Chapter 167 Past Life Mirror ([-])
Suddenly, she grabbed his sleeve.

Ren Xixi blinked, " that's the case."

Si Lingfeng who was behind had already chased after her, and when he saw her, "Ren Xixi?"

Immediately, his eyes fell on the sleeve that Ren Xixi was pulling his uncle.

When it was over, the Taoist began to tease his uncle again.

Fortunately, there was no one here, otherwise, if someone else saw him, his image of being a master would be lost.

However, this scene was still seen by Lin Yirou who rushed over.

She looked at the girl pulling the sleeve of Lord Shenzun with a smile on her face, and Lord Shenzun looked at each other tenderly, and she couldn't help feeling jealous.

Si Lingfeng saw that his uncle didn't want him to stay here to get in the way, so he pursed his lips and left in a disgraceful manner.

The uncle didn't need him to accompany him, so he walked towards the main hall.

He can now give her the rouge powder he bought.

He walked to the path, and suddenly saw Lin Yirou standing not far away, he was taken aback, surprise flashed across his eyes, and he was about to go up to say hello.

Then I heard the maidservant in green say, "Miss, came out to see Lord God?"

"Xiaoyun, stop talking." Lin Yirou said immediately.

Seeing that the young lady's expression was different tonight, the maid was so frightened that she dared not speak any more.

When Si Lingfeng heard these words, his expression was shocked.

...Is it actually his uncle she likes?
He recalled that a few months ago, when he was at Lin's house with his uncle, he thought she was shy, but it turned out that she liked his uncle all along.

His eyes dimmed, the box of rouge powder tightly held in his hand loosened, and the rouge powder fell to the ground...

Immediately, he turned and left.

Lin Yirou looked around and saw no one, she pulled the maidservant and said, "Let's go quickly, don't tell Daddy about this."

"Yes..." the maid said.

Si Lingfeng walked forward in a daze, when suddenly a black shadow rushed towards him.


Shi Beiyao bumped into him, looked up and saw Si Lingfeng, with surprise in his eyes, "Why are you here?"

But she found that he seemed to be in a bad mood.

And he was a little surprised when he saw that it was Shi Beiyao, and asked himself when he saw her.

He scratched his head, "I...I just came for a walk." He tried his best to hide his depression, not wanting her to see it.

Then he asked suddenly, "What are you doing here at night?"

"I..." It was Shi Beiyao's turn to stutter, "I... I also came out for a walk." As she spoke, her gaze was still wandering around.

Because both of them had a guilty conscience, neither of them noticed the strangeness of the other.

After the banquet, those who lived nearby returned to their homes, while those who lived far away lived in the palace.

The emperor also specially entertained these heroes to stay in the palace for a while.

The next day, Si Lingfeng came to look for his uncle, and found that the Taoist priest was actually in his palace.

At this time, she was sitting on the table without a shape, and there was a plate of fruit on it, and she was holding one in her hand.

It's still early in the morning, so the Taoist priest shouldn't be sleeping here.

As he thought about it, the way he looked at the Taoist priest changed, "You... you slept last night..."

Ren Xixi bit a pear, "I just came here."

Si Lingfeng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that.

He thought that his uncle's reputation was lost.

"Where's my uncle?" he said.

Ren Xixi took another bite and chewed, "I'm washing up."

Si Lingfeng stared at her, looked at her, and turned half a circle.

"What do you see me doing?" Ren Xixi blinked.

"Well... don't you know fortune-telling?"

"Well, do you want to count?" Ren Xixi said.

Hearing this, Si Lingfeng hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Yes."

He came over and sat cross-legged across from her.

"That... I encountered an annoying thing yesterday."

"Tell me." After Ren Xixi finished eating the pear, she ate another banana.

"I..." He began to hesitate again, facing the Taoist priest he was talking about every day, he suddenly couldn't speak.

"Don't babble, just say something if you have anything to say." Ren Xixi said.

"I fell in love with a girl, but she doesn't like me...and we both have engagements, if...if I know she doesn't like me at all, I...I won't..." He frowned, not daring to Look at her, afraid that she will make a joke.

Hearing this, Ren Xixi smiled, "It's not a solution for you to escape, you might as well ask her, maybe you have a choice in your heart."

Si Lingfeng raised his head upon hearing the words, "Really...really?"

"Yeah. Your situation is quite easy to solve. You might as well follow that girl." After she finished speaking, she turned her gaze to the door, and this person was Shi Beiyao.

Shi Beiyao's eyes lit up when she saw Ren Xixi, "Xixi, you are really here. The maid here said that you are in the palace of Lord Shenzun, so I came here. I didn't expect you to be here."

And Si Lingfeng was still thinking about Ren Xixi's words, what did he need to learn from Shi Beiyao?
Ren Xixi seemed to hear his heart, and added in his ear, "I can pick it up, but I can put it down."

Si Lingfeng was surprised, and looked at her, as if...he understood a little bit.

After Shi Beiyao greeted Ren Xixi, she saw Si Lingfeng next to her. She was about to greet him when she saw him get up and leave without even looking at her.

"What's wrong with him?" She looked at his back as he left.

"Probably because I love you and you don't love my drama."

Ren Xixi finished the last bite of banana boredly, and changed another fruit in her hand. She opened her mouth and took a bite. This one was not too sweet, she threw it away after taking a bite, and took another one.

Shi Beiyao was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, she lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.


Si Lingfeng took a deep breath and walked into Lin Yirou's place.

She was a little surprised when she saw him, but she was also a little bit expected. When she met his eyes, she couldn't help avoiding her eyes.

Si Lingfeng saw this.

If it was before, he would have thought she was being shy, but now... there is only a trace of bitterness in his heart.

"Young Master Feng, why are you here?" she said.

"Miss Lin, Fengmou has something to ask you, please answer truthfully." He said solemnly.

Hearing this, Lin Yirou's eyes flashed, and she said with a smile, "Young Master Feng, tell me."

"I...want to ask Miss Lin...whether she likes Fengmou or not." He looked at her and said.

Lin Yirou's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, and she dodged her eyes, and smiled unnaturally, "Why would Mr. Feng say that?"

Seeing this, Si Lingfeng said, "Since Miss Lin asks this question, she doesn't like it."

Lin Yirou was taken aback, "I..."

"Ms. Lin needless to say, I know. I delayed Miss Lin."

He took out the hairpin she had given him from his bosom, and handed it back to her, "Let's call it quits on our marriage."

He paused, "If the outside world mentions it, it's Miss Lin that you called off the engagement."

After speaking, he turned and left without waiting for Lin Yirou to reply.

(End of this chapter)

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