Chapter 166 Past Life Mirror ([-])
"You got the fire from my uncle last time." Si Lingfeng said.

Ren Xixi rubbed her nose, "Didn't I also exchange things? If you think longevity pills are not enough, I can..."

"Thank you for helping me figure out this divination, so our trip can go so smoothly." Si Jue said with a smile.

"Then I'll go first." Ren Xixi waved at the two of them.

Seeing this, Si Jue immediately called her to stop, "I... When will we meet again?"

Ren Xixi turned her head and thought for a while, "It shouldn't be long." After she finished speaking, she turned her head and left.

Si despaired of her leaving back and didn't move.

When Si Lingfeng saw it, he seemed to smell something else, "Master, don't you really like this Taoist priest?"

Si Jue heard the words, but said nothing.

Seeing this, Si Lingfeng felt more and more that his guess in his heart was correct.

He was very surprised in his heart, in his eyes, the master uncle is a person who has no desires and no desires, how could he like that Taoist priest?
And he didn't see any charm in that Taoist priest to attract his uncle.

Apart from being better at fortune-telling, better at collecting monsters and catching ghosts, she is a little more beautiful, and she is a little different from other women, it seems that she has no other advantages.

A few months later, General Mu Jun finally returned in triumph and repelled Jiang Guo.

There were cheers from the common people in Ningcheng, and gifts from the common people were piled up outside the gate of the general's mansion.

There was even a large banquet in the palace, and the heroes who made great contributions to the battle were invited.

The Shi family, the Lin family, and the greatest hero, General Mu Jun, were all invited into the palace.

Everyone in Shijiabao was a little nervous when they learned that they were going to the imperial capital, and so was the Lin family. The emperor's grace is so great.

A few days later, each family brought their family members into the palace.

General Mu Jun walked in the front.

The Lin family had never been in the palace before, so they were a little nervous at the moment.

"Miss, don't run around."

On the other side, the maid Xiaoru was chasing after her young lady.

Lin Yirou from the Lin family is also here. Seeing the Shi family in front of her, the maidservant in green couldn't help saying, "Miss, I heard that Miss Shi is impolite, pampered and coquettish, let's stay away from her later. .”

Lin Yirou raised her eyes and looked over, in front of her was a master and a servant running in this majestic palace.

Shiqiao couldn't help but feel a headache when he saw his daughter was so dishonest in the palace.

I thought that his daughter had finally become sensible in the past few months, but he didn't expect to go to the palace and start to have fun again.

"Xiao Yao, come here quickly, don't mess around in the palace!"

"Oh." Shi Beiyao still listened to her father and came over.

The two elder brothers next to her looked at her helplessly.

Shi Beiyao raised her head and asked, "Father, does the Lord Shenzun live in the palace?"

Shi Qiao, "Why do you ask the Lord God?" He suddenly thought of what his wife told him about his daughter a few months ago.

Could it be that my daughter hasn't forgotten Si Lingfeng after several months?
Seeing the look in her father's eyes, Shi Beiyao knew what he was thinking. In the past few months, her family was afraid that she would be sad, and would not eat or drink like other infatuated women, and would come to her yard to chat with her every day.

The elder brothers even took time out every day to take her out to relax, and her father was not as fierce to her as before.

No matter how big her heart is, she also knows that her family cares about her all the time.

Although she likes Si Lingfeng, it's not to the point that she doesn't want to marry him, not to mention Si Lingfeng already has a fiancée.

Today's question was just out of curiosity, and what she wanted to know was whether Ren Xixi also lived in the palace.

A few months ago, she and Ren Xixi had similar interests, and the two chatted happily, and she immediately fell in love with this friend.

"I want to know if Ren Xixi lives in the palace." Shi Beiyao said.

Shi Qiao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, "You're talking about that Daoist Xi, it's rumored that she lives all over the world, so she probably doesn't live in the palace."

"Oh." She was a little disappointed.

When we arrived at the main hall, it was full of courtiers.

At this time, the emperor was sitting on the high dragon chair in front of him, and the Lord Shenzun was sitting next to him and below.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Suddenly, all the ministers stood up and kowtowed to the emperor in front.

"Everyone loves you!" The emperor in a yellow dragon robe stood up, opened one hand, and faced the crowd.

Immediately everyone sat down.

"Today's feast, everyone should drink and eat well, there is no need to be formal."

"Thank you for your grace!" Another deafening voice came.

Afterwards, everyone began to eat, and the dancers at the banquet danced.

Shi Beiyao was eating sweet-scented osmanthus cake, but her eyes were turning around at the banquet. She caught a glimpse of Si Lingfeng sitting next to Lord Shenzun, her eyes flickered slightly, and she turned her head to look elsewhere.

She sat and ate for a while and felt a little bored. As soon as she got up, she was stopped by her elder brother.

Shi Beiyi, "Third sister, this is the imperial palace, where are you going?"

"Go to the toilet." Shi Beiyao said with a smile.

Shi Bei said meaningfully, "Remember to go early and return early." He thought about what happened a few months ago again, so he sent his accompanying servant to follow her.

Xiao Ru, as her maidservant, also followed.

When Shi Beiyao left, at the banquet, Lord Shenzun also got up and left.

Si Lingfeng originally wanted to find Lin Yirou.

A few days ago, he knew that Miss Lin was coming to the court, so he specially bought a box of rouge powder.

Now seeing his uncle leaving the table suddenly, he hesitated and followed suit.

And Lin Yirou's eyes had been on that black figure all the time, seeing him get up and leave the table, she also planned to get up.

"Miss, where are you going?" the green-clothed maidservant asked hurriedly.

"I... go, just go out for a walk." Lin Yiju said.

"Miss, there are many people in the palace, so I'll go with you." She said worriedly.


Seeing his daughter leaving the banquet and Si Lingfeng's absence, Master Lin thought that his daughter was going to find him.

He said with a smile, "Women are not allowed to stay in college. I can't wait to see him before I enter the door."

Lin Yirou felt a little shy when she heard this.

The maid behind her also covered her mouth and snickered. It turned out that the young lady was going to see her fiancé.

"Then Daddy, I'll go." Lin Yirou leaned over and said.

Master Lin waved his hand, "Go, go, Dad can still stop you."

At night, at a certain high palace wall in the harem.

A girl in a gray robe suddenly appeared on the palace wall.

She sat down with one buttocks, her legs dangling leisurely, and above her head was a bright moon.

She held a jug of wine in her hand, and there was a plate of melon seeds beside her.

Not far away, a black figure was coming from here.

When he saw her, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, "You're here."

Seeing him, Ren Xixi flew down from the palace wall, looked at him with a smile, "Yes."

Immediately, "You didn't stay well at the palace banquet, why did you come out." She said.

"I...I feel you are here." He looked at her, his eyes were dark.

(End of this chapter)

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