Chapter 150 Talking about Goddess

"Fortune-telling?" she asked in surprise.

"That's right. There are many masters in the emperor who come here admiringly. If Xixi can fall in love with my son, it's because my son has found a treasure."

Lin Yirou's eyes flickered slightly upon hearing this.


"Si Lingfeng, where did you go to play this weekend?"

In the early morning, his brother Mo Que saw him at the school gate, walked up, put his arm around his shoulder and said.

"I didn't go anywhere." Si Lingfeng kicked the stone under his feet.

"Hey, brother, why do you seem a little..."

Mo Que turned his head and noticed the girl next to him, "This is...?"

"Hi, my name is Lin Yirou." She smiled.

Hearing this, Mo Que glanced at Si Lingfeng, "Brother, is this from your family?"

Si Lingfeng took a glance, "A relative."

"Is the beauty here to see my brother?" Mo Que asked with his signature smile.

Lin Yirou smiled and said, "No, I transferred to this school, and we will be classmates from now on."

Surprise appeared in Mo Que's eyes, and he glanced between the two of them, his eyes became a little unclear, "Oh..."

He gave Si Lingfeng a slight push, and whispered, "Brother, could it be you..."

"Don't think about it." Si Lingfeng frowned.

Si Lingfeng was still following the female bandit. When she saw Mo Que, her eyes lit up immediately.

"This man is too attractive, exuding male hormones."

When Si Lingfeng heard this, "..."

He should be happy that the female bandit has finally moved on, but he is inexplicably upset when he hears this.

He looked at his brother, he also had a pretty face, how could he be more manly than him?

Mo Que suddenly received a different look from his brother, and felt a little uncomfortable for a while, so he didn't offend him.

Over there, as soon as Ren Xixi arrived at the school, she got out of the car and saw Si Lingfeng.

When Mo Que saw her, he immediately greeted her with a smile, "Hello, classmate."

Ren Xixi nodded.

"Master." Si Lingfeng hurried over immediately.

Lin Yirou, who heard this, was a little astonished, Master?

She looked at the girl in front of her who was wearing a Taoist robe to school. She had fair skin and a beautiful face. Even though she was wearing a gray Taoist robe, she still couldn't stop her temperament.

Thinking of what grandma said, she is a master fortune teller, her eyes drooped slightly.

After entering the school, many students greeted Ren Xixi on the way.

"Hello, Master Xi."

"Good morning Xixi."

They were polite with a touch of kindness.

"My master is still so popular." Si Lingfeng said.

And Lin Yirou hadn't spoken the whole time.

Two freshmen were transferred to the school, one male and one female, both handsome and beautiful.

Especially that boy, he is very popular, he has a pair of red eyes, very beautiful, and because of this, he has attracted many girls to block him in the classroom, dormitory, and playground where he is studying.

The playground is crowded with people.

Many girls cheered for a tall, handsome, sunny figure playing ball on the playground.

Ren Xixi and a few people in the dormitory just passed by here.

Xu Yali was also attracted by the handsome and sunny figure on the playground.

"Xi Xi, this new boy is more popular than our school girl."

"His eyes are still red, as beautiful as rubies." Wang Jing followed.

"And every time I look into his eyes, I can't help but be attracted by those eyes. Those eyes seem to have magical power." Li Wanshi immediately boasted.

Obviously these three girls have become fans of his looks.

Xu Yali and Wang Jing said at the same time when they heard Li Wanshi's words, "I feel the same way."

Ren Xixi looked at the sunny boy with transparent white skin on the basketball court, her gaze was lost in thought.

Suddenly, the boy seemed to be aware of her existence, and looked towards her.

But it attracted some girls to scream and scream, "He has seen it, he has seen it!"

"He's looking at me."

"Whoever said he was looking at you, he was obviously looking at me!"

"Look at me, look at me!" They argued endlessly.

The boy looked at Ren Xixi, raised a bright smile, and showed his big white teeth.

His temperament is a little gentle and cute, and a little milky.

The girls were all fascinated by his smile, "Mom, I really want to touch his head."

"Me too, it's like petting a dog's head, so cute."

When Ren Xixi saw it, she lowered her head and frowned.


This person, she can't figure anything out.

There was a sudden commotion in her ear, she raised her head for some unknown reason, and saw the boy walking out of the crowd.

Xu Yali and the others next to her were subconsciously nervous, "Xi Xi, he came to look for you."

Ren Xixi pulled them, "Let's go, let's go. Let's not bother our upper body."

She is well aware of the lethality of these girls.

That boy was also baffled, and she didn't know him, so why was he showing him that old friend's signature smile?
"Ah, Xixi, you are still a girl, don't you have any vanity to be sought after?" Xu Yali said.

"That is, every time a boy wants to confess to you, you can always hide somewhere else precisely so that they can't find him."

"That's right, have you counted it every time, so when those boys come to you, you can't be there. It's just a coincidence once, twice, or three times. It's not a coincidence four or five times." Wang Jing said .

Ren Xixi and the others have already gone far.

Su Ruili, who finally squeezed out from the crowd of girls, held his basketball in one hand, scratched his head with the other, and watched her leave.

Why did she run away when she saw him?

"Su Ruili, don't you have a crush on the goddess Ren Xixi in our school?"

"Her name is Ren Xixi?"

"That's right, you chase our goddess and don't even know her name?"

Su Ruili didn't speak, he just felt that there was a familiar aura about her, which made people couldn't help but get close to her.

"Let me tell you, our goddess is not something ordinary people can chase after. She is a legend in our school."

"Why do you say that?" Su Ruili asked.

The boy who spoke came over, "Our school knows that she is a master fortune teller, you must know that."

Su Ruili shook his head.

"No way? Brother, you want to chase after our goddess without even knowing what she does. You are too confident in yourself." The boy had an exaggerated face.

"Although you are very popular now, other girls may be able to win easily, but our goddess is different."

The boy's eyes are full of admiration for her, "Her fortune-telling skills are outrageous, you stand in front of her as a naked image, she can know what you are thinking, so those impure thoughts No one dares to appear in front of her."

"Is that so." He thought deeply.

"What are you two talking about?" Suddenly several boys came up and asked.

"Talking about the goddess."

"Which goddess, but isn't there a new girl in our school? It seems to be Lin Yirou, she looks pretty."

(End of this chapter)

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