han Wu, she often saw the young master so worried, and she also understood that the young master's military affairs were heavy.

Han Wu closed all the bamboo slips and said to Hua Mulan, "Mulan, come with me, I want to relax."

Han Wu stood up, pushed away the rose chair behind him, and walked directly to the outside of Hexiang Bieyuan.

Hua Mulan followed closely behind, guarding Han Wu's side while holding the scabbard tightly.

Wang Yue had been sitting on a bench in the corner of Hexiang Bieyuan to read, and when he saw that Han Wu was about to go out, he also quietly turned over the wall.

Just as Han Wu walked out of Hexiang Bieyuan, a servant from the State Shepherd's Mansion hurried over panting.

"Young master, Lord Inspector tells you to return to the State Shepherd's Mansion as soon as possible. It seems that the imperial decree has arrived!"

Seeing that Han Wu seemed to be going shopping, the servant hurried to Han Wu and bowed to report the situation.

Hearing that the imperial court came again, Han Wu frowned.

He felt that it must be a bad thing to come to the imperial decree for no reason at this time.

Turning back and walking towards the State Shepherd's Mansion, Han Wu wanted to see what kind of tricks Cao Cao, who was controlling the little emperor, was playing.

(End of this chapter)

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