Full-level bosses conquer the world with metaphysics

Chapter 114 You Discriminate Against Me

Chapter 114 You Discriminate Against Me
【The monk is not a human being, but a cat demon who has practiced for thousands of years. 】 Ren Xixi said.

Shi Beiyao: [What?not human? 】

[It's a cat demon, and you have practiced for a thousand years? 】 Tang Xiaoxiao said.

【Ok. 】 Ren Xixi said

Ma Yu: [Unbelievable. 】

[Then what is his obsession? ] Shi Beiyao asked again.

Ren Xixi: [Promote Buddhism. 】

[He was a demon in the Tang Dynasty. When he was not transformed into a human form, he was taken back to the temple by an eminent monk. He followed the eminent monk to eat fast and chant Buddha, and he had Buddha nature in him. After the eminent monk died, he gave his relics to him. The only wish of the eminent monk is to carry forward the Dharma. 】

The three girls heard the words: [I see. 】

When they were about to quit the chat group, the group received a message requesting to join the group.

Shi Beiyao saw it as the group leader and immediately rejected it.

Then she sent a message in the group: [Si Lingfeng wanted to join our group just now, do you want him to join? 】

Ma Yu: 【No. 】

Tang Xiaoxiao: [No. 】

Ren Xixi: […]

Shi Beiyao: [I knew you didn't want others to enter, this is our unique group of sisters. 】

Seeing her rejection, Si Lingfeng immediately sent her a private message: [Shi Beiyao, you won't let me in, did you get their consent?After all, I am my master's apprentice. 】

[Did Xixi accept you as an apprentice?Obviously you are shameless. 】Shi Beiyao unceremoniously turned back.

When Si Lingfeng heard this, he felt a little guilty.

But he said unforgivingly: [I don't care, you should at least ask for the consent of other people. 】

Shi Beiyao immediately sent a screenshot, which was exactly what Tang Xiaoxiao and the others refused just now.

Si Lingfeng: […]

Still unwilling to give up: 【Master didn't say anything to refuse. 】

Shi Beiyao replied: [Our group can only enter girls, boys are not allowed. 】

After a while, Si Jue asked to join the group, Shi Beiyao saw it, and immediately pulled him into the group.

Si Lingfeng quickly sent him a message: [Uncle, Uncle.Are you in? 】

[Entered. 】

Seeing this, Si Lingfeng hurriedly sent a message to Shi Beiyao: [Is this what you said only girls can enter? 】

[I let whoever I like in, I let whoever in, you can control it? 】Shi Beiyao said.

[You simply discriminate against me. 】Si Lingfeng said.

[It is to discriminate against you. 】Shi Beiyao made a terrified expression.

Si Lingfeng: […]

In the group: Si Jue entered the group, everyone cheered enthusiastically.

Shi Beiyao and the others serve as one-stop service.

Si Jue replied a thank you, but did not see her message, is she not there?

And Ren Xixi himself had put down his phone to peel an apple and eat it.

Tang Xiaoxiao said in the group: [Since Mr. Si joined the group, let me let my boyfriend join the group too. You haven't met him yet, let him meet you. 】

After finishing speaking, Shi Beiyao and Ma Yu's eyes lit up, 【Xiaoxiao, are you finally willing to take your boyfriend out? 】

Tang Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed when she heard this.

A few minutes later, a man nicknamed Qianqian Junzi joined the group.

He introduced himself: [Hi everyone, my name is Lu Ziye, and I'm Tang Xiaoxiao's boyfriend. 】

[Welcome, welcome, warmly welcome! 】Everyone immediately spread flowers and provided one-stop service, just like Si Jue just now.

[Handsome guy, send a photo and come over to take a look? 】Shi Beiyao laughed.

Ma Yu followed along to join in the fun: [Yes, yes, handsome guy, don't mind letting us see your photo. 】

Lu Ziye asked Xiaoxiao for her opinion in private, and seeing that she agreed, she sent it.

Then, a photo appeared in the group, showing a man with good features and a dignified appearance, with a mature aura on his body.

[Wow, what a handsome guy! 】Shi Beiyao said with bright eyes.

When Ma Yu saw it, he was in a trance for a moment.

Ren Xixi had already peeled the apple, and saw so many messages when she turned on her phone.

Si Lingfeng sent her a private message, and with an aggrieved expression on his face, he complained: [Master, they won't let me join the group, even my uncle did. 】

Ren Xixi had no choice but to click on his profile picture to draw Si Lingfeng into the group of sisters.

And the group ceremony is going on to welcome new friends into the group.

After Ren Xixi quickly climbed the stairs, she also sent a one-stop service for spreading flowers.

【Xixi, I thought you were missing. 】

[Yeah, Xiaoxiao's boyfriend joined the group just now, Xixi, did you see it? 】

[I see, he looks very handsome. 】 Ren Xixi praised.

[Oh, even our Xixi is boasting, Xiaoxiao, you are so lucky. 】

Tang Xiaoxiao sent a thank you in embarrassment.

Si Jue was a bit apprehensive when he saw it. She didn't respond to him when he came in just now.

Lu Ziye said politely: [Hello, are you the fortune-telling master Xiaoxiao mentioned? 】

【Ok.Hi. 】 Ren Xixi said.

Lu Ziye said: 【Master, I have something to ask you, can you answer it for me? 】

Ren Xixi: [You ask. 】

【I have a cousin who just started college, but a few days ago he suddenly wanted to become a monk. My aunt was in a panic. My cousin usually loves to play and has no interest in Buddhism.I want to ask my cousin, Master, if he has been brainwashed by joining some pyramid scheme? 】

Ren Xixi: [No.It's because of the monk who chanted scriptures live. 】

Lu Ziye was startled: [Then is there any solution? 】

Ren Xixi: 【You don't have to worry, it will be fine after a while. 】

Lu Ziye: 【Thank you, master. 】

Si Lingfeng came out and said: [Hey, hey, why don't you welcome me. 】

No one in the group spoke.

[Where are you guys?Don't be special here. 】

Ma Yu sighed: [I am alone here. 】

Shi Beiyao immediately retorted: [Don't you still have me? 】

Ma Yu gave her an expression that you can experience yourself.

Shi Beiyao was dumbfounded.

Si Lingfeng, who was collectively ignored by everyone: […]

After the chat was almost over, Shi Beiyao said: [Xiaoxiao, remember to bring your boyfriend to see us next time. 】

【Alright, definitely. 】 Tang Xiaoxiao said.

At night, Bai Youbai had just finished filming a short MV, and the manager behind him handed him a bottle of water, "Bai Youbai, your lyrics are getting better and better. In time, you will definitely become the king of music." .”

The assistant came over and congratulated, "Brother Bai, after Lin Yu steps down this time, no one will dare to pour dirty water on you in the future."

Bai Youbai took a sip of water and said with a smile, "It's all thanks to everyone."

The manager said, "Bai Youbai, I have something to do later, so I won't go with you."

The assistant also said, "Brother Bai, unfortunately, I have something to do tonight."

Bai Youbai didn't care, "If you have something to do, go quickly, I live not far from here, so I won't delay your business."

After speaking, they patted him on the shoulder and left.

Bai Youbai got into the car and asked the driver to take him to Yeyu Community.

There are street lights on the road, and the car needs to pass that road, and it will arrive at the Yeyu Community after turning a corner.

(End of this chapter)

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