Chapter 109 Mo Yu Wants to Kiss
When Lingyan spoke, her breath fell to her ears, itching.

Ling Wuyan quietly blushed.

His tone was no longer harsh, and he asked sullenly, "Then, are you angry now?"

Lingyan: "If you can talk to me well, I won't be angry!"

"……it is good."

Lingyan: "Let go first!!"

Ling Wuyan reluctantly let go of her arms.

The little hand covering his eyes was released immediately.The darkness in front of him disappeared, and suddenly became bright.

A delicate and lively little face was right in front of her eyes, her cheeks were slightly red because of anger.

The anger and anger in Ling Wuyan's heart just now seemed to be extinguished all of a sudden, and disappeared.

Lingyan glared and said, "You know my intentions now, don't you? Tomorrow morning... no, you should leave the Dongyun Sect right now!"

Ling Wuyan thought for a moment, then said: "Then Moyu wants to see you, what should I do?"

" patient!"

"Then what should I do?"

"... just endure it!"

At this time, Ling Wuyan was still kneeling on the bed. After hearing these words, he frowned as if he had heard some terrible news.

After a while, he suddenly leaned forward and approached Lingyan.

Looking down, he asked, "What should I do if I can't bear it?"

here we go again……

Lingyan's whole face was filled with embarrassment, and she didn't dare to ask Ling Wuyan what it was that she was forbearing.

She looked away and said, "It's up to you! As long as you don't let the Dongyun faction find out and don't conflict with them."

But if she doesn't ask, it doesn't mean that other people's minds will be changed.

Ling Wuyan's lowered eyes fell on her red lips, and he pursed his thin lips. His eyes were hot, and he asked, "As long as they don't find out, I can do whatever I want?"


Lingyan never thought deeply.

Just as he finished speaking, his waist suddenly tightened, and he fell back into that warm embrace.

Her thin lips were lightly covered, and in an instant, her round eyes widened in shock.

"Mmm... Mmm! Mmm!"

The more he struggled, the harder Ling Wuyan's movements became.

There is no skill at all, as if to prove something, such an attitude of force.

The fishy sweetness spreads in the mouth and stimulates the taste buds.

Ling Wuyan let her go only when Lingyan had trouble breathing and was almost out of breath.


A loud applause sounded in the silent night.

Because of this noise, the little snake on Lingyan's wrist opened its half-dream eyes and looked at Ling Wuyan coldly.

Because of Lingyan's mood swings, it also had some hostility towards Ling Wuyan.

"what are you doing!"

Lingyan asked incredulously.

She raised her hand and fiercely wiped away the marks on her lips with the back of her hand, but because of the force, her lips became more bright red.

Ling Wuyan narrowed her green eyes slightly, pursed her lips lightly, and swallowed the remaining scarlet sweetness into her throat.

Monster races like the blood of Lingyan, monsters and monsters like the blood of Lingyan, and Lord Mozun is no exception.

That kind of sweetness is more memorable than mellow wine, and it makes people's hearts throbbing even more than the last touch.

He said hoarsely: "What you said, as long as you don't get discovered, you can do whatever you want."

Not only did Ling Wuyan not feel that he had done something wrong, but he even spoke nonsense with confidence.

Lingyan, who had just calmed down a little, was very angry because of Ling Wuyan's actions.

Unable to bear the grievance in her heart, she tried her best to push Ling Wuyan away.

Ling Wuyan still didn't know it, and said to himself: "After the last time, I really want to taste this taste again."

(End of this chapter)

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