Full-level bosses conquer the world with metaphysics

Chapter 113 So What Obsession Does He Have?

Chapter 113 So What Obsession Does He Have?
All of a sudden, there was a quarrel on the Internet.

However, many fans choose to defend their idols.

[These photos alone can't explain anything, can they? 】

[That's right, how could my brother, who looks so obedient, be with an old woman. 】

【I will not believe my brother did this, someone must have set him up,】

[That's right, that's right. 】

【You guys are too self-deceiving, do you feel that your idol is with an old woman, and you feel uncomfortable? 】

Her message was sprayed by many people.

Those fans didn't give up, and they were so noisy.

Someone even went to Ren Xixi's Weibo and posted: [Aren't you a Taoist priest?Then you can tell me if Lin Yu is true? 】

Ren Xixi replied: [It's true. 】

【Oh, it's true, you should come up with some evidence. 】

[Didn't you tell me to count?Since it is counted, where is the evidence? 】 Ren Xixi.

The female netizen was stunned immediately.

Another netizen said: [Don't believe it, this young lady is really accurate, she can know where other people's bank cards are, what are you? 】

The female netizen snorted: [I think it's hype. 】

Another netizen also followed the yin and yang and said: [Since you don't believe it, then don't count it.Miss Sister is not begging you to settle. 】

The female netizen said: [Who doesn't know that Bai Youbai and her have a good relationship. Although they are not a couple, they must be friends. She must have helped him. I came here just to see if she would tell the truth. 】

The netizen said: [As the co-author, you came here to find fault? 】

Ren Xixi said: [The evidence will be presented soon. 】

In the afternoon, suddenly, another video broke out on the Internet. It was the scene of Lin Yu having dinner with the female president, Sister Wang, who was still leaning in his arms.

This time it was especially clear. There was a lot of scolding on the Internet, and those fans who defended Lin Yu stopped talking for a moment.

[You should give up this time, I think Lin Yu is very hypocritical. 】

[To be honest, I think this Lin Yu is ugly, with crooked mouth, and I don't know what his fans like about him. 】

Reply upstairs: [Sister, I thought I was the only one who felt that way. The last time I said that, I was scolded badly. 】

[Although what happened to Lin Yu disappointed me, but you have no chance to attack other people's appearance, which shows that your character is average.Turnips and greens have their own preferences, and everyone has different aesthetics. If it is your idol, won't you be angry if someone says that? 】

Hearing this, the fans who said this stopped talking.

Then, 【Did you find out?Lin Yu's original famous song is very similar to Bai Youbai?Bai Youbai's subsequent songs have always been in this style, but Lin Yu was only famous for his famous song, and he couldn't come up with any good songs afterwards. 】

[I also found out, I feel that this matter is tricky.I heard that Bai Youbai and Lin Yu were in the same band, and later Bai Youbai quit the band. 】

These fans happily chatted about gossip about the two of them.

A few days later, the Internet continued to explode. This time, it was about Lin Yu's famous song that netizens discussed a few days ago.

The above evidence is conclusive, Lin Yu embezzled Baiyoubai's song.

There was another scolding on the Internet, which was even worse than the previous few days.

Lin Yu was locked in his villa and couldn't go out. He didn't try his best to get out until Sister Wang called him.

a certain villa.

A woman slammed a document on the man in front of her.

"Look what you did!" Sister Wang said angrily.

Lin Yu stood beside him tremblingly, "Wang Sister Wang, don't be angry."

"If you hadn't insisted on pouring dirty water on Bai Youbai, he would have caught you and used it to make a fuss?"

Sister Wang threw him a check, "You take this 1000 million and leave immediately."

Lin Yu said, "Wang...Sister Wang, what are you...?"

"Now that you've been involved in bad things, can you continue to stay in the entertainment industry? From today on, you don't have to come to the company anymore, and all the announcements under your name have been cancelled."

Lin Yu immediately knelt on the ground, "Sister Wang, please help me, I can't leave the entertainment circle."

Sister Wang was expressionless and kicked him out.

Lin Yu stood outside with hatred in his eyes, "Bai Youbai, why do you always take my things away..."

Ren Xixi sat at the stall, and Bai Youbai came again.

He said, "Xi Xi, where were you two days ago?"

"I went out to do something." Ren Xixi said.

Then, "Is your business done?"

Bai Youbai smiled and said, "Well, it's thanks to you. If it wasn't for you, I would have collected the evidence so quickly."

Ren Xixi lowered her head and drew the talisman. After a while, she handed the drawn talisman to him, "Take it."

"This is...?" Bai Youbai asked.

"You must be in danger these few days. These are life-saving charms to save your life."

Hearing the words, Bai Youbai quickly kicked into his pocket, and said nervously, "I...will I really be in danger?"

Ren Xixi nodded, "Yes. After this time, you will have smooth sailing in the future."

Bai Youbai hurriedly said thank you gratefully, paid the money, and left with the talisman.

After Lin Yu's incident passed, the entertainment industry returned to a temporary calm.

Not long after, a very famous Internet celebrity quickly appeared on the Internet.

This Internet celebrity is not an ordinary person, but a very handsome monk. He will chant scriptures on the live broadcast every day.

At first everyone was attracted by his face, but later they found that his chanting can cure their sleep and headaches. As long as they listened to his chanting, many people said that they had a good night's sleep, which was better than anyone else's. Tranquilizers, sleep aids are better to use.

Gradually, his fans grew more and more, reaching several million, but it didn't take long for those fans who had heard him chant sutras to have the idea of ​​becoming a monk for no reason.

Later, citizens discovered that many people with shaved heads appeared on the street.

This incident became a hot topic in the news, and the monk's account was blocked.

But the monk had already achieved what he wanted, and had already withdrawn and left.

At Ren Xixi's home, Shi Beiyao found out about this and quickly sent a message in the group.

[Xixi, Xixi, have you seen the trending searches?That monk turned out to be the one we met when we went to Li Song's house. 】

[I read it. ] Ren Xixi,

【What is he trying to do? Could it be that he wants everyone to become monks and become his disciples? 】

Ren Xixi replied: [Well, yes. 】

[Really, I guessed it right.But why did he do this? Could it be some kind of obsession? 】

【Ok. 】 Ren Xixi said.

[No, I guessed right again? 】Shi Beiyao exclaimed, she was absolutely talking casually.

【Ok. 】 Ren Xixi.

【Then what obsession does he have? 】 Tang Xiaoxiao said.

(End of this chapter)

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