Full-level bosses conquer the world with metaphysics

Chapter 151 Doesn't his uncle have a rival in love?

Chapter 151 Doesn't his uncle have a rival in love?

"Her, she seems to know Si Lingfeng, you'd better not provoke her, in case you get messed up, with the power of the Si family, you can't bear to walk around."

A boy scratched his head when he heard the words, "I know. Lin Yirou is probably looking at her boss Ling Feng, how dare we provoke her, but that girl looks superior, we have no interest in provoking her."

"Then you're still talking about her?"

"Isn't it just because she is beautiful? Pretty girls can be talked about everywhere. But girls like her don't look down on ordinary people like us, who would go out of their way to provoke them."

"Hmph, there will naturally be people looking forward to it." Another boy said.

In a certain classroom, Si Lingfeng and Shi Beiyao were there, and Lin Yirou was also there.

After a while, the quiet classroom became noisy.

The reason was that a boy had a flirty chat in front of Shi Beiyao, and was beaten up by Si Lingfeng.

Then the scene was out of control.

"Si Lingfeng, you are sick, and I didn't mess with your woman!"

The tall boy who was beaten had an angry look on his face.

In the past few days, the freshman Lin Yirou often came to look for Si Lingfeng.

The two of them went to and from school together every day.

It is heard that Lin Yirou still lives in his house and is a relative of his family.

So those boys took the initiative to stay away.

Si Lingfeng and Shi Beiyao usually hang out together, but now that Lin Yirou is with him, he doesn't care much about Shi Beiyao anymore.

But yes, everyone knew that Si Lingfeng would definitely choose Lin Yirou, who was a lady.

As for Shi Beiyao, who was laughing and laughing all day long and had no ladylike temperament at all, she was not the type that Si Lingfeng liked.

Seeing Shi Beiyao being left out in the cold by Si Lingfeng, he went over and said a few words before being beaten up by him.

"Who asked you to insult her?" Si Lingfeng said coldly.

"Who are you insulting? Didn't you just say a dirty accent as a joke, and she, Shi Beiyao, is not a delicate and rich young lady like Lin Yirou, so she can't listen to this anymore." The tall boy said.

"I'll fuck you!" Si Lingfeng wanted to step forward again in a fit of anger.

The person next to him quickly grabbed him, "Student, please control your temper and don't get angry."

Si Lingfeng is usually cheerful and has never lost his temper.

There are also many little girls who like him in private.

But I have never seen him like this before, and it still looks a little scary.

Standing by the side, Lin Yirou watched Si Lingfeng defending Shi Beiyao, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable.

She had heard from her grandma what kind of girl Si Lingfeng liked, and she was exactly in line with her.

But when she came into contact with him, why was it different from what she imagined?
Although he was polite to her, he didn't show much interest.

Instead, his eyes kept looking at Shi Beiyao who didn't pay much attention to him.

And Shi Beiyao was a little confused, why is Si Lingfeng not normal these days?
Standing behind Si Lingfeng was the female bandit, with her arms folded around her chest, she looked at everything in front of her with a spectacle.

It seems that this kid really likes this girl who is bluffing and calling Shi Beiyao, she thought he was lying to her.

But now she has moved on, she fell in love with Si Lingfeng's friend.

As she spoke, her eyes turned to Mo Que, and seeing him walking towards Si Lingfeng, she quickly followed.

And Mo Que always felt a little heavy on his back, and there was nothing when he touched it.

He walked up to Si Lingfeng, "Brother, don't be angry, this kind of person is not worth it."

The tall boy only dared to shout, but he didn't dare to do anything to Si Lingfeng.

He just regarded it as his bad luck today.

When the tall man left, everyone dispersed.

Seeing this, Shi Beiyao walked over, and rarely cared, "Are you... all right?"

Si Lingfeng raised his head and returned to his original hippie smile, "What can I do? But you, aren't you usually arrogant? Why didn't you react at all in front of that man? It doesn't suit your personality. "

"What's wrong with my personality?" Shi Beiyao said, the man said something that made her uncomfortable, she was planning to scold back, but who knows that he suddenly appeared out of nowhere and punched the man , How could she have that chance to fight back.

"It's fine, it's fine if there's nothing wrong." Mo Que said, "You two are really happy friends, and you will make trouble when you talk about it."

"Who is Huanxi's friend with him?"

"Who is Huanxi's friend with him?"

The two said in unison.

Mo Que smiled and said, "Look, look, the two of you are not lovers of happiness. You can just stay together, so you don't have to harm others."

Hearing this, both Shi Beiyao and Si Lingfeng felt a little uncomfortable.

Lin Yirou bought a bottle of water from outside, handed it to Si Lingfeng, and said with a smile, "Are you okay, drink some water."

Mo Que saw it, and said again, "Look at how kind Lin Yirou is to you, she even bought you water to drink."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Shi Beiyao.

In the past few days, he has seen everything about Si Lingfeng and Shi Beiyao.

It turned out that he still couldn't see anything, since this Lin Yirou appeared, these two people have not been as good brothers as before.

Shi Beiyao lowered her eyes, "Since you're fine, I'll leave."

"Hey..." Si Lingfeng wanted to call her from behind, but didn't know what to say, so he let her go.

Seeing this, Mo Que hugged him and said, "Brother, you have had a lot of good luck these days."

"Go, go, fuck you! Where did I get Yanfu!" Si Lingfeng pushed him away.

He is troubled these days.

He had to go to his master to settle the matter for him.

This Lin Yirou didn't know what was going on, she always followed him.

But every time she gave people a feeling that she didn't mean it.

As a result, he could hear that Lin Yirou was his woman wherever he went in school every day.

Are their eyes blind? Which eye saw that he liked Lin Yirou?

He can't stay away from her if he wants to, otherwise his grandma will say that he is rude.

Si Lingfeng muttered as he walked out, wondering if Shi Beiyao misunderstood him.

But that woman has always been heartless and single-minded, who will care about his crap.

He quickened his pace, he wanted to see the master soon to get the answer.

At this time, Ren Xixi had just finished class in her classroom.

When preparing to leave the classroom, there was a commotion outside.

Then she saw the boy with red eyes walking towards her classroom.

"Xixi." The voice came before others came in.

All the students in the classroom looked over when they heard it.

Including Si Lingfeng who just walked to the door of the classroom.

He looked at the little white face with red eyes in front of him.

Doesn't his uncle have a rival in love?

Thinking about it, he immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his uncle.

His family's master was unprecedented, except for my uncle, someone finally chased him.


He thought, feeling inexplicably a little excited.

[Uncle, big news, big news, you have an opponent! 】

 The appearance of Lin Yirou and Su Ruili will promote the emotional development of the hero and heroine and the male and female supporting roles.

  After finishing this, I'm going to skip the page. Later, the heroine should go to Taixuanguo, which will lead to information about the male and female protagonists, and their past lives.

  This book will not be too long. After writing the past lives of the protagonists, the book will probably end.

  Thanks to the little cuties who like this book, thank you for your votes and support, refill~
(End of this chapter)

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