Chapter 80

When Han Wu came to the State Shepherd's Mansion, he happened to see his father reading the ink on the imperial decree.

The envoy had conveyed the imperial decree according to the rules, and Han Fu had already received the decree, so he sat behind the table naturally now.

Han Wu walked directly into the lobby of the State Shepherd's Mansion, and then bowed slightly to his father.

Han Fu sighed, and said, "Wu'er, take a look at this edict. As a father, I don't make any comments."

Sitting helplessly behind the table, Han Fu looked very helpless, apparently encountered some trouble.

Seeing his father's helplessness, Han Wu took the imperial decree, opened it and read it, then smiled disdainfully.

Han Wu took a deep breath, snorted, and shook his head helplessly while stroking his hair.

A few seconds later, Han Wucai said: "Father, this is obviously Cao Cao's plan. Now that the court is weak, I don't know if this imperial decree is the emperor's will or Cao Cao's."

"Cao Cao's current military focus has almost shifted to the southernmost part of Yanzhou. He wants to lead his troops to conquer Wancheng. Food, grass and money are the most scarce things for him."

"At this time, the imperial decree is sent to let all the princes collect money to rebuild Luoyang City, I am afraid that there may be fraud in it."

At the same time, Han Wu also admired Cao Cao in his heart: "Okay! What a Cao Mengde, such a conspiracy is really difficult for people to deal with!"

Hearing Han Wu's words, Han Fu also nodded slightly. He also thought of this, and could understand that this was Cao Cao's scheme.

Although Han Fu does not have the domineering and decisiveness to lead the army, being able to become the governor of Jizhou also proves that his talents are not weak.

He also noticed this as soon as he received the imperial decree, but Han Fu knew that he had to "fall into the trap".

Because Han Fu, as a minister of the Han Dynasty, and encouraged himself to be loyal to the court, naturally he would not disobey the imperial decree.

Han Fu stood up and said to Han Wu: "Wu'er, as a father, I also know that this is Cao Mengde's plan, but as Han officials, we must not disobey the imperial edict."

"Jizhou is the richest state and county. We have no reason to delay this matter. It's just that sending out the money will delay your plan to send troops to attack the Southern Huns."

Han Fu said to Han Wu very seriously, but Han Wu was very disdainful in his heart, he didn't care about the imperial decree or not.

The current imperial court has long existed in name only. Although it cannot openly resist the edict, it is still possible to find a way to delay it.

But seeing his father's attitude, Han Wu worried that his father would collect the money and send it to Yanzhou immediately.

Han Wu has his own plan, but he will never disobey the imperial decree in front of his father.

And allowing his father to give money to Cao Cao, Han Wu would never agree.Because of this kind of thing, if there is a first time, there will be a second time.

Cao Cao used this conspiracy to make a profit once, and he would come up with other excuses the second time. This is a vicious circle.

Han Wu hurriedly said: "Father, this matter is considered a major event, Wu'er can understand. I also hope that father is just putting on a show, and don't send all the money to Yanzhou."

Bowing slightly to his father, Han Wu was thinking about how to deal with this matter.

When Han Fu saw that his son was willing to give in and agreed to send money to Cao Cao, he was immediately relieved.

Han Wu controls the current Jizhou military power and all military affairs.

Although he ignored government affairs, as long as Han Wu disagreed, Han Fu could not send money out of Jizhou.

However, Han Wu will definitely not reject his father face to face now, because if he does not do well, some people will say that he is disobedient and unfilial.

Han Wu rolled his eyes and said, "Father, since that's the case, I'll go to the barracks to take a look first."

Not wanting to disturb his father's work anymore, Han Wu also wanted to find an opportunity to leave, so he hurried to discuss countermeasures with Guo Jia.

Han Fu smiled gratifiedly, nodded to his son, and agreed that he should leave now.

As soon as he walked out of the State Shepherd's Mansion, Han Wu's face became gloomy and cold, he clenched his fists and sighed.

Cao Cao's conspiracy is not easy to deal with, and Han Wu thinks that his brain is not strong enough to deal with Cao Cao's strategy.

Hua Mulan had been hesitating all this time, seeing that there were not many pedestrians around, she said, "My lord, Mulan is not peeking, but just out of curiosity, she just saw the contents of the imperial decree."

"Mulan is just a girl, and my views on this matter may not be comprehensive. I don't know if you are willing to listen to Mulan's opinion."

Hua Mulan hesitated, she looked cute, but her expression was serious.

After Han Wu heard Hua Mulan's words, he was a little curious, what suggestion did Hua Mulan have.

Han Wu turned his head and asked Hua Mulan: "But it's okay, do you still need to be so polite between us? Could it be that you were scared last night?"

Smiling obscenely, Han Wu immediately restrained his smile, ensuring that his expression just now would not be seen by the people on the street.

Originally, I wanted to play a joke with Hua Mulan, but the current occasion is not suitable.

After hearing what Han Wu said, Hua Mulan blushed and cast a dissatisfied glance at Han Wu.

However, she was still very embarrassed, after all, Han Wu said that on the street now.

Even though there were no passers-by around, and no one heard Han Wu's words just now, this was really out of style.

Immediately calmed down, Hua Mulan didn't want to pay attention to the young master's nonsense here.

Hua Mulan took a deep breath, thought for a few seconds, and said, "My lord, I think Cao Cao's plan is to crowdfund his attack on Wancheng."

"Repairing Luoyang will consume an astronomical amount of manpower and material resources, which cannot be gathered by just a few princes."

"Therefore, Mulan thinks that the young master can delay this matter first, and make plans after defeating the Southern Huns. Maybe it would be better."

"Also, the young master sent Gengwu Guanchun to Pengcheng to discuss matters with Lu Bu. Cao Cao will see the current situation in the Central Plains soon."

"Therefore, as long as we delay sending the money and use other excuses to say that the money is difficult to get together and that it takes time to prepare, this matter can be left alone."

Hua Mulan spoke out her plan, her idea was to delay the time and eventually let everyone forget about it.

Han Wu is not very satisfied with this plan. This is a delaying tactic, not a solution to the problem.

Neither agreeing nor objecting, Han Wu just nodded slightly, and was going to discuss the countermeasures with Guo Jia and Xun You first.

Xuzhou Pengcheng
Geng Wu and Guan Chun were invited to the General's Mansion. This time, Lu Bu and Chen Gong looked kindly.

Especially Lu Bu, the corners of his mouth were always raised slightly, Guan Chun, who was good at observing words and expressions, knew that Lu Bu and Chen Gong had already made plans.

Judging from Lu Bu's expression, it is not difficult to guess that they should agree to the deal of grain and grass for war horses.

(End of this chapter)

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