Full-level bosses conquer the world with metaphysics

Chapter 194 The Battle of the Six Kingdoms

Chapter 194 The Battle Between the Two Countries ([-])

"Kill!" Wen Chao's soldiers rushed up quickly, waving their knives.

In an instant, a splash of blood splashed out, staining the battlefield red.

Those ferocious beasts roared and stomped their heavy hooves, and the soldiers were blown away.

The ferocious beast slapped it with one paw, and the soldiers of the Wen Dynasty were instantly turned into meat paste.

Some soldiers were directly swallowed alive by the beasts.

Shi Qiao held up the spear in his hand, with blood splashing on his face, he raised the spear and shouted, "Soldiers, charge me! These vicious Jiang people must be driven out!"

When the soldiers behind heard this, their blood boiled with enthusiasm, and their eyes gleamed with determination.

They were almost red-eyed, and soldiers kept falling and standing up again.

Jiang Guo brought several times more soldiers than before, and even more fierce beasts crowded the battlefield, and they could only rush forward against difficulties, and they must not back down!
Ren Xixi, Si Jue and Tao Yaoyao quickly joined the battle.

She immediately released countless dao talismans and flew towards the beasts.

Fierce beasts are evil creatures. As soon as they touch the talisman light, their huge bodies immediately become sluggish.

In the next second, they were blown away by the talisman paper, and a group of Wen Dynasty soldiers swarmed up, and inserted all the weapons in their hands into the flesh of the beast, splashing foul-smelling blood.

Sitting on the ferocious beast watching the battle, the strategist set his eyes on Ren Xixi, seeing that she killed several ferocious beasts with ease, his eyes darkened. It was this Taoist priest who killed the two slaves raised by Master Xu some time ago. beast.

He really underestimated her. He thought that this Taoist priest was just a little bit more capable than others, but he didn't expect that she would boldly invade the Jiang country secretly and strangle the slave beasts raised by the false master without being discovered. And get out of the way.

Then he turned his attention to Si Jue, who was the one who severely injured the Void Lord back then.

This time, the Void Lord will kill him himself, if only the Taoist priest is not in the way.

If it weren't for this Taoist priest, their false master would have unified the great cause long ago.

Originally, the Void Lord's plan was to use Jiang Guo to destroy the God Venerable Qilin, but he did not expect that a stumbling block suddenly appeared on the road.

Si Jue turned into the body of a beast, and the divine beast Qilin appeared with a sense of righteousness. The red light on his body soared into the sky, like a rainbow of ten thousand zhang, covering the bodies of those fierce beasts, and the beasts lost their ability to move in an instant. , crouched there trembling, and let the soldiers of the Wen Dynasty attack it.

Tao Yaoyao threw away the long sword in her hand at this time, her hands formed seals, her fingertips fluttered, and then she flew up and stood in the air.

Countless peach blossoms spread out from behind her, and those peach blossoms condensed together, turning into a foil sword with an invisible airflow and flying towards the ferocious beasts.

Wherever she passed, those ferocious beasts were directly pierced by her sword.

With a bang, the huge bodies of the beasts fell to the ground one after another, raising a huge cloud of dust.

There are capable people and strange men here in Wenchao, and the addition of the monster race, on this gray and foggy battlefield, there are constantly colorful lights flashing.

Seeing this, the military division narrowed his eyes, it seemed that they had come prepared.

He immediately asked people to release the three ancient beasts.

Suddenly, a deafening animal sound resounded through the sky. When the trembling beasts heard it, they all stood up and gradually took a few steps back.

Seeing three ancient beasts several times bigger than those beasts suddenly appear on the battlefield, the whole battlefield trembled.

The ordinary ferocious beasts that retreated let out even more ferocious roars.

When the soldiers of the Wen Dynasty saw the ancient fierce beasts that were really like Mount Tai, they almost couldn't hold the weapons in their hands steadily.

Immediately, the screams of wolves and ghosts rose and fell on the battlefield, and there was a strong smell of blood floating around.

Seeing the last three ancient beasts appear, Ren Xixi said to the human behind, "Leave them to me."

"Xixi, I'll go with you." Tao Yaoyao said.

Ren Xixi nodded, and she looked at Si Jue, "I'll leave it to you, the Void Lord in the clouds."

"Yeah." He looked solemn.

The dark cloud in the sky has transformed into claws and claws, revealing a gloomy pale face.

Si Jue turned into a beam of red light and flew up, and then two balls of light, one black and one red, clashed.

A lot of static black air gathered around the sky, and suddenly, they quickly descended and flew onto the battlefield.

strangle those soldiers' necks, arms, legs, and whole bodies...

The black energy entangled them, the veins on their skin bulged, their faces turned into a liver color, and they were killed by the black energy in the next second.

However, no matter which side the soldiers are from, they can still swallow the black energy.

When the Jiang people saw it, anxiety immediately appeared on their faces, "Military Master, why did the black energy brought by the Void Lord even attack our soldiers?"

The military adviser saw that there was no warmth in his eyes, and he said lightly, "Oh... those black people who don't obey my orders, if you want to investigate, you can ask the Void Lord."

General Jiang Guo saw that the two regiments were fighting fiercely in the sky, and he couldn't help saying, "Military Master, are we just watching and letting these black qi kill our soldiers?"

Seeing this, the military adviser smiled, "What's wrong? In a war between the two countries, casualties are inevitable."

"Military division, but those are soldiers of our country..." The general looked at him, feeling somewhat dissatisfied.

The people in front of them didn't take the lives of Jiang Guo soldiers seriously at all.

They didn't want to lose all Jiang's soldiers in order to win this battle, which would not be worth the loss.

"General Liu, you have seen how many beasts died on my side in today's battle. I just sacrificed a little bit of your soldiers, and then I started to pursue my responsibility. Isn't it too much to tear down the bridge?"

"Military division, but our soldiers are doing well, so we don't have to die so innocently."

If Jiang Guo soldiers were killed by Wen Dynasty soldiers, they would feel at ease, but in fact, their own people still killed their own people, which made them feel balanced.

What's more, these Jiang Guo soldiers were brought out by them personally. Just watching them being swallowed up by the black air on their side made it uncomfortable for anyone. In the eyes of the generals, soldiers should die at the enemy's In the hands of the army, it is worth dying like this.

The military adviser said coldly, "You have to pay something, you just want to get something for nothing, how can there be such a good thing in the world!"

The generals were choked and unable to speak a word.

Ren Xixi stared at the tragic situation on the battlefield, her eyes were fixed, she stopped killing the beast, but set her eyes on the military adviser not far away.

Capture the thief first and capture the king, this is an eternal truth.

The military division's sensitivity is very strong, and he soon realized that he was being targeted by the Taoist priest.

The corner of his lips hooked, he had been waiting here for a long time.

Ren Xixi used talisman paper to transform a bow and arrow, just as she was about to draw the bow to its full capacity.

The military division grabbed a man from nowhere and faced the army.

He stood on the back of the ferocious beast, holding the woman hostage in his hands. Wenchao soldiers saw that it was their princess of a country, and they didn't dare to act rashly for a moment, but waited for the general's order.

(End of this chapter)

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