Full-level bosses conquer the world with metaphysics

Chapter 193 The Battle of the Six Kingdoms

Chapter 193 The Battle Between the Two Countries ([-])

Early in the morning, the soldiers got up to practice.

Ren Xixi woke up from Si Jue's tent, and when she looked up, she saw that he was sitting by the bed and had regained his human form.

She tugged at his sleeve intentionally or unintentionally, stretched under the quilt, and then slowly got up.

After her drowsiness was completely gone, she glanced at a bowl of hot noodles on the table next to her.

"Is this for me?" she said.

"Well, I thought you should be awake by now."

During his time with her this year, he probably got a clear idea of ​​her current living habits.

So a few minutes before she got up, she went to the back kitchen and made a bowl of noodles and brought them over.

Ren Xixi got up, washed up briefly, and sat in front of the table, smelling the scent of chopped green onions sprinkled on her face.

Si Jue reached out and picked up the chopsticks and handed them to her.

She took it from his hand and took a bite, her appetite suddenly increased, and she started eating faster.

After she was full, she remembered and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Si Jue nodded, "Well, it's over."

She was relieved.

At this time, Tao Yaoyao opened the tent and walked in. She saw the two of them and said with a smile, "I knew you were in Lord Si Jue's tent."

As she said that, her eyes were full of envy, and she couldn't help but think of her Mu Jun again.

She shook her head quickly, waved away the figure that she missed day and night in her mind, and smiled again, "Xixi, come here later, I have something to find you."

"Okay." Ren Xixi replied.

Tao Yaoyao nodded and left.

In this cold winter, soldiers wearing heavy armor shouted slogans of victory on the field.

"Ma Yu, the white flour steamed buns I just got are still warm, you can eat them while they are hot." Amu ran over and stuffed the two steamed buns in his pocket to her.

Ma Yu held the steamed buns he handed over in his hand, and his entire palm was warm.

"Have you eaten?" She looked at him and the corners of her mouth had been frozen dry.

"Eat." He smiled and added, "The food in the barracks has been very good these days, so don't worry, I won't go hungry."

Mayu nodded.

Immediately, the two were speechless for a while.

Amu hid his embarrassment and smiled, "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

"Hmm..." she whispered.

However, when he was about to leave, Ma Yu immediately stopped him, "Just wait a moment."

Hearing this, Amu stopped and turned his head.

Ma Yu walked over, took out a mandarin duck handkerchief from her arms, and quickly stuffed it to him, blushing slightly, "...you take it."

He stared blankly, "You..."

It is not clear to him what it means for an unmarried woman to give a gift to an unmarried man.

He suppressed the joy in his heart, and said solemnly, "When we win, I will definitely live up to you!"

"Yeah." She nodded, with anticipation hidden in her heart.

It was almost lunch time, and the soldiers were tired from the drill, so they all sat on the ground to rest.

The soldiers responsible for food, clothing, housing and transportation poured everyone a bowl of hot water.

They used it to warm their hands while drinking, and their stomachs were instantly warmed after drinking.

"When we win this battle, I will definitely ask for a daughter-in-law when I go back, have a few children, and live a simple life."

"I haven't been home for more than ten years, and I don't know how my old mother is doing now."

"If I can go back alive this time, I will immediately marry Ah Hua who lives next door to me."

"Then I'll hug my wife and son and kiss a few more times."

"Me too. It's much more comfortable to have a daughter-in-law warm my bed than now."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Everyone was talking, and the originally dull atmosphere became cheerful.

"Wait, do you smell meat?"

"I can smell it, and the smell of rice." Another soldier said with bright eyes.

"Isn't there a lot of meat in today's meal?"

They stayed in the military camp for several months, and the meat was only a few pieces, and they couldn't eat at all.

"Today is our last battle. The general prepared it specially to reward us."

"I think it must be. I haven't eaten meat for a long time. I don't want to die without eating meat." He was full of energy when he thought of eating meat.

When the other soldiers heard this, their eyes were filled with anticipation. If they could eat a full meal of meat, they would be worth it even if they died.

As they thought, today's lunch really had a lot of meat.

It is the kind of real meat that can be seen and eaten.

There is also delicious white rice, and each person has a bowl full of meat, which is enough to make everyone eat and drink well and feel full.

All of a sudden, the place to eat became lively.

Si Jue, Ren Xixi and some generals ate with the soldiers today.

Everyone toasted and clinked glasses, and the food was much happier than usual.

"Thank you, Lord, Daoist Xi and all the generals!" All the soldiers stood up and toasted them.

Ren Xixi and the others stood up and saluted the soldiers.

Today's meat and rice were bought by Ren Xixi and Si Jue from the Lin family in Ningcheng.

Also went to the woods to hunt some prey.

Ren Xixi looked at these soldiers, but the figure of Princess Qingcheng appeared in her mind.

There was a faint melancholy on the brows, Tao Yaoyao rarely saw this on her face, and couldn't help but say, "Xixi, what's wrong with you...?"

"It's okay." She said, recently her mood was always restless, she looked at Si Jue, as a divine beast, she couldn't see his ending.

Hope this battle ends successfully.

Si Jue also noticed her abnormality, and asked in the same way, "Xixi, are you okay?"

Ren Xixi shook her head, "It's okay."

Si Jue reached out and held her hand tightly, "If there is any difficulty, we will face it together."

"Hmm," she said.

The faint uneasiness in my heart was suppressed.

After eating and drinking, the soldiers took a nap.

Not long after they woke up, the soldiers standing guard outside rushed over.

"General! Jiang Guo's army is here!"

Hearing this, everyone's faces sank, the happy mood was gone, only solemn expressions remained.

Tao Yaoyao quickly ordered to go down, and all the soldiers arranged their teams, and then walked out against the cold wind.

On the top of the city tower, there were many archers, and on the other side of the city wall were millions of enemy troops, and at the front stood countless beasts with bloody mouths wide open.

The ferocious beast looked up at the people on the tower, with a fierce look in its eyes, thick mucus on its thick teeth, and a bloody stench.

Ren Xixi was wearing a Taoist robe, standing on the city wall, holding hands tightly with Si Jue, she turned her head to look at Si Jue, "No accident, today's battle will determine the victory or defeat of the Wen Dynasty."

She turned her head, and her eyes fell on a military strategist with sickly white skin sitting on one of the beasts not far ahead.

"The master behind him should come out."

She looked up at the sky, it was dark and gray, and the whole sky was darkened.

One of the clouds was different from the others, it was darker and surrounded by turbid air.

(End of this chapter)

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